Girls in French and Francophone Literature and Film

Book Description

Girls in French and Francophone Literature and Film is a collection of essays focusing on constructions of girlhood in French and Francophone Literature and Film from the late-Nineteenth to the early-Twenty-First centuries. The volume is firmly anchored at the intersection of French and Francophone studies and the bourgeoning field of girls’ studies. Collectively, the articles demonstrate that girls’ experience, historically viewed as a mere deviation from the “normative” male model, is a product of diverse ideological, cultural and economic factors, and is deserving of its own field of inquiry.

Dix ans de souvenirs militaires de 1805 à 1815

Book Description

« GIROD DE L'AIN (Jean-Marie-Félix), 1789-1874. Dix ans de souvenirs militaires de 1805 à 1815. Paris, Dumaine, 1873, in-8°,412 p. Nombreuses anecdotes sur l'Ecole militaire de Fontainebleau, la campagne de Prusse, l'Espagne (blocus de Cadix, mort du général Sénarmont, la campagne de Russie.» p 73 - Professeur Jean Tulard, Bibliographie Critique Des Mémoires Sur Le Consulat Et L'Empire, Droz, Genève, 1971

Accessories to Modernity

Book Description

Accessories to Modernity explores the ways in which feminine fashion accessories, such as cashmere shawls, parasols, fans, and handbags, became essential instruments in the bourgeois idealization of womanhood in nineteenth-century France. Considering how these fashionable objects were portrayed in fashion journals and illustrations, as well as fiction, the book explores the histories and cultural weight of the objects themselves and offers fresh readings of works by Balzac, Flaubert, and Zola, some of the most widely read novels of the period. As social boundaries were becoming more and more fluid in the nineteenth century, one effort to impose order over the looming confusion came, in the case of women, through fashion, and the fashion accessory thus became an ever more crucial tool through which social distinction could be created, projected, and maintained. Looking through the lens of fashion, Susan Hiner explores the interplay of imperialist expansion and domestic rituals, the assertion of privilege in the face of increasing social mobility, gendering practices and their relation to social hierarchies, and the rise of commodity culture and woman's paradoxical status as both consumer and object within it. Through her close focus on these luxury objects, Hiner reframes the feminine fashion accessory as a key symbol of modernity that bridges the erotic and proper, the domestic and exotic, and mass production and the work of art while making a larger claim about the "accessory" status—in terms of both complicity and subordination—of bourgeois women in nineteenth-century France. Women were not simply passive bystanders but rather were themselves accessories to the work of modernity from which they were ostensibly excluded.

Basil of Caesarea, Christian, Humanist, Ascetic

Book Description

Papers presented at a symposium held in Toronto, June 10-16, 1979.

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Silhouette de la France

Book Description

La Dentellière

Book Description

The full French text of Lain novel is accompanied by French-English vocabulary. Notes and a detailed introduction in English put the work in its social and historical context.

Cost and Management

Book Description

The Children's World of Learning, 1480-1880. Volume I

Book Description

Originally published as catalogue 100 of Antiquariaat FORUM in 10 issues between 1994-2002. With an extra issue with extensive indices. The print edition is available as a set of three volumes (9789061941392).