Industrial Relations in China

Book Description

"This enlightening book provides the first systematic introduction to, and exploration of, the emerging system of industrial relations in China, and draws on the authors' extensive research and direct involvement in the developments taking place. The authors argue that there are both unifying and fragmenting elements to the ongoing development of industrial relations, but overall it is one in which the state continues to maintain a major, and direct, influence. Divisions between workers and managers may be escalating with increased open conflicts, but this book reveals that the picture is far more complex and contradictory than to assume that the solution is convergence with western style industrial relations systems. They conclude that industrial relations institutions and processes still act within a political context and with the guiding hand of the Chinese Communist party."

China's Trade Unions - How Autonomous Are They?

Book Description

This book examines the status of trade unions in contemporary China, exploring the degree to which trade unions have been reformed as China is increasingly integrated into the global economy, and discussing the key question of how autonomous China’s trade unions are. Based on an extensive, grass-roots survey of local trade union chairpersons, the book reveals that although trade unions in foreign owned firms and in firms dealing with foreign firms are beginning to resemble trade unions in the West, in the majority of firms a state corporatist model of trade unions continues, with chairmen appointed by the party, with many of them occupying simultaneously party and trade union positions, and thinking it right to do so, and having power bases and networks in both the party and the trade union, with initiatives for protecting workers’ interests coming from the top down, rather than the bottom up, and with collective negotiation and democratic participation in union affairs continuing to be a mere formality. The book shows how the state - wishing to maintain political stability - continues to regard itself, legitimated by the concepts of "socialism" and "proletarian dictatorship", as the sole arbiter of and protector of workers’ rights, with no place for workers protecting their own interests themselves in the harsh environment of the new market economy. The book concludes, however, that because the different model of industrial relations which prevails in foreign owned firms is formally part of the government system, there is the possibility that this new more Western model will in time spread more widely.

Trade Unions in China

Book Description

This book focuses on how the All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) is reforming under current conditions, and demonstrates that labour unrest is the principal driving force behind trade union reform in China.

China's Trade Unions and Management

Book Description

This book examines the role of trade unions vis-à-vis management in the People's Republic of China from 1949 to the present day. It deals with the evolution, reform and consolidation of the Chinese labour movement and, particularly, the role of the main arm of Chinese organized labour, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) at both the apex and grass-roots levels. It not only covers the recent history of Chinese trade unions but also assesses their strategy and structure and membership as well as their legal context. After this, it goes on to consider their role vis-à-vis management in both the State-owned as well as the foreign-funded sectors. Last, it compares their activities with organized labour in three Overseas Chinese societies, namely Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan.

Trade Unions in China

Book Description

The transition from a command economy to a capitalist market economy has entirely altered the industrial landscape in which Chinese trade unions have to operate. This book focuses on how the All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) is reforming under current conditions and demonstrates that labour unrest is the principal driving force behind trade union reform in China. Presenting case studies where reform has been largely inspired by the pressure of worker activism from below, the book examines three crucial areas of trade union activity - collective bargaining, labour rights and trade union direct elections - against the background of China’s turbulent industrial relations history. As well as exploring the principal direction of trade union reform, which has been to channel disputes into juridical forms of dispute resolution sponsored by the State, the book also highlights key examples of more innovative experiments in trade union work. These represent a clear break with past practice and, crucially, have been recognised by both the union and Party leaderships as models for future trade union policy and practice. The book provides both a timely reference point and highlights the road to effective trade union solidarity.

China's Trade Unions and Management

Book Description

This book examines the role of trade unions vis-à-vis management in the People's Republic of China from 1949 to the present day. It deals with the evolution, reform and consolidation of the Chinese labour movement and, particularly, the role of the main arm of Chinese organized labour, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) at both the apex and grass-roots levels. It not only covers the recent history of Chinese trade unions but also assesses their strategy and structure and membership as well as their legal context. After this, it goes on to consider their role vis-à-vis management in both the State-owned as well as the foreign-funded sectors. Last, it compares their activities with organized labour in three Overseas Chinese societies, namely Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan.

China's Trade Unions

Book Description

Trade Unions in China, 1949 to the Present

Book Description

This book is an in-depth study of the structure and leadership of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions -- the largest mass organisation which aims at representing the interests of the labouring class in the People's Republic of China. Special attention is paid to the relations between the union system and the Party and State, to find out the circumstances and factors which affect the roles and autonomy of unions in China. While the period of analysis starts from 1949, events before 1949 are summarised at the beginning of the book so as to provide a backdrop for the research into the contemporary scene.

Trade Unions in Asia

Book Description

Offering a comprehensive account of the role played by trade unions in Asia, this book focuses on the strategies they have adopted to represent workers, and discusses the issues surrounding wages and working conditions, health and safety, women‘s employment opportunities and human resource development.

The Challenge of Transition

Book Description

This book explores the transformation of employment relations, the rise of worker protest and the reform of trade union practice to ask how successfully the state-socialist trade unions have adapted to their new role of representing the rights and interests of workers.