Backgrounds to Dispensationalism

Book Description

The purpose of this book is to describe the historical setting out of which dispensationalism has grown, to establish what dispensationalism is, and to point out its implications for contemporary church life. Beginning with a survey of the major features of dispensationalism in relation to the historic beliefs of the church, the book then examines the origins of dispensationalism in the thinking of John Nelson Darby.What kind of man was Darby? What were the circumstances in which his theology was fashioned? What were the practical consequences of his theology of the church for his own day? Dr. Bass offers well-founded answers to these questions, helping readers make their own evaluations about dispensationalism.Dr. Bass traces the development of Darby's thought and practice through the Plymouth Brethren movement. He clearly demonstrates how Darby not only introduced new theological concepts, but new principles of interpretation. This emerging system of interpretation, with its particular chronology of future events, has largely informed the popular Left BehindÓ eschatology. In this light, it is clear that Bass's discussion of Darbyite dispensationalism is just as relevant as when his book first came out in 1960.This study is the result of an intensive and exhaustive search for accuracy of detail with a fair, non-argumentative style. Those wishing to do further research will appreciate his classified bibliography regarding dispensational literature.

Dispensationalism, Israel and the Church

Book Description

The relationship between Israel and the church is a crucial reference point in theology, especially in distinguishing between dispensational and nondispensational schools of thought. The writers of this book view Israel and the church as distinct theological institutions within the historical progress of divine revelation. But they are also related as successive phases of a redemptive program that is historically progressive and eschatologically converging. The goal of the book is a convergence of ideas among evangelical scholars in recognizing both continuity and discontinuity in the Israel-church relationship. - Back cover.

Rightly Dividing the Bible Volume One

Book Description

An extensive, yet simple and easy-to-read book about how to properly interpret the Bible. Dr. Walker has dedicated his time and effort in thorough research and answers most questions about dispensations and dispensationalism. Upon reading these volumes, the reader will find himself, not only well informed, but also with a great wealth of reference material for future use. —Dr. David Peacock, Pastor, Bible Believers Baptist, Jacksonville, Florida. GET THE BACKGROUND—The excuse that there are “so many interpretations of the Bible” is exposed with a clear concise defining of biblical terms, using the Bible itself to define those terms. DISCOVER THE HISTORY—Learn about the men, manuscripts, and movements that have shaped views of Bible interpretation. Find out who really believed the Bible and those who merely used the Bible to support their opinions. UNLOCK THE PROPHECIES—Many prophecies are unraveled and shown how they relate to the return of Christ, the church, and the nation of Israel.

Understanding Dispensationalists

Book Description

Covenant Theology

Book Description

A Comprehensive Exploration of the Biblical Covenants This book forms an overview of the biblical teaching on covenant as well as the practical significance of covenant for the Christian life. A host of 26 scholars shows how covenant is not only clearly taught from Scripture, but also that it lays the foundation for other key doctrines of salvation. The contributors, who engage variously in biblical, systematic, and historical theology, present covenant theology not as a theological abstract imposed on the Bible but as a doctrine that is organically presented throughout the biblical narrative. As students, pastors, and church leaders come to see the centrality of covenant to the Christian faith, the more the church will be strengthened with faith in the covenant-keeping God and encouraged in their understanding of the joy of covenant life.

Three Central Issues in Contemporary Dispensationalism

Book Description

(Foreword by Charles R. Swindoll) This work examines (1) methods of interpretation, (2) the biblical covenants, and (3) the relationship of Israel and the church from the viewpoints of both the traditional and progressive dispensationalists.

Dispensationalism Before Darby

Book Description

For years, critics of premillennialism have argued that John Nelson Darby was the source for the doctrine of the rapture and dispensationalism. Building upon years of research in seventeenthcentury and eighteenth-century English theological writings, William Watson argues that dispensationalism and the ideas associated with it were long part of British theological discourse. Drawing upon hundreds of early printed English books and years of archival study in primary sources and British libraries, Watson demonstrates that Darby's thought was neither aberrant nor original. To the contrary, he was following a long line of British clergy who anticipated the restoration of Jews to a national homeland and the imminent return of Jesus Christ.

Progressive Dispensationalism

Book Description

Thoughtful and accessible. An up-to-date, comprehensive overview of the most important issues in dispensationalism, underpinned with accurate scholarship and summarized with clarity.