Becoming Supernatural by Worshiping in Spirit and in Truth

Book Description

The salvation found in Jesus Christ of Nazareth was not only meant to be Hell-fire Insurance. God planned for us to carry on what Jesus started with this race we are running. When Jesus ascended after conquering sin and the grave, He was passing the baton to His many brethren (Romans 8:29). Becoming Supernatural by Worshiping in Spirit and in Truth, is the second in a series meant to help the Church carry that baton and run the race Jesus and His apostles did. This book imparts keys to worshiping in spirit and in truth, and how we can become supernatural. It will help us look like Jesus and follow Him into the next great move of God! With a focus on the supernatural, the book dives deep into these topics: Falling in love with God and appreciating His Word Praying without ceasing Understanding how to hear God and know His will Recognizing the Bible as an expression of God Being baptized in the Holy Spirit Meeting with God Understanding reality by the Old Testament Receiving Destiny in the New Testament Seeking God's manifest presence whole-heartedly Applying scripture Following the Holy Spirit Don't forget to get the accompanying workbook (either as a free download within the book, or you can purchase the print edition online). The thought-provoking questions and action steps will help you apply the truths from Fullness Becoming Supernatural by Worshiping in Spirit and in Truth. Revival Fire-Starters Series Information: Surely you have read, recorded from the very mouth of our Savior, that we are destined for even greater works than He (John 14:12). This series of books is meant to equip our generation for those greater works. Each book is a lesson in discipleship with many keys, hidden gems, and revelations from Scripture you may have never heard emphasized in this way. The idea is that you would become a Holy Spirit-led manifest child of God, who ignites unstoppable, joyful, revival fires of supernatural power! Yes, that's a mouthful, but it barely describes the goal of this series. Let’s break it down. These books will help you: listen to and obey the Holy Spirit represent God and His glory as His child carry the fire of God into your family, community, workplace, school, and wherever you go. These Holy Ghost fires will spread, and no one can put them out. They are fires which are full of joy, fires that draw people to desire God (where they experience Him, and they don’t want to leave His presence), and fires of supernatural power to bring deliverance, healing, restoration, and transformation! Endorsements for the First Book: "Fullness of Joy that Only Comes with Salvation is fantastic from beginning to end. It incorporates sound doctrine and scripture in a time when we have so many "false salvations." This book is engaging, full of depth and practicality, includes prayers to join in with God, and calls us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. As stated in Chapter 6, "He wants your cup to overflow, and He doesn't mind making a mess," we need to understand our salvation and that living out the Bible is our joy." — Justin Coggins, Executive Director of God's Garage, and Founder of Pure Fire Ministries, “The Fullness of Joy That Only Comes With Salvation is such a motivating read! John’s zeal is contagious for activating others into a radical lifestyle pursuing revival. His passion will be imparted through his Revival Fire-Starters series. I love that this first book focuses on joy as that is an incredibly important fruit of our salvation. This spiritual fire manual will transform people from dutiful church-goers to excited believers set ablaze with the love and joy of God.” — Andrea Joy Moede, Author, Speaker, & Coach, Host of Higher Look Podcast,

Embraced by the Holy Spirit

Book Description

Gives practical knowledge on how to become closer to the Holy Spirit. This book will stretch the reader while bringing them into the knowledge that they can have an intimate relationship with God -- once they understand they have that relationship it shows them how to build it.

Fullness of Joy that Only Comes with Salvation

Book Description

The salvation found in Jesus Christ of Nazareth was not only meant to be Hell-fire Insurance. God planned for us to carry on what Jesus started with this race we are running. When Jesus ascended after conquering sin and the grave, He was passing the baton to His many brethren (Romans 8:29). But how well is the Church carrying that baton and running the race Jesus and His apostles did? Fullness of Joy that Only Comes with Salvation, is the first in a series meant to prepare believers for the next great revival. It's about what it really means to be saved, and how there is great joy found in living as a child of God! With a focus on this joy, the book dives deep into these topics: The state of our broken world: what God intended, what the enemy did, and what is our part What it really means to be saved The temple and the sacrifice Living as a child of God and joint-heir with Christ You are more like Christ than fallen Adam Experiencing the fullness of joy Being a person of faith, hope, and love Understanding water baptism The wonder of being a new creation and ambassador of God The freedom that comes from laying down your life What it looks like to bear God's fruit The joy of abiding in Christ Don't forget to get the accompanying workbook (either as a free download within the book, or you can purchase the print edition online). The thought provoking questions and action steps will help you apply the truths from Fullness of Joy that Only Comes with Salvation. Revival Fire-Starters Series Information: Surely you have read, recorded from the very mouth of our Savior, that we are destined for even greater works than He (John 14:12). This series of books is meant to equip our generation for those greater works. Each book is a lesson in discipleship with many keys, hidden gems, and revelations from scripture you may have never heard emphasized in this way. The idea is that you would become a Holy Spirit-led, manifest child of God, who ignites unstoppable, joyful, revival fires of supernatural power! Yes, that's a mouthful, but it barely describes the goal of this series. Let’s break it down. These books will help you: listen to and obey the Holy Spirit represent God and His glory as His child carry the fire of God into your family, community, workplace, school, and wherever you go. These Holy Ghost fires will spread, and no one can put them out. They are fires which are full of joy, fires that draw people to desire God (where they experience Him, and they don’t want to leave His presence), and fires of supernatural power to bring deliverance, healing, restoration, and transformation! Endorsements: "Fullness of Joy that Only Comes with Salvation is fantastic from beginning to end. It incorporates sound doctrine and scripture in a time when we have so many "false salvations." This book is engaging, full of depth and practicality, includes prayers to join in with God, and calls us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. As stated in Chapter 6, "He wants your cup to overflow, and He doesn't mind making a mess," we need to understand our salvation and that living out the Bible is our joy." — Justin Coggins, Executive Director of God's Garage, and Founder of Pure Fire Ministries. “The Fullness of Joy That Only Comes With Salvation is such a motivating read! John clearly has had a close encounter with Jesus. His zeal is contagious for activating others into a radical lifestyle pursuing revival. His passion will be imparted to you through this first book in his Revival Fire-Starters series. I love that this book focuses on joy as that is an incredibly important fruit of our salvation, and so many have not been taught about it. I believe this manual for finding your spiritual fire will transform you from a dutiful church-goer into an excited believer set ablaze with the love and joy of God." — Andrea Joy Moede, Author, Speaker, & Coach, Host of Higher Look Podcast, “Fullness of Joy” reminds us that God’s work in our life doesn’t end with the salvation experience. This book and workbook walk you through practical ways to dig deeper into your relationship with God, give you insight and resources on how to mature as a believer and challenge you to share your testimony with others. John breaks down the message of the Bible in simple, practical ways for you to understand. The workbook helps you to journal your growth, write prayers to God and to create goals. There’s no way you can read this book without gaining better understanding of God and growing your relationship with Him. — Chris Hendrix, Author of Devotional Guide to Stretching Your Faith, Devotions By Chris,

The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind

Book Description

You can live a supernatural life. In fact, moving in the spiritual realm should be as routine as prayer, worship and reading Scripture. It is part of what Jesus purchased for us on the Cross!

True Worshippers

Book Description

- In my pioneer church I usually go to sing and pray one or two hours before the service starts. A sister living near the Church venue later shared how at the point of saying amen to my prayers she will hear many voices echoing amen. She felt she had gone late, that the church is filled up but later she discovered I was the only one. Where did all the other voices echoing amen come from? Another visiting sister testified that as she entered the back of the compound of the church she saw the whole place full of light physically even with no electric lights on. The glory of God! True Worshipping is rooted in the grace of God and connects your Sunday service with the rest of your life in being and doing. This book, "True Worshippers (worshipping God in spirit and in truth)" will teach you how to worship God in spirit and in truth, about sacrificial worship, spiritual altars, the art of worship, how to experience God's power and healing through worship and praises, how to enter into his presence and bring down the glory. Get a copy of True Worshippers today and begin to experience God and live in the supernatural. Share copies to friends, neighbors, book clubs, and libraries. Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

Walking in the Supernatural

Book Description

Journey along! Selecting forty invigorating excerpts from their popular books, Bill Johnson and his associates have created another cup of spiritual java—an excellent blend of inspiration, encouragement and humor. Take a deep whiff of what Bill, his wife Beni, and their friends Danny Silk, Kevin Dedmon, Banning Liebscher, Chris Overstreet, Judy Franklin, Eric Johnson and Paul Manwaring have brewed specially for you. The cappuccino-sized stories are guaranteed to lift your spirit and sooth your mind. Flavorful chapter titles include: Taking Captive Every Scary Thought Lifeguards Must Be Swimmers Too Stupid to be Loved Post-Katrina Miracles Faith Is Spelled R-I-S-K Are You a Chevette or a Lamborghini? As you sip through each chapter, relax in God’s presence, learn to listen to His voice, and follow His directions. God will take you into exciting new territory, and your explorations will not end with the final page of this enjoyable book.

Unlocking the Heavens

Book Description

What Really Happens When You Worship? “This revelation will bring you into a life-changing intimacy and love relationship with God that will help you fulfill your destiny.” – Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural TV People across the Earth are worshipping God every day. But have you ever wondered: What actually happens when I worship? In Shane Warren’s groundbreaking new book, Revelation of Worship, he reveals how your worship: • Increases your awareness of the spirit realm and God’s supernatural activity in your midst • Deepens your intimacy with the Holy Spirit and takes your relationship to new levels • Strengthens your heart during dark seasons and supernaturally begins to turn the circumstances around • Gives you personal and bold access to the very throne room of heaven “This book will help you understand that true worship holds the key to the throne room of the Almighty.” - Marcus D. Lamb, Founder/President, Daystar Television Network Experience an unforgettable Revelation of Worship that presses into God’s throne-room presence and releases His throne-room power into your life!

It's Not Supernatural It's Spiritual

Book Description

It's not Supernatural; It's Spiritual To "operate in the supernatural" is a statement that many churches state we as Christians should be able to do. But is that conceptually true according to scriptures? This book will examine whether or not this concept can be supported by the Bible. It will explore such topics as follows: • Is there a difference between "operating in the supernatural" and "being spiritual"? • Can we actually operate in the supernatural? • What is the difference and why is it so important to understand? • Why would Satan want us to operate in the supernatural? • What does God expect of us as his church? The answer to these questions and more will be thoroughly examined in the contents of this book. What the Bible says about these things may truly surprise you.


Book Description

The Word of God says, "God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and Truth" (Jn 4:24). To worship in spirit (or in Spirit) is to worship with your heart or human spirit (or to worship according to the Holy Spirit). This is opposed to worshipping in the flesh and according to the senses, as in the Old Testament. And you have to worship in Truth. To worship in Truth is to worship according to the Word of God. When you live in sin and say that you are praising and worshiping God, you are foolish: God has millions (or billions) of angels who worship and praise Him; and there are millions (or billions) of human beings who worship and praise God. If you live in disobedience to the Word of God that you know, even if you sing songs, and worship five hours everyday, you will still end in Hell Fire, unless you repent of your sin(s). Worship in spirit and Truth!

Spiritual Revolution

Book Description

Spiritual Revolution will shake the way you think about the "supernatural" power of God and your role in combating the counterfeit signs and wonders of today's cults. Spiritual Revolution contains stories, insights, and practical suggestions about how you can aggressively choose to live in the supernatural power of God. In this powerful book filled with facts and personal experiences, you will clearly discover the difference between: Churchianity & Christianity. Godly power & satanic control. Fact & truth. Supernatural visitations & occult experiences. Christians no longer need to sit idly by while the world is bombarded with new age practices, witchcraft, and satanism. No matter who you are or where you live, you play a vital role in establishing God's plan for the earth. Join the Spiritual Revolution! Author, teacher, and prophet, Patricia King, sounds the alarm for believers to entertain angelic creatures and slay the dragons. She leads you into the spiritual dimension where you will discover the glorious "Third Heaven" through the power of the Holy Spirit. Enlist in the Spiritual Revolution and you will be transformed into a powerful witness throughout an eternal lifetime.