The Purpose, Pattern, and Character of Worship

Book Description

Within the broad range of Christianity we find diverse understandings of what makes for “good worship.” The Purpose, Pattern, and Character of Worship develops a typology of Christian worship to provide a method of assessing the decisions of congregations and leaders in forming and changing the orders of their worship. Among contemporary western Protestants, we identify at least six discrete characteristics of worship: -the Revival, -the Sunday School, -the Aesthetic Revival, -the Pentecostal/holiness movement, -the Prayer Meeting, -the twentieth-century Catholic Liturgical Renewal. These patterns define contemporary expression as: -Seeker Worship, -Creative Worship, -Traditional Worship, -Praise Worship, -House Church Worship, -Word and Table Worship. Absent an overall authority for the structure of worship (such as the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer), many Protestant congregations have developed a “conflation of patterns,” which often creates incoherent worship. This book helps leaders define the purpose, character, and pattern of their community’s worship.

Traditional Ritual as Christian Worship

Book Description

A necessary task of missionaries in recent decades has been to help local Christians "inculturate" or "contextualize" their faith, although the criteria for doing so often came from outside the context in which new believers developed their understanding of Christianity. Highlighting the voices of non-Western scholars, this work recognizes the importance of ritual and ceremony in the life of communities that seek to worship God in ways that reflect culturally appropriate responses to Scripture. The contributors -- some of missiology's leading lights -- discuss rituals, beliefs, and practices of diverse peoples, supporting the conclusion that orthodox Christianity is hybrid Christianity.

Worship, Its Theology and Practice

Book Description

In Worship, Its Theology and Practice, Jean-Jacques von Allmen establishes the broader framework of a doctrine of worship, to then see how it can be applied in practice. The book's two parts, 'Problems of Principle' and 'Problems of Celebration' allows for a holistic approach to worship in all its forms. Covering a wide range of liturgical study, von Allmen places regular Sunday worship in its historical and theological context, affirming its nature as the 'recapitulation of the history of salvation' and a sacred sign of Christ's presence, while fully acknowledging its practical role in building the Church. At its core, Worship, Its Theology and Practice envisions an experience of worship with deeper participation and simple obedience to Jesus Christ.

Worship That Pleases God

Book Description

Worship That Pleases God: The Passion and Reason of True Worship is a comprehensive book ranging far beyond the sanctuary to the private altar, to the heart of the worshiper and even to the workplace. Whole-life worship is the kind that pleases God. "...let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praiseÉAnd do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased (Hebrews 13:15, 16 NIV). A worship leader for more than thirty years, Dr. Phifer, brings a passionate writing style and sound biblical interpretation to this search for the meaning of "spirit and truth" worship (John 4:24). Dr. Phifer believes that True Worship establishes the Kingdom of God in our hearts, our homes, our places of worship as well as in the workplace and the marketplace. This book is about much more than what happens on Sunday morning. "Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit," the three characteristics of the Kingdom of God found in Romans 14:17, form the themes of each section of the book. Section One, Righteousness, deals with a biblical theology of worship. Dr. Phifer offers biblical definitions for the essential elements of worship and he presents seven biblical models for worship. Section Two, Peace, presents the priority of worship as the factor of church life that is intended to bind generations and cultures together in a bond of peace. Section Three, Joy, treats the daily life of the believer dealing with issues of craftsmanship, creativity and the spiritual warfare of private worship. Paul urged the Roman church to "...present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service (of worship)" (Rom 12:1 NKJV [NIV]). Worship That Pleases God is a passionate book presenting that reasonable service of worship to God. HR ALIGN=LEFT

Worship Theory: Laying a foundation for corporate and individual worship

Book Description

In the past year, you've probably heard a sermon or read a book about prayer or reading your Bible. You may have attended a small group study to learn how to better reach out to your community or how to improve your marriage.But when was the last time you heard a sermon about worship? When did your Sunday School class study how we're supposed to worship? If a sampling of one person from each church in your town was brought together in one room, do you think they might have a common definition of worship?Worship Theory is an encouragement for all Christians to study Scripture, open discussion, and develop worship beyond how we have come to accept it. Examine worship's importance, its purpose, and its implications on our lives. Find out how the opinions and ideas you already have about worship affect not only your offering before God, but how they relate to your image of God and His working in your life. Then learn what it means to incorporate worship in to the whole of your life.