Bhagavan Anandamurti

Book Description

A collection of inspiring stories about the life of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (P.R. Sarkar), founder of Ananda Marga.

Bābā's Grace

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Ananda Marga Key Ideas

Book Description

Bhakti, Dharma, Guru, Karma, Mantra, Sadhana, Tantra. Seven words that are remarkably explained by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti in a few original discourses collected in this compilation. These are key ideas in Ananda Marga Ideology which constitute a practical philosophy suitable for solving all problems of modern age. It is said that Tantra is 99%% practice. But that remaining 1%% is also of invaluable importance if we try to understand the underlying meaning and purport.

Ánanda Sútram: The Yoga Sutras of Ánandamúrti

Book Description

Yoga Sutras are not only ancient texts from other centuries, nor are they excluded to the commonly known texts such as those of Patainjali. Here you will find a series of sutras from the 20th century, illuminating one with yogic wisdom for the modern world. Essential reading for any serious student of yoga or Eastern philosophy. Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti dictated the original Bengali Ánanda Sútram to a close devotee as they sat, in a series of night sessions in 1961, on the tiger's grave in Jamalpur that Ánandamúrtijii and the devotees used to frequent. The devotee wrote by the light of a candle. Sometimes the candle flame was sheltered by a glass drinking tumbler as a sort of makeshift lantern. Ánanda Sútram means, in part, "aphorisms leading to ánanda, divine bliss." The sútra form has been valued over the centuries as a powerful tool for communicating a deep philosophy in a condensed, memorable way. The literal meaning of sútra is "thread," implying that numerous jewels of thought can be strung on a single such thread. In the best traditions of sútra literature, the eighty-five sútras of this book serve, with breathtaking conciseness, as a framework for the entire Ananda Marga ideology.

Discourses on KRS¿N¿A and the GiitÁ. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

Book Description

Krśńa, the Mahábhárata, the Bhagavad Giitá, and many shlokas (couplets) from the Giitá fig- ured prominently in the discourses of Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti throughout a lifetime of His spiritual teachings. The Discourses on Krśńa and the Giitá is a collection of discourses by Shrii Shrii Ánandamúr- ti that were compiled to complement Discourses on the Mahábhárata and Namámi Krśńasundaram -- the author's two existing books on these topics.

Universal Vision

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Ánanda Sútram

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The Essence of the Spiritual Instruction

Book Description

The Upadesa Sarah (Upadesa Saram) by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. Translated with Commentary by Nome. Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, abiding in the eternal Silence of the Self, composed The Essence of Spiritual Instruction for the supreme good of all in response to the supplications of the devoted Muruganar. The poet-devotee was writing in Tamil the story of the wayward rishis who dwelled in the Daruka forest and practiced rites for the attainment of powers that they desired. Their egos humbled by Siva and perceiving the error of their approach, they humbly sought spiritual instruction from Siva. Siva graciously bestowed the instruction, and it is these teachings that Muruganar requested Sri Bhagavan, Siva himself, to reveal in verse form. So, the Maharshi composed thirty verses in Tamil. Later, Sri Bhagavan translated them into Sanskrit. The Tamil version is entitled Upadesa Undiyar, and the Sanskrit version is entitled Upadesa Sarah and is also referred to as Upadesa Saram. This work is the English translation of the Sanskrit Upadesa Sarah. With each verse there is a ten-point commentary emphasizing the profound significance of the verse for those practicing Self-inquiry in the quest of nondual Self-Knowledge. An appendix that contains just the Sanskrit text with transliteration is included for ease of recitation and similar purposes.