Barrier, Joint, and Diaphragm Effects on Force Distribution in Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges

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ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research was to create two finite element models (FEM) using ANSYS 11.0 and calibrate them to the measured test results. After the calibrated models were validated a parametric study was performed comparing the effects of secondary elements on live load distribution. Included in this parametric study are the effects of the barrier, the barrier joint, and the diaphragms, on the girders, both interior and exterior. The results of this project show the effects of secondary elements and whether they are localized or global on the longitudinal span of the bridge, as well as tell how the live load is being distributed. Also, for load testing, recommendations on placement of strain gages will be discussed.

Lateral Load Resistance of Diaphragms in Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges

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Each year several prestressed concrete girder bridges in Iowa and other states are struck and damaged by vehicles with loads too high to pass under the bridge. Whether or not intermediate diaphragms play a significant role in reducing the effect of these unusual loading conditions has often been a topic of discussion. A study of the effects of the type and location of intermediate diaphragms in prestressed concrete girder bridges when the bridge girder flanges were subjected to various levels of vertical and horizontal loading was undertaken. The purpose of the research was to determine whether steel diaphragms of any conventional configuration can provide adequate protection to minimize the damage to prestressed concrete girders caused by lateral loads, similar to the protection provided by the reinforced concrete intermediate diaphragms presently being used by the Iowa Department of Transportation. The research program conducted and described in this report included the following: A comprehensive literature search and survey questionnaire were undertaken to define the state-of-the-art in the use of intermediate diaphragms in prestressed concrete girder bridges. A full scale, simple span, restressed concrete girder bridge model, containing three beams was constructed and tested with several types of intermediate diaphragms located at the one-third points of the span or at the mid-span. Analytical studies involving a three-dimensional finite element analysis model were used to provide additional information on the behavior of the experimental bridge. The performance of the bridge with no intermediate diaphragms was quite different than that with intermediate diaphragms in place. All intermediate diaphragms tested had some effect in distributing the loads to the slab and other girders, although some diaphragm types performed better than others. The research conducted has indicated that the replacement of the reinforced concrete intermediate diaphragms currently being used in Iowa with structural steel diaphragms may be possible.

Assessing the Needs for Intermediate Diaphragms in Prestressed Concrete Bridges

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Reinforced concrete Intermediate Diaphragms (IDs) are currently being used in prestressed concrete (PC) girder bridges in Louisiana. Some of the advantages of providing IDs are disputed in the bridge community because the use of IDs increases the cost and time of construction. There is no consistency in the practice of providing IDs among various states and codes of practice, and the overall effectiveness of IDs, as well as the need for them in prestressed concrete bridges, is unclear. The objectives of this research were (1) to assess the need of reinforced concrete (RC) IDs in PC girder bridges and to determine their effectiveness, and (2) to search for a possible alternative steel diaphragm configuration that could replace concrete diaphragms if necessary. The research team has examined and reviewed state-of-the-art technology and current practices from many sources of information on IDs. Through a survey questionnaire and review of the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD) Bridge Design Manual, the research team obtained relevant information regarding the ID practices in Louisiana. Through the LADOTD data base for all state bridges, and from direct interaction with district engineers, several of the bridges that are of interest for this study were selected for field inspection. From these field trips to various bridge locations, much information has been acquired from the bridges themselves, as well as from the district engineers. Systematic parametric studies for various bridge configurations, which are representative of an entire range of bridge geometries with different parameters, were analyzed through simplified and solid finite element models. This study was performed on right and skewed bridges, which are simply supported and continuous. A reduction factor that could be multiplied by the AASHTO load distribution factor to account for the influence of the diaphragm in load distribution was developed. A finite element analysis was carried out using 3-D solid models to assess the effectiveness of various diaphragms in protecting the girders against the lateral impact and to determine the design forces in the steel bracing members during construction of deck. The results from the parametric studies indicated that several parameters such as skew, span length, spacing, stiffness of diaphragm and girder have different levels of influence on the effectiveness of diaphragms in live load distribution for bridges. Correction factors that could quantify the ID influence on load distribution were developed. Results from various studies indicated that a steel diaphragm section can possibly replace the RC diaphragms. A prestressed concrete bridge was tested in the field. This bridge was selected by an inspection team comprised of personnel from FHWA, LADOTD, and the LSU research team and is located over Cypress Bayou on LA 408 East, in District 61. A comprehensive instrumentation and loading scheme is presented and illustrated in this report. The instrumentation consists of LVDTs - Linear Variable Differential Transformers (to measure the midspan deflection of each girder), accelerometers, strain gauges, and acoustic emission sensors. The measured results are presented, and comparisons are made between the finite element model and the field tests.

Effects of Secondary Elements and Joints on Strain Distribution in Composite Steel Girder Bridges

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ABSTRACT: When considering the design of bridge girders, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) determine how the loads will be transferred to each girder. The equations used in AASHTO Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) neglect the inertia added from secondary elements such as barriers and curbs. By neglecting these added effects, many bridges that are already built could have more strength than initially designed for. If the effects of these secondary elements were considered, it would be possible to reduce the distribution factors that are given for interior and exterior girders. The bridge of concern for this project has four spans and was built in the early 1950s. Some repair work and modifications were conducted on the bridge and a load test was performed a week afterwards. The tests were done to find out if the repairs were adequate based on full composite action between the girders and the slab. During this initial test, some problems were discovered in one of the interior spans. This interior span is unique because it contains an expansion joint and a physical barrier and curb joint at the mid-span of the bridge. After problems were discovered, the physical joints were recommended to be grouted and a second load test was conducted afterwards. The second load test yielded much lower strains in the exterior girders due to the decrease in localized stress at the physical joint. In order to prove that filling the joint could improve the bridges strength, a finite element model was constructed to simulate this activity. Two models were made, one prior to filling the physical barrier and curb joints and one after. The test data was compared to the data from the finite element model to ensure accuracy. After the model was calibrated, the secondary members of the bridge were modified to study their effects. The primary goal of this research is to prove that a physical joint in a continuous exterior secondary element will cause the same amount of strain at its location as if they weren't there to begin with. By analyzing the finite element model data, it was found that when the joint is filled the behavior of the bridge changes and the exterior girder has up to 50% reduction in strain. The effect of concrete cracking and stress distribution that is associated with it is a secondary topic that was discussed because it was a driving factor in the model calibration.