Blessing for the Nations and the Curse of the Law

Book Description

Revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Durham, 1998.

Blessing for the Nations and the Curse of the Law

Book Description

Jeffrey Wisdom interprets Paul's citation of Genesis and Deuteronomy in Gal 3.8-10. He surveys the promise to Abraham to bless all nations and the curse of the covenant in the Jewish scripture. Blessing for the nations is an important part of God's covenant purpose for Abraham's descendants from the start. The curse of the covenant is consistently connected with the motifs of failure to do all the law and of the abandonment of the Lord for other gods. Jeffrey Wisdom then identifies and analyzes the various strands of the postbiblical Jewish literature that cite the promise of blessing for the nations and the curse of the covenant. He further argues an interpretation of Gal 3.8-10, in which the importance for Paul's argument of blessing for the nations and the curse on those who are disloyal to the Lord is stressed. Paul's call to preach the gospel to the gentiles and his defense of the truth of the gospel provide the context for the connection between the gospel and the promise to Abraham of blessing for the nations in Gal 3.8, a blessing which has always been God's purpose for Abraham's descendants. The interpretation of Gal 3.10 then builds on this insight. Those who are of works of the law are identified as the troublemakers who have preached another gospel to the Galatians and thereby have been disloyal to God and his purpose for Abraham's descendants. Paul cites Deut 27.26 to support this assertion that they have been disloyal to God and therefore are under the curse. Jeffrey Wisdom traces this interpretation of Gal 3.8-10 through to 3.13-14 and supports it by other traces of the same perspective on the gospel and the curse in Galatians.

The Blessing

Book Description

The Blessing: Unleash this Known Ancient Truth More Powerful Than the Law of Attraction to Help You Win in Life Have you ever heard of the Law of Attraction? It says you attract whatever you always think about and feel the most. But there's a force and truth so much more powerful than the Law of Attraction. It allows you not only to attract but to create whatever you want to be, do, and have in accordance with how your Creator originally wanted you to be, do, and have. You can win over your challenges in life, physically, spiritually, and financially. You can achieve success that lasts for a lifetime and even eternally You can make an impact in your world and generation. This Force and Truth is called "The Blessing". The good news is that this force called "The Blessing" is already within you. You only have to activate and unleash it in your life. This book will tell you how. Yes, "The Blessing" can help you: - Win over ALL your challenges in life - Achieve success that lasts - Make a global and generational impact Purchase this book and learn all about "The Blessing" and how you can unleash this ancient Truth and Force more powerful than the Law of Attraction. "The Lord said to Abraham... I will give you many descendants, and they will become a great nation. I will BLESS you and make your name famous, so that you will be a BLESSING. I will BLESS those who bless you, but I will curse those who curse you. And through you I will BLESS all the nations. (Genesis 12:1-3 GNBDK) TATA VELASQUEZ is a child of God, writing about the love of God, and inspiring the children of God to live in Christ Who gives health, wealth, and victory through her books, business, and blog:

Blessings and Curses

Book Description

Each affordable book in the Biblical Truth Simply Explained series examines a vital aspect of the Christian faith. The books are written by a variety of authors, all in a way that presents the message of the Bible clearly and simply. British editions of this series, published by Sovereign World, have sold more than a million copies in all.

Daily in Christ

Book Description

Neil and Joanne Anderson's bestselling 365-day devotional is now available in trade paper. Daily in Christ puts a spark into devotional readings and quiet times with its emphasis on a believer's identity in Christ. A motivating challenge for Christlike living.

The Curse of the Law

Book Description

The Bible speaks of different laws including those of the Pharisees, Sadducees, Herod, of men, and the Law of YeHoVaH, our Creator. Mankind's religions have their own laws and traditions that their leaders say we "must" follow. But the Almighty says that if we fail to follow His Law, that we will be "cursed." What is this curse? For millenniums, religious people have preached a very different Gospel than the one that Messiah Yeshua taught, lived, and left for all believers for all time. That Gospel of the Kingdom talks about an obedient Savior who kept his Father's Laws and appointed times. Yet most people ignore what Yeshua said and modeled in favor of manmade religions and their holy days and traditions. Why do people who call themselves "saved" honor manmade laws and traditions instead of those established by YeHoVaH at creation? What is the curse people claim that those who obey the commandments of YeHoVaH go under? Discover why those who reject the Law in favor of Judaism, Christianity or other teachings are living in a cursed state of Lawlessness that is powerless to redeem. The Curse of the Law is only upon those who are Lawless! True followers of Messiah have the testimony of Yeshua (Jesus), are obedient to YeHoVaH's Law, and are richly blessed. It is each our choice: Salvation and Blessings, or The Curse of the Law and the death that it brings. Choose wisely!