Agent Felesoid

Book Description

Set in the 2030s, a black cat named Spartacus becomes part cat, part machine when he is microchipped. This high-powered cat offers his newfound skills to the police and secret service. He is extremely loyal to his nation and to the Wildgust family, his owners. The cat's first mission is to investigate a group believed to be linked to the world's most infamous and wanted terrorists, namely Vincent-Leopold Van Fokker and his granddaughter, Helena Van Fokker, who are against Britain's policy of chipping criminals to track them, just as they do pets. Spartacus tries to trace the whereabouts of the Van Fokkers, especially when it becomes clear that they intend to kidnap Philomela Wildgust, the daughter of the family he lives with. Philomela's father is Charles Wildgust, the Permanent Home Secretary of State and Hereditary Lord Crown Bearer of England, who also happens to be in charge of monitoring Britain's chipping programme. After Philomela is kidnapped, Spartacus is assigned the mission to save her, but the Van Fokkers escape justice. While she was held captive, Britain was closed to the outside world. Spartacus manages to find Vincent-Leopold and kills him, but his granddaughter vows revenge by declaring war on Britain. This is the first book of the Agent Felesoid series.

Agent Felesoid and the Eyes of May

Book Description

Sir Spartacus is called into action when Dame Jane Rayfield's godson is killed after trying to infiltrate a terrorist group under the command of Helena Van Fokker. Once Spartacus has a lead into the death of Commander Rayfield's godson, he investigates someone called Randolph Van Der Kir. Mr. Van Der Kir, as he is to discover is a drug dealer, but has other interests, one of which is supplying young people to a film maker, who specialises in child pornography. Sir Spartacus soon puts the child pornographer out of business. He also has to work out the meaning of "Eyes of May" which were the last words that the young man had said to Mrs. Hooper. Spartacus mission is to discover why Mr. Van Der Kir wanted the police officer dead. While investigating Mr. Van Der Kir, he receives a signal telling him that a group of terrorists have taken over a school in the Province of Florida. He and his SAS troop soon capture the terrorists, and he is soon send back to continue his investigation. When investigating Mr. Van Der Kir, his archenemy, Helena Van Fokker, attacks a British naval base. After he discovers the person, who helped Helena Van Fokker to attack the naval base, he discovers the true meaning of the phrase "Eyes of May". After he and SAS troops captures the American terrorists, who were behind the operation on the 15th of May 2041, who were to attempt to change the minds of the Commonwealth High Commissioners at the Commonwealth Conference, in order to reverse the Treaty of Ottawa, he hears that President Flynn of the United States of America, a lackey of Helena Van Fokker, has killed a member of the Van Fokker family. Helena Van Fokker wants revenge, and she plans to use the Commonwealth Secretariat to attack the United States of America by attacking a British city with missiles, and say that the attack was organised by President Flynn and herself. After the war between the Commonwealth of Nations, and the United States of America, he and his family spend Christmas at Wildgust�, France where he has to deal with French terrorists, because they are angry that the French Islands of the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, in a plebiscite voted, to become a part of Canada. It is a never ending adventure for British Spy, Sir Spartacus Wildgust.

Agent Felesoid and the Incident on the 49th Parallel

Book Description

The series continues in the 2030s, featuring Spartacus, a black cat that becomes part machine after he is micro-chipped. His newly found skills are used to spy for the British secret service and police. Spartacus heads to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban. Helping him is a troop of SAS so they can capture the top ten leaders of the Taliban. On his return home, Spartacus witnesses his sister’s first day of attending the Army Cadet Force. After he attends several meetings of the ACF with his sister, Spartacus is ordered into his father’s office and is informed that the Canadian governor general has received an intelligence report from a mole in the CIA. His mission is to obtain the details of America’s plans to invade Canada. With the help of the mole, he gains entrance into the Pentagon, where he places the plans on the mole’s laptop to ensure her loyalties are with Canada. His plan is to blackmail the mole by getting her to hand over the plans to a group of Commonwealth spies. Spartacus requests permission to patrol the border of the 49th Parallel until he reaches a special place to witness and video record the Incident on the 49th Parallel. All the member states of the Commonwealth of Nations declared war on the U.S. and President Lincoln asked for an armistice after thirty days. In a special meeting, the USA is reduced to fifteen states.

The Blue House

Book Description

This inspiring memoir by Michael Simmons highlights his mothers efforts to protect her children from her alcoholic, abusive husband. After a DWI results in him losing his job, Michaels father moves his family from Arkansas to Missouri, where losing another job means the family moves to a small house in the Arkansas countryside. His mother takes on picking cotton to earn money for the childrens Christmas presents. Another job loss, another move: the stress and uncertainty in his familys life creates insecurity and loneliness for Mike. He is finally befriended by a woman who takes him to church with her and introduces him to God. The Blue House places Mikes experiences alongside insightful commentary by Dr. Daniel Middlebrooks, who observes the life lessons Mike learns in a manner that guides readers to examine their own lives and find answers to their questions in scripture and self-reflection.

Grow Where God Plants You

Book Description

Grow Where God Plants You tells the story of a man, born sixth out of eleven siblings in a family that lived in a remote mountain community in western North Carolina, who settled on education as his pathway to discovering the wider world. As Dale G. Hooper made his way through high school, college, and graduate school, he began to hear God calling him to become a missionary. Answering that call, he served with Cross Culture Missionaries in Kenya in eastern Africa, for nearly three decades. Now toward the end of his eighth decade, he has embraced a new challenge: writing a chronicle of his lifes journey for friends, family, and all who feel drawn to a globe-spanning story of a life-changing adventure. Hooper demonstrates his victory over the voices that his flooded thoughts with questionsIs my adventure of life good enough to write about? Who would want to read it?and doubtsYou cant write this book. Youll never finish it. With an eye for detail and a keen sense of history as story, Grow Where God Plants You shows how one man responded to the soil in which Gods hand planted him.

Federal Courts

Book Description

Broken Hero

Book Description

Luis Hernandez is a teenage kid that attends school at Cardinal High. One day, Cardinal High gets attacked by some mystery people that results in the death of Luiss best friend. Holding his friends lifeless corpse in his arms pushes him on the path of revenge. Luis becomes a hero after saving his school and continues to get hunted down. After being hunted, Luis starts to search for answers about why he was highly trained in fighting and hacking. His search for answers leads him to find out about his superhuman gifts and a secret war that has been going on between superhumans and dark monsters from the corners of the earth.

Madcap Masquerade

Book Description

The festive 1920s in Santa Fe are the setting for this comic romance. After a slip with the scissors has refashioned her bob, the novel’s twenty-year-old heroine, Amanda Williams, embraces the mistake, deciding to check into La Fonda to attend the next day’s Fiesta disguised as a boy. Soon she is entangled in a net of mistaken identities.

Association Dwelling

Book Description

This is a narrative guide that takes current and prospective homeowners/investors by the hand, helping them understand the sometimes complex concept of association dwellings. This easy-to-understand guide will introduce concepts that may be foreign and perhaps a little intimidating and will plant a seed of understanding. That seed will be nurtured, allowing it to take root and mature. Upon maturation of the seed, the homeowner/investor will come away with clarity and understanding that he or she can easily relate to.

Burn It Blue

Book Description

Ruan Sabre, a strange boy with white hair and lavender eyes, is a student at Clinton Street School in Toronto. But he holds an amazing secret: his family was born on a habitable star, Fiddlers Green. The Sabre family is light years ahead of humanity. They are able to think rapidly, change their appearance at will and travel at warp speed. Early in the school year, Ruan develops friendships with students that include Astrid Farrow, Alistair Peebles and Finian Gloue. Because of their potential to help others, Ruans parents ask the young adults to join the Earthly Circle presided over by Ruans father, Onyx Sabre. Meanwhile, Alistair is getting online messages from Not-Ned, an evil creature who spends every waking moment in his laboratory on Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter, with his dull-minded but fawning tribe of Morbid Pranksters. He seeks to thwart the Sabres in their attempts to show Earthlings how they must make significant changes to how they look after their planet Earth. Only time will tell whether Alistair will take the bait. In this novel, advanced people from a distant star recruit young Earthlings to help them rearrange the worlds prioritieswhile their nemesis works to stop them.