Solid State Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Quantum Dots Coupled to Photonic Crystal Cavities

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Quantum dots (QDs) coupled to optical cavities constitute a scalable, robust, on-chip, semiconductor platform for probing fundamental cavity quantum electrodynamics. Very strong interaction between light and matter can be achieved in this system as a result of the eld localization inside sub-cubic wavelength volumes leading to vacuum Rabi frequencies in the range of 10s of GHz. Such strong light-matter interaction produces an optical nonlinearity that is present even at single-photon level and is tunable at a very fast time-scale. This enables one to go beyond fundamental cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED) studies and to employ such e ects for building practical information processing devices. My PhD work has focused on both fundamental physics of the coupled QD-nanocavity system, as well as on several proof-of-principle devices for low-power optical information processing based on this platform. We have demonstrated the e ects of photon blockade and photon-induced tunneling, which con rm the quantum nature of the coupled dot-cavity system. Using these e ects and the photon correlation measurements of light transmitted through the dot-cavity system, we identify the rst and second order energy manifolds of the Jaynes-Cummings ladder describing the strong coupling between the quantum dot and the cavity eld, and propose a new way to generate multi-Fock states with high purity. In addition, the interaction of the quantum dot with its semiconductor environment gives rise to novel phenomena unique to a solid state cavity QED system, namely phonon-mediated o -resonant dot-cavity coupling. We have employed this effect to perform cavity-assisted resonant quantum dot spectroscopy, which allows us to resolve frequency features far below the limit of a conventional spectrometer. Finally, the applications of such a coupled dot-cavity system in optical information processing including ultrafast, low power all-optical switching and electro-optic modulation are explored. With the light-matter interactions controlled at the most fundamental level, the nano-photonic devices we implemented on this platform operate at extremely low control powers and could achieve switching speeds potentially exceeding 10 GHz.

Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Quantum Dot - Photonic Crystal Nanocavities

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High quality factor, small mode volume photonic crystal cavities and single emitter quantum dots are the topic of this dissertation. They are studied as both a combined system with InAs quantum dots grown in the center of a 2D GaAs photonic crystal slab nanocavity as well as individually. The individual studies are concerned with passive 1D silicon photonic crystal nanobeam cavities and deterministic, site-selectively grown arrays of InAs quantum dots. For the combined system, strong light matter coupling in a quantum dot photonic crystal slab nanocavity is discussed. Vacuum Rabi splitting is seen when the interaction strength exceeds the dissipative processes of the coupled system. In order to increase the probability of a spectral matching between cavity modes and quantum dot transitions, a technique for condensing an inert gas onto a sample is used. This can lead to a spectral tuning of up to 4 nm of the cavity mode with minimal change in the cavity quality factor while maintaining cryogenic temperatures down to 4 K. The effect of a large density of quantum dots within a quantum dot photonic crystal slab nanocavity is also addressed. Gain and absorption effects are found to occur, changing the cavity emission linewidth from that of its intrinsic value, as well as lasing with a low number of quantum dots and with high spontaneous emission coupling factors. Additionally, methods for improving the quality factor of GaAs photonic crystal cavities and better understanding different loss mechanisms are discussed. In the individual studies, the site-selective growth of InAs quantum dots on pre-structured GaAs wafers is shown as a promising method for the eventual deterministic fabrication of photonic crystal cavities to single quantum dots. An in-situ annealing step is used to reduce quantum dot density, helping ensure that dots are not grown in unwanted locations. Given silicon's potential for achieving higher quality factors than its GaAs counterpart, a study of 1D passive silicon photonic crystal nanobeam cavities is carried out. Transmission through a coupled microfiber is used to measure quality factors of the cavities and compared with that of a crossed polarized resonant scattering measurement.

On-chip Generation of Non-classical States of Light Via Quantum Dots Coupled to Photonic Crystal Nanocavities

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Cavity quantum electrodynamics has enabled unprecedented control over the fundamental interaction of light and matter. New types of on-chip optical technologies that exploit the quantum mechanical nature of light have the potential to open up an entirely new direction for semiconductor devices, combining the fine control of cavity quantum electrodynamics with the convenience of the semiconductor platform. However, the practical implementation of quantum technologies on a chip will require an on-demand source of non-classical states of light, such as pulses with a well-defined number of photons. In this dissertation, I present the development of a semiconductor non-classical light source based on coupling artificial atoms (quantum dots) to small mode-volume optical resonators (photonic crystal nanocavities). The strong coupling we achieve between a quantum dot and a photonic crystal nanocavity produces a hybridization of the quantum dot excitation with the optical field confined inside the cavity. I demonstrate how the rich energy structure exhibited by this system enables us to control the statistics of photons in a transmitted laser beam, moving between sub-Poissonian and super-Poissonian on demand. I also discuss how these non-classical states of light can be characterized by examining the higher-order photon correlations measured via a generalized Hanbury Brown and Twiss type interferometer. Furthermore, I show that by detuning the quantum dot resonance away from the cavity resonance, we can improve both the purity and the efficiency of single-photon generation in this system. This approach allows us to combine the high fidelity of single quantum emitters with the high repetition rate and accessibility of optical cavities. Finally, I explore methods for scaling up this system by fabricating multiple photonic crystal nanocavities in such a way that they couple to each other. I present the experimental realization of a photonic molecule (two coupled photonic crystal nanocavities) that is strongly coupled to a quantum dot contained inside one of the component cavities. I also examine the fabrication of coupled optical cavity arrays in this photonic crystal platform. Our experimental findings demonstrate that the coupling between the cavities is significantly larger than the fabrication-induced disorder in the cavity frequencies. Satisfying this condition is necessary for using such cavity arrays to generate strongly correlated photons, which could potentially be used for the quantum simulation of many-body systems.

Quantum Dots

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A comprehensive review of cutting-edge solid state research, focusing on quantum dot nanostructures, for graduate students and researchers.

Resonance Fluorescence and Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Quantum Dots

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Next-generation information technology is expected to rely on discrete two-state quantum systems that can deterministically emit single photons. Quantum dots are mesoscopic (~10,000 atoms large) semiconductor islands grown in a host crystal of larger band-gap that make well-defined two-level quantum systems and are very attractive due to stability, record coherence times, and the possibility of integrating them into larger structures, such as optical microcavities. This work presents experimental progress towards understanding the coherent optical processes that occur in single quantum dots, particularly such phenomena that might be one day utilized for quantum communication applications. High resolution low temperature optical spectroscopy is used in conjunction with first order (amplitude) and second-order (intensity) correlation measurements of the emitted field. A novel technique is introduced that is capable of harvesting the fluorescence of single dots at the same frequency as the laser, previously impossible due to insurmountable scattering. This technique enables the observation, for the first time, of single quantum dot resonance fluorescence, in both the weak and strong excitation regimes, which forms the basis for deterministic generation of single photons. Guided by the rich theoretical description available from quantum optics with atoms we obtain insight into the complex dynamics of this driven system. Quantum dots confined to novel optical microcavities were further investigated using micro photoluminescence. An optical microcavity properly coupled to a two-level system can profoundly modify its emission characteristics via quantum electrodynamical effects, which are highly attractive for single photon sources. The all-epitaxial structures we probe are distinguished by a bulk morphology that overcomes the fragility problems of existing approaches, and provides high quality factors as well as small mode volumes. Lasing is obtained with larger strucutres. Additionally, isolation of individual dots is further realized in smaller cavities and the Purcell effect observed in time-resolved photon counting experiments.

Handbook of Optical Microcavities

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An optical cavity confines light within its structure and constitutes an integral part of a laser device. Unlike traditional gas lasers, semiconductor lasers are invariably much smaller in dimensions, making optical confinement more critical than ever. In this book, modern methods that control and manipulate light at the micrometer and nanometer scales by using a variety of cavity geometries and demonstrate optical resonance from ultra-violet (UV) to infra-red (IR) bands across multiple material platforms are explored. The book has a comprehensive collection of chapters that cover a wide range of topics pertaining to resonance in optical cavities and are contributed by leading researchers in the field. The topics include theory, design, simulation, fabrication, and characterization of micrometer- and nanometer-scale structures and devices that support cavity resonance via various mechanisms such as Fabry–Pérot, whispering gallery, photonic bandgap, and plasmonic modes. The chapters discuss optical cavities that resonate from UV to IR wavelengths and are based on prominent III-V material systems, including Al, In, and Ga nitrides, ZnO, and GaAs.