Characterization of Cavity Flow Fields Using Pressure Data Obtained in the Langley 0.3-Meter Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel

Book Description

Static and fluctuating pressure distributions were obtained along the floor of a rectangular-box cavity in an experiment performed in the LaRC 0.3-Meter Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel. The cavity studied was 11.25 in. long and 2.50 in. wide with a variable height to obtain length-to-height ratios of 4.4, 6.7, 12.67, and 20.0. The data presented herein were obtained for yaw angles of 0 deg and 15 deg over a Mach number range from 0.2 to 0.9 at a Reynolds number of 30 x 10(exp 6) per ft with a boundary-layer thickness of approximately 0.5 in. The results indicated that open and transitional-open cavity flow supports tone generation at subsonic and transonic speeds at Mach numbers of 0.6 and above. Further, pressure fluctuations associated with acoustic tone generation can be sustained when static pressure distributions indicate that transitional-closed and closed flow fields exist in the cavity. Cavities that support tone generation at 0 deg yaw also supported tone generation at 15 deg yaw when the flow became transitional-closed. For the latter cases, a reduction in tone amplitude was observed. Both static and fluctuating pressure data must be considered when defining cavity flow fields, and the flow models need to be refined to accommodate steady and unsteady flows. Tracy, M. B. and Plentovich, E. B. Langley Research Center RTOP 505-68-70-08

Experimental Cavity Pressure Measurements at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds. Static-Pressure Results

Book Description

An experimental investigation was conducted to determine cavity flow-characteristics at subsonic and transonic speeds. A rectangular box cavity was tested in the Langley 8-Foot Transonic Pressure Tunnel at Mach numbers from 0.20 to 0.95 at a unit Reynolds number of approximately 3 x 10(exp 6) per foot. The boundary layer approaching the cavity was turbulent. Cavities were tested over a range of length-to-depth ratios (l/h) of 1 to 17.5 for cavity width-to-depth ratios of 1, 4, 8, and 16. Fluctuating- and static-pressure data in the cavity were obtained; however, only static-pressure data is analyzed. The boundaries between the flow regimes based on cavity length-to-depth ratio were determined. The change to transitional flow from open flow occurs at l/h at approximately 6-8 however, the change from transitional- to closed-cavity flow occurred over a wide range of l/h and was dependent on Mach number and cavity configuration. The change from closed to open flow as found to occur gradually. The effect of changing cavity dimensions showed that if the vlaue of l/h was kept fixed but the cavity width was decreased or cavity height was increased, the cavity pressure distribution tended more toward a more closed flow distribution. Plentovich, E. B. and Stallings, Robert L., Jr. and Tracy, M. B. Langley Research Center...