A Catalogue of Part of the Superlatively Elegant and Magnificent Household Furniture, French Plate Pier and Chimney Glasses, of Signal Magnitude and Perfection, Chandeliers and Lustres, a Superbe Organ ... Built by Crang - Gobelin Tapestry, in Fine Preservation; Marble Groups and Busts, Antique Bronzes, Pictures ... and a Variety of Rare, Curious, and Valuable Effects,

Book Description

A Catalogue of the Genuine Fashionable Household Furniture, Comprising Brilliant Pier and Chimney Glasses; Grand Piano-forte; Cabinet Articles; Cut Glass Chandeliers ... an Extensive Collection of Valuable Paintings, Amongst which are Many Admirable Specimens of the Most Esteemed Masters; an Assemblage of Costly, Rare, & Valuable Antique & Italian Bronzes, Comprising Many Bold and Exquistely Fine Specimens of the Choicest Workmanship, Selected with Superior Judgement ... [etc.] [1826].

Book Description

A Catalogue of Part of the Superlatively Elegant and Magnificent Household Furniture, French Plate Pier and Chimney Glasses, of Signal Magnitude and Perfection, Chandeliers and Lustres, a Superbe Organ ... Built by Crang - Gobelin Tapestry, in Fine Preservation; Marble Groups and Busts, Antique Bronzes, Pictures ... and a Variety of Rare, Curious, and Valuable Effects,

Book Description