The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook for Personality Disorders

Book Description

The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook for Personality Disorders helps readers learn and practice eight core skills based in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to overcome the symptoms of a variety of personality disorders, including paranoid personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder.

Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders, Second Edition

Book Description

This landmark work was the first to present a cognitive framework for understanding and treating personality disorders. Part I lays out the conceptual, empirical, and clinical foundations of effective work with this highly challenging population, reviews cognitive aspects of Axis II disorders, and delineates general treatment principles. In Part II, chapters detail the process of cognitive-behavioral therapy for each of the specific disorders, review the clinical literature, guide the therapist through diagnosis and case conceptualization, and demonstrate the nuts and bolts of cognitive intervention.

Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder

Book Description

For the average clinician, individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) often represent the most challenging, seemingly insoluble cases. This volume is the authoritative presentation of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), Marsha M. Linehan's comprehensive, integrated approach to treating individuals with BPD. DBT was the first psychotherapy shown in controlled trials to be effective with BPD. It has since been adapted and tested for a wide range of other difficult-to-treat disorders involving emotion dysregulation. While focusing on BPD, this book is essential reading for clinicians delivering DBT to any clients with complex, multiple problems. Companion volumes: The latest developments in DBT skills training, together with essential materials for teaching the full range of mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance skills, are presented in Linehan's DBT Skills Training Manual, Second Edition, and DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition. Also available: Linehan's instructive skills training videos for clients--Crisis Survival Skills: Part One, Crisis Survival Skills: Part Two, From Suffering to Freedom, This One Moment, and Opposite Action.

Cognitive Therapy for Personality Disorders

Book Description

It is increasingly recognized that a significant number of individuals with personality disorders can benefit from therapy. In this new edition - based on the treatment of over a hundred patients with antisocial and borderline personality disorders - Kate Davidson demonstrates that clinicians using cognitive therapy can reduce a patient's tendency to deliberately self-harm and to harm others; it also improves their psychological well-being. Case studies and therapeutic techniques are described as well as current evidence from research trials for this group of patients. Cognitive Therapy for Personality Disorders provides a thorough description of how to apply cognitive behavioural therapy to patients who are traditionally regarded as being difficult to treat: those with borderline personality disorders and those with antisocial personality disorders. The book contains detailed descriptions and strategies of how to: formulate a case within the cognitive model of personality disorders overcome problems encountered when treating personality disordered patients understand how therapy may develop over a course of treatment. This clinician's guide to cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of borderline and antisocial personality disorder will be essential reading for psychiatrists, clinical and counselling psychologists, therapists, mental health nurses, and students on associated training courses.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-5 Personality Disorders

Book Description

The first edition of Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV Personality Disorders broke new ground. It differed from other CBT books by offering brief but thorough user-friendly resources for clinicians and students in planning and implementing effective treatments. The third edition of this classic text continues this tradition by providing practitioners—both practicing clinicians and those in training—a hands-on manual of highly effective, evidence-based cognitive and behavioral interventions for these challenging disorders. The beginning chapters briefly describe the changes between the DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 and emphasize the best of the recent evidence-based CBT assessment and treatment strategies applicable to personality disorders. The book then guides clinicians in each step of the treatment process--from assessment to case conceptualization to selection and implementation of intervention. Case material is used to illustrate this process with the most recent developments from Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Schema Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy, Mindfulness-based therapies, and Dialectic Behavior Therapy.

CBT for Personality Disorders

Book Description

'CBT for Personality Disorders' offers a unique overview of the treatment strategies for working with personality disorders linking these with the theory of both cognitive and behavioural approaches.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Book Description

Until recently, borderline personality disorder has been the step-child of psychiatric disorders. Many researchers even questioned its existence. Clinicians have been reluctant to reveal the diagnosis to patients because of the stigma attached to it. But individuals with BPD suffer terribly and a significant proportion die by suicide and engage in non-suicidal self injury. This volume provides state of the art information on clinical course, epidemiology, comorbidities and specialized treatments


Book Description

There are two ways to pursue happiness. There is the 'Western' approach, known as 'optimizing, ' in which we try to bring about the satisfaction of our desires, and there is the 'Eastern' method, known as 'adapting, ' in which we transform our desires so that nothing can hurt us - we become invulnerable, even to such realities as death. In Invulnerability, Steven Luper analyzes the nature of happiness and compares the two strategies: optimizing and adapting. He investigates the claim made by some of the greatest thinkers (including Buddha, Socrates, Epicurus, and Epictetus) that the prospect of dying need not alarm us, and that we may be completely happy no matter what our circumstances. Professor Luper explains in detail how adaptation may be implemented, including the steps we must take if we are to adapt to death and every contingency which might undermine our happiness. He demonstrates that adapting, as a complete strategy, has shortcomings: if we did manage to alter our conception of happiness to guarantee ourselves the possibility of complete happiness despite premature death, our conception of happiness would be impoverished. And yet adapting can often be a useful alternative to optimizing.

Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders

Book Description

Defined by stable, long-term, subjective distress and/or social impairment, personality disorders affect up to 18% of the population. Social impairment and health care usage are far more prevalent among people with personality disorders than among people with major depressive disorders. Personality disorders are highly prevalent, variable, and notoriously difficult to treat, and they continue to challenge the therapeutic community and represent a formidable public health concern. This volume ably addresses personality disorders as one of the top priorities of psychiatry for the new millennium, offering a thorough and updated review and analysis of empirical work to point up the issues central to developing a therapeutic model for treatment as well as current research challenges. A review of extant research yields the heartening conclusion that psychotherapy remains an effective treatment for people with personality disorders. An examination of psychodynamic treatment for borderline personality disorder speaks to its efficacy. An analysis of the rationale for combining psychotherapy and psychopharmacology emphasizes the importance of identifying temperament and target conditions. A well-documented and reasoned treatise on antisocial personality disorder makes the crucial point that clinicians must acquire a depth of understanding and skill sufficient to determine what the cut-off point is for treatable versus nontreatable gradations. With the caveat that evidence supporting the efficacy of cognitive treatments for personality disorders is slight and that such approaches require tailoring, a strong case is made for their validity. This timely volume both answers and reframes many stubborn questions about the efficacy of psychotherapy for treating personality disorders.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders

Book Description

Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders offers an overview of the field, with significant updates to reflect the most recent advances in CBT in the treatment of personality disorders. Invaluable as both a text and a professional reference, it emphasizes developmental psychopathology and integrative CBT treatment conceptualizations.