Analysis of Stochastic Methods for Predicting Particle Dispersion in Turbulent Flows

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The current research seeks to develop a computational model that accurately describes particle dispersion in turbulent flow. Current particle dispersion models do not accurately predict the small-scale clumping of particles in turbulent flow that occurs due to interaction with turbulent eddies. A new stochastic vortex structure (SVS) model was developed and compared with current stochastic Lagrangian models (SLM) for turbulent flows. To examine what characteristics of the fluid flow field that lead to dispersion of particles, a number of non trivial measures were used. A discrete-element model is used to transport particle locations for cases with and without adhesive forces. Direct numerical simulations (DNS) are used as a baseline for comparison between the two models. Initial results show that the SVS model matches the spatial structure of the flow field of DNS reasonably well, while the SLMs do not. Investigation of particle collision rate suggest that while SVS matches the large length scales of flow, it omits the smaller scales of the flow.

New Approaches in Modeling Multiphase Flows and Dispersion in Turbulence, Fractal Methods and Synthetic Turbulence

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This book contains a collection of the main contributions from the first five workshops held by Ercoftac Special Interest Group on Synthetic Turbulence Models (SIG42. It is intended as an illustration of the sig’s activities and of the latest developments in the field. This volume investigates the use of Kinematic Simulation (KS) and other synthetic turbulence models for the particular application to environmental flows. This volume offers the best syntheses on the research status in KS, which is widely used in various domains, including Lagrangian aspects in turbulence mixing/stirring, particle dispersion/clustering, and last but not least, aeroacoustics. Flow realizations with complete spatial, and sometime spatio-temporal, dependency, are generated via superposition of random modes (mostly spatial, and sometime spatial and temporal, Fourier modes), with prescribed constraints such as: strict incompressibility (divergence-free velocity field at each point), high Reynolds energy spectrum. Recent improvements consisted in incorporating linear dynamics, for instance in rotating and/or stably-stratified flows, with possible easy generalization to MHD flows, and perhaps to plasmas. KS for channel flows have also been validated. However, the absence of "sweeping effects" in present conventional KS versions is identified as a major drawback in very different applications: inertial particle clustering as well as in aeroacoustics. Nevertheless, this issue was addressed in some reference papers, and merits to be revisited in the light of new studies in progress.

Lecture series

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Building a Turbulent Jet

Book Description

The mechanics of how particles diffuse, interact, eject, etc. within a fluid is applicable to numerous industrial and environmental applications. Unwanted products of combustion, dust contamination of solar panels, pathogen transport during a cough and ejections of particles during volcanic eruptions, are a few examples of flows in which increased knowledge of particle dynamics could result in substantial reduction of negative environmental and economic impacts. To better understand the tendencies of particles within shearing flows (such as jets), an extensive experimental campaign was conducted. Measurements of a turbulent round water jet were performed within an icosahedral tank. Particle tracking velocimetry was employed to create three-component, three-dimensional trajectories. Particles of varying size and weight were used to seed the flow in order to provide a range of inertial effects based on the particle interaction with the fluid. Numerous Eulerian and Lagrangian parameters were characterized and most notable, a trajectory stationarization technique was successfully implemented to address the inhomogeneity of the flow field. This approach could be extended to provide systematic methods to analyze complicated flow fields, enhancing knowledge of their dynamics. Alternatively, theoretical models of particle mechanics have been constructed, contributing to the baseline understanding of Lagrangian dynamics. Stochastic processes and phenomenological approaches are presented to accurately predict the low-order statistics of tracers, point particles which follow the motion of the fluid, for the idealized flow of homogeneous, isotropic and stationary turbulence (i.e. without the inclusions of external forces).

Stochastic Lagrangian Modeling for Large Eddy Simulation of Dispersed Turbulent Two-Phase Flows

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Understanding the dispersion and the deposition of inertial particles convected by turbulent flows is a domain of research of considerable industrial interest. Inertial particle transport and dispersion are encountered in a wide range of flow configurations, whether they are of industrial or environmental character. Conventional models for turbulent dispersed flows do not appear capable of meeting the growing needs of chemical, mechanical and petroleum industries in this regard and physical environment testing is prohibitive. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) ha.

Gas-solid Flows, 1993

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