Biography of Hazrat Shah-i-Hamadan (RA)

Book Description

The book describes about the life of Hazrat Mir Sayid Ali Hamadani (RA)the great scholar Sufi Saint known as Shah-i-Hamadan in Kashmir. Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani (Persian: میر سید علی همدانی‎; c. 1314–1384 CE) was an Iranian scholar, poet and a Sufi Muslim saint of the Kubrawiya order. He was born in Hamadan, Iran and preached Islam in Central and South Asia as he travelled to practice Sufism. He died in Khatlan, Tajikistan in 1384 CE, aged 69–70. Hamadani was also addressed honorifically throughout his life as the Shāh-e-Hamadān ("King of Hamadan"), Amīr-i Kabīr ("the Great Commander"), and Ali Sani ("second Ali").[1] Early life The title "Sayyid" indicates that he was a descendant of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, possibly from both sides of his family. Hamadani spent his early years under the tutelage of Ala ud-Daula Simnani, a famous Kubrawiya saint from Semnan, Iran. Despite his teacher's opposition to Ibn Arabi's explication of the wahdat al-wujud ("unity of existence"), Hamadani wrote Risala-i-Wujudiyya, a tract in defense of that doctrine, as well as two commentaries on Fusus al-Hikam, Ibn Arabi's work on Al-Insān al-Kāmil. Hamadani is credited with introducing the philosophy of Ibn-Arabi to South Asia.[3] Travels Sayyid Ali Hamadani traveled widely and preached Islam in different parts of the world such as Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, China, Syria, and Turkestan. The third visit of Sayyid 'Ali was caused by the third invasion of Persia by Timur in 1383 when he conquered 'Iraq, and decided to exterminate the 'Alavi Sayyids of Hamadan who, until his time, had played an important part in local affairs. Sayyid 'Ali, therefore, left Hamadan with 700 Sayyids, and set out towards Kashmir where he expected to be safe from the wrath of Timur. He had already sent two of his followers: Syed Taj ud-din Semnani and Mir Syed Husain Semnani, to take stock of the situation. Shibu'd-din became a follower of Mir Syed Husain Semnani and so Hamadani was welcomed in Kashmir by the king and his heir apparent Qutub ud-Din. At that time, the Kashmiri ruler was at war with Firuz Shah Tughlaq, the Sultan of Delhi, but Hamdani brokered a peace. Hamdani stayed in Kashmir for six months. After Sharaf-ud-Din Abdul Rehman Bulbul Shah, he was the second important Muslim to visit Kashmir. Hamadani went to Mecca, and then returned to Kashmir in 1379/80 CE, during the reign of Qutub ud-Din, and spent a year spreading Islam in Kashmir, before returning to Turkestan via Ladakh in 1381/82 CE. He returned to Kashmir for the third time in 1383/84 CE with the intention of staying for a longer period but had to return earlier owing to illness. Hamadani died on his way back to Central Asia at a site close to the present day town of Mansehra in North-West Pakistan. His body was carried by his disciples to Kulob, Tajikistan, where his shrine is located. Influence Hamadani started organized efforts to convert Kashmir to Islam. Hamadani is regarded as having brought various crafts and industries from Iran into Kashmir; it is said that he brought 700 Syed's with him to the country.The growth of the textile industry in Kashmir increased its demand for fine wool, which in turn meant that Kashmiri Muslim groups settled in Ladakh, bringing with them crafts such as minting and writing. Hamadani wrote a book on politics, governance and social behaviour, called the Zakhirat ul-Muluk. Works One manuscript (Raza Library, Rampur, 764; copied 929/1523) contains eleven works ascribed to Hamadani (whose silsila runs to Naw'i Khabushani; the manuscript contains two documents associated with him). · Risalah Nooriyah is a tract on contemplation · Risalah Maktubaat is a collection of Hamadani's letters · Dur Mu’rifati Surat wa Sirat-i-Insaan, discusses the bodily and moral features of man · Dur Haqaa’iki Tawbah, deals with the nature of penitence · Hallil Nususi allal Fusus, is a commentary on Ibn Arabi’s Fusus-ul-Hikam · Sharhi Qasidah Khamriyah Fariziyah, is a commentary on the wine qasidah of Umar ibn ul-Fariz who died in 786 A.H. =1385 A.C. · Risalatul Istalahaat, is a treatise on Sufic terms and expressions · ilmul Qiyafah or Risalah-i qiyafah is an essay on physiognomy. A copy of this exists in the United States National Library of Medicine. · Dah Qa’idah gives ten rules of contemplative life · Kitabul Mawdah Fil Qurba gathers traditions on affection among relatives · Kitabus Sab’ina Fi Fadha’il Amiril Mu’minin, gives the seventy virtues of Ali. · Arba’ina Amiriyah is forty traditions on man’s future life · Rawdhtul Firdaws is an extract of a larger work entitled Manazilus Saaliqin, which is on Sufi-ism · Awraad-ul-Fatehah gives a conception of the unity of God and His attributes · Chehl Asraar (Forty Secrets), is a collection of forty poems in praise of Allah and Muhammad · Zakhirat-ul-Muluk a treatise on political ethics and the rules of good government Syed Abdur-Rehman Hamdani in his book Salar-e-Ajjam lists 68 books and 23 pamphlets by Sayyid Ali Hamadani.

Biography of Shah-i-Hamadan (RA)

Book Description

Hazrat Mir Sayid Ali Hamadani (RA) was born in 1314 AD at Hamadan Iran. His mother's name was Fatimah and his father's name was Sayid Shahab-ud-din bin Sayid Muhammad Husaini. His lineage gets connected to Hazrat Ali (RA) by sixteen links through Hazrat Imam Husain (RA). He gained his Islamic knowledge and spiritual knowledge at a young age and traveled various countries for 21 years. He arrived in Kashmir thric between 1372 AD to 1383 AD. He passed away at Kunar in 1384 AD at the age of 72 years and was buried at Khatlan Tajkistan. In Kashmir he is known as the founder of Islam in Kashmir. He was agreat scholar of Islam and wrote many books in Persian and Arabic.


Book Description

Predictions of Shah Nematullah Wali (RA)

Book Description

The predictions of Shah Nematullah Qadri (RA) have great importance in the Persian literature and have remained on the roof top of common fame and most of these have proved right till date. Shah Nematullah Qadri has expressed appropriately in the form of the Persian verse and it becomes known that he has got evidenced through revelation and inspiration and has not taken any help from any hints, allusion or hidden indications of future happenings or personalities, instead he has described these in such clear words that there remains possibility of not an iota of doubt and not only his stated names but also their titles by letters even have proved to be right.

Shah Nemat-ul-lah wali (RA) - Predictions

Book Description

The book was written in Persian by Hazrat Shah Nematullah Wali (1331-1431 AD) born in Syria. He was a great Sufi Saint who authored over a hundred books in Arabic and Persian languages. Most of the predictions made in this book about six centuries back have come true. He predicted the establishment of Mughal rule in Hindustan with names of kings and the battles that they would fight. He predicted about the British rule in Hindustan, the freedom struggle and the division of the country into two. His predictions about future make the readers curious and compell them to pay attention to the book. Shah Nematullah Wali was born in 734 AH/1331AD and passed away around 834 AH/1431 AD. He was born in Syria but spent most of his life at Samatqand, Herat, Yezd and Kirman. His order of Sufism “Nemat-i-Ilahi” is still exists in Iran and Faras. The predictions made by Hazrat Shah Nematullah Wali in Persian poetry are of vital importance. Having turned out to be mostly true , his work has achieved heights of fame. He must have been divinely inspired to have been able to describe future events with such clarity, without resorting to metaphorical laguage, leaving no doubt in the reader's mind about the obviousness of the events he was foretelling. Even the names and titles of the historical figures and events he speaks about in his predictions have proven to be correct.


Book Description

The book covers the musings of the author from the year 2017 to date in continuation of Kashmir Chronicles Part 1 covering his monthly musings from 2011 to 2016-published earlier. These write ups appeared in various local dailies, his publications, his books under publication etc., and cover topics of general interest. These will make very interesting reading

My Recollections

Book Description

The book covers the incidents in the life of the author from his childhood till date, spanning about eight decades. These incidents were recalled during his stay in UAE in 2014 and were subsequently update to present date 2021 at Srinagar. Many of the incidents were hair-raising witnessing narrow escape from death. It is bound to make an interesting reading for all sections of people.

Maqamat-i-Eishan Hazrat Shaikh Yaqoob Sarfi (RA)

Book Description

The book is English translation of the book written in Persian verse in 1011 AH/1602 AD by a great Sufi Saint of Kashmir Khwaja Habibullah Nowshehri about the stations of his preceptor Hazrat Shaikh Yaqoob Sarfi (RA)- the unparalleled scholar saint of Kashmir. The book describes the aspects of Shaikh Yaqoob's in esoteric and exoteric knowledge and the miraculous events that occured during his travel to Afghanistan, Central Asia, Arabia and Indian subcontinent in 16th century AD. The book was first translated in to Urdu language and now in English for the readers conversant with English language.

Introduction of Islam in Kashmir through Qalandar-i-Sadat

Book Description

The book describes the biography of Hazrat Mir Sayid Muhammad Hussain Simnani (RA), who migrated from Simnan Iran first to Delhi next to Kashmir on the divine directions of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) during repeated dreams in 760 AH/1359 AD. He played a great role in reforming the thought and practice of the Sultan of Kashmir, besides freeing the people from superstitions, false beliefs and idol worship by his preachings and at ocasions showing his miraculous powers.


Book Description

The book is authored by Mir Sayid Ali Hamadani (RA) (d.786AH) who introduced Islam in Kashmir with a mass conversion by his preachings / miracles besides spreading the message through his companions. The prayers were sanctioned for recital by the contemporary saints with the spiritual blessings of Prophet Muhammad (PBH). These were gifted to Kashmiris for loud recita\l in mosques in morning prayers.