Pleistoannelida, Sedentaria III and Errantia I

Book Description

This book is the third volume in a series of 4 volumes in the Handbook of Zoology series treating morphology, anatomy, reproduction, development, ecology, phylogeny, systematics and taxonomy of polychaetous Annelida. It is devoted to the remaining Sedentaria and the first branches of Errantia. These sedentary polychaetes are Terebellida and Arenicolida, all of which are tube-dwelling and deposit feeders. The tubes may be simple burrows stabilized by mucus or the tubes are highly sophisticated often really aesthetic structures build-up of sediment grains glued together by their secretion. Although the former possess anterior appendages used for collecting food particles, these are likely not modified palps rather than a new acquisition. Many of these species are adapted to occur within environments characterized by low oxygen supply and so many members of these taxa possess elaborated branchiae, usually positioned on a number of anterior body segments except for Maldanidae which look like bamboo sticks and thus earned their common name bamboo worms. Members of Arenicolida and Maldanida may occur in high abundance and as such they create biogenically graded sediment beds. The Errantia part starts with Myzostomida, a group of symbiotic animals associated with echinoderms which have been variously placed within the tree of life. As such they show numerous adaptations to this specific mode of life. The next group discussed within Errantia is Protodrilida, a taxon comprising four families of the former archiannelids which belong to the interstitial fauna. Most likely they evolved by miniaturization from larger ancestors. In contrast to typical errants they do not possess well-developed parapodia and antennae. This taxon is followed by Eunicida characterized by possession of a specific jaw apparatus situated ventrally in the foregut and associated with specific musculature. Also being a species rich group showing various feeding modes some of the smallest and the largest members belong to this taxon.

An Annotated Checklist of the Marine Macroinvertebrates of Alaska

Book Description

A current and comprehensive species list of marine invertebrates of Alaska is essential for effective management of living marine resources, sustainable fisheries, conservation of vulnerable ecosystems, and advancement of our knowledge of biodiversity and ecosystem function. Furthermore, the most current checklist available to resource managers and scientists is quite dated and limited in that it only includes the marine invertebrates of the southern coast of Alaska to California. Since that checklist was published, many new species have been described, many range extensions have been discovered, and considerable changes in higher-level systematics have been made. The checklist that we have compiled lists 3708 species and presents for each species the currently accepted scientific name and its significant synonyms, common names, type localities, geographic and depth distributions, a general statement of abundance in Alaska when known (e.g., rare, uncommon, common, abundant), and general remarks. It includes species recorded in the marine waters of Alaska from the intertidal zone, continental shelf, and upper continental slope to abyssal depths, from the Beaufort Sea at the Arctic border with Yukon, Canada; the eastern Chukchi Sea, the eastern Bering Sea, the Aleutian Islands to the western border with Russia; and the Gulf of Alaska to Dixon Entrance at the southern border with British Columbia. Sound and reliable taxonomic identifications are necessary to monitor and predict changes in the distribution and abundance of marine species. The current status and future direction of the study of Alaskan marine invertebrate biodiversity are briefly discussed.

Annelida Basal Groups and Pleistoannelida, Sedentaria I

Book Description

This book is the first in a series of 4 volumes in the Handbook of Zoology series about morphology, anatomy, reproduction, development, ecology, phylogeny and systematics of Annelida. This first volume covers members of the so-called basal radiation and the first part of Sedentaria. It is supplemented by chapters on the history of annelid research, their fossil record, and an introduction to the phylogeny of annelids and their position in the tree of life. In the latter chapter the history of their systematic is reviewed giving an almost complete picture of systematic-scientific progress especially in the past years which changed our view on annelid phylogeny dramatically. The most basal annelids, lately united as Palaeoannelida, represent two families of aberrant polychaetes formerly often suggested to be highly derived which now give us a fresh look on how the ancestral annelid may have looked like. These lack certain key characters such as nuchal organs and possess rather simple nervous systems which now likely represent primitive character states. In this basal radiation the first taxon of apparently unsegmented and achaetigerous animals is positioned, the Sipuncula. Most likely another group of platyhelminth-like and unsegmented and even chaeta-lees annelids, Lobatocerebridae falls into this basal radiation. The section of Sedentaria starts with Orbiniida, a taxon characterized by elongated, thread-like worms which do not have anterior appendages like palps and comprises several families representing members of the Meiofauna. These minute worms often inhabiting the interstitial spaces in marine sands are suggested to have evolved by progenesis. The second higher taxon is represented by Cirratuliformia comprising nine families of typical sedentary polychaetes each of which showing a remarkable variation of the annelid body plan. Members of this taxon usually exhibit many annelid characters but certain also lack the most typical prostomial appendages, the palps.