An Experimental Evaluation of a Computer-Assisted Instruction Study Management System (CAISMS).

Book Description

A Computer-Assisted Instruction Study Management System (CAISMS) was experimentally investigated in the context of an introductory college economics course. The 228 students in the CAISMS and control classes attended similar lecture-discussion classes and received an identical battery of achievement tests and questionnaires during the semester.

Development and Implementation of the Computer Assisted Instruction Study Management System (CAISMS)

Book Description

The purpose of the study was to design, tryout, and evaluate a system for maintaining attentive study of instructional materials. A CAI system was used for this purpose but, in contrast to most CAI efforts, existing materials were used and students spent minimal time in on-line contact with the computer. The report includes a manual of procedures for preparing test items which maintain attentive study, evaluation of the system, cost projections for use of the system, and a suggested extention of the system. (Modified author abstract).

Alternative Delivery Systems for the Computer-Assisted Instruction Study Management System (CAISMS)

Book Description

The Computer-Assisted Instruction Study Management System (CAISMS) was developed and implemented on the PLATO system to monitor and guide student study of text materials. It administers assignments, gives quizzes, and automatically keeps track of a student's progress. This report describes caisms and several hypothetical implementations of caisms by other means--(1) a manual system without computers, and (2) a computer-managed system, including a batch-oriented computer system with a computer operator interfacing the students and the computer; a time-sharing system similar to plato but not instruction-oriented; a minicomputer system running 20 to 30 terminals used only for caisms delivery; and a microcomputer system with one small computer per student. Finally, the report describes how caisms was implemented in a university economics course and a community college history course, and how it might be implemented in two Navy courses--interior communications and air conditioning/refrigeration.