Coach marketing 2.0

Book Description

This text has been conceived as a real training course, during which numerous topics will be explored and resolved, such as - the best tools for the promotion of a coaching activity, both offline and online; - marketing techniques dedicated to coaches; - the consequences of the digital revolution for those involved in coaching; - digital levers on which to act in order to acquire clients and retain them; - the transition from traditional to digital communication; ...and much more. Professional coaches who want to start up or promote their own business cannot leave room for improvisation and need specialist skills. The coaching market is in a completely new paradigm, where on the one hand simplified access to the profession has led to increased competition and on the other hand the client is increasingly demanding. This guide explains to coaches how to find clients and set up their own marketing plan. Stop wasting time and start finding new clients now with the coach 2.0 methodology.

Coach marketing 2.0

Book Description

Ezt a szöveget egy valódi képzési kurzusnak tervezték, amelynek során számos témát vizsgálnak meg és oldanak meg, mint pl. - a coaching tevékenység népszerűsítésének legjobb eszközei, mind offline, mind online; - az edzőknek szánt marketingtechnikák; - a digitális forradalom következményei a coachingban résztvevőkre nézve; - digitális karok, amelyeken az ügyfelek megszerzése és megtartása érdekében cselekedni kell; - a hagyományos kommunikációról a digitális kommunikációra való áttérés; ...és még sok minden más. Azok a hivatásos coachok, akik saját vállalkozást akarnak indítani vagy népszerűsíteni, nem hagyhatnak teret a rögtönzésnek, és speciális készségekre van szükségük. A coaching-piac egy teljesen új paradigmában van, ahol egyrészt a szakmához való egyszerűsített hozzáférés a verseny fokozódásához vezetett, másrészt az ügyfelek egyre igényesebbek. Ez az útmutató elmagyarázza a coachoknak, hogyan találjanak ügyfeleket és hogyan állítsák össze saját marketingtervüket. Ne vesztegesse tovább az idejét, és kezdjen el most új ügyfeleket találni a coach 2.0 módszertan segítségével.

Guerrilla Marketing for Coaches

Book Description

START BUILDING YOUR MILLION-DOLLAR COACHING BUSINESS TODAY! The coaching profession has experienced phenomenal growth over the past decade, and has become an accepted way for people and organizations to improve performance. In response to this demand, professionals from around the world are getting into coaching. Unfortunately, despite the growth of the coaching field, many coaches struggle to attract clients and charge what they are worth. It doesn't have to be this way! "Guerrilla Marketing for Coaches" provides a practical, step-by-step guide for coaches who want to fill their practice with desirable clients, and build a firm that generates wealth. Follow the six steps in this book--along with the many success stories from top coaches in the field--and you are on your way to having a million-dollar firm. You discover: The top ways to attract clients and fill your practice--without spending much, if any, money; The proven conversations to close deals and get hired; How to build a firm that generates wealth for you, and make money even if you are not working directly with clients. Join Guerrilla Marketing founder Jay Conrad Levinson and acclaimed coach trainer Andrew Neitlich as they guide you to true success in this booming profession.

Coaching Football For Dummies

Book Description

Few experiences are more rewarding than coaching a youth football team. Your journey through the season will be packed with moments that make you smile and that you and your players will remember for the rest of your lives. But what if you’ve never coached before? No worries! Coaching Football For Dummies is the fun and easy way to tackle the basics of coaching youth football. This friendly guide shows you how to teach your players effectively, regardless of their age or skill level, and lead your team to victory—even if you’re a first-time coach. You’ll discover how to: Develop a coaching philosophy Teach football fundamentals Encourage good sportsmanship Improve your team’s skills Ensure safety on the field Communicate effectively with parents Packed with valuable information on preparing your game plan before you even step on the field, this hands-on resource gives you expert guidance in building your coaching skills, from evaluating your players and running enjoyable, productive practices to working with all types of kids—uncoordinated, shy, highly talented—at once. You’ll find a variety of fun-filled drills for teaching everything from tackling and blocking to running and catching, as well as advanced drills to take your players’ skills up a notch. You’ll also see how to: Conduct a preseason parents’ meeting—an often overlooked aspect of coaching Gather the necessary gear and fit the equipment to your players Raise the level of play on offense, defense, and special teams Take steps to avoid injuries Deal with discipline issues and problem parents Make critical half-time adjustments Transition to coaching an All-Star Team Complete with tips for working with parents, keeping your players healthy, and leading your team effectively on game days, Coaching Football For Dummies is all you need—besides a whistle and a clipboard—to navigate your players through a safe, fun, rewarding season!

American Aviation Daily

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