Conductivity Evolution in Propped Fractures During Reservoir Drawdown

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We investigate the evolution of` fracture conductivity as a function of proppant loading concentration under varying effective stresses as an analog to reservoir drawdown. In particular, we define the relative impacts and interplay between proppant crushing, proppant embedment, compaction and particle rearrangement and their impacts on fluid transport. Proppant of realistic concentrations is sandwiched between split core-plugs of Marcellus shale that accommodates embedment as well as rigid steel that excludes it. Impacts of proppant crushing and embedment and roles of particulate transport in fracturing-fluid clean-up are defined. Experiments are performed under triaxial stresses with independent control on confining stress and pore pressure. Normal loading is incremented to represent reservoir drawdown with conductivity evolution recorded continuously via flow-through of brine (20,000 mg/L KCl). Proppant embedment is characterized pre- and post-test by white light optical profilometry with pre-and post-test particle size distributions of the proppant defining the impact of proppant crushing. The conductivity of propped fractures decreases by up to 95% as effective stress is increased by 50 MPa (7000 psi). This reduction is broadly independent of whether the fracture walls are rigid or deformable. The stress-sensitivity of conductivity is generally muted with increasing proppant loading concentration. We normalize fracture conductivities to equivalent permeabilities of the proppant pack to directly compare pack permeabilities. Low proppant concentrations return higher permeability at low effective stresses but lower permeability at high effective stress, relative to high proppant concentrations. This results since proppant crushing and embedment are both mitigated with increasing proppant loading concentration, as more displacement degree of freedom are added to the system and provide accommodation for interior compaction and rearrangement. Extended effective stress holding times (24h vs

Experimental Investigation of Propped Fracture Conductivity in Tight Gas Reservoirs Using The Dynamic Conductivity Test

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Hydraulic Fracturing stimulation technology is used to increase the amount of oil and gas produced from low permeability reservoirs. The primary objective of the process is to increase the conductivity of the reservoir by the creation of fractures deep into the formation, changing the flow pattern from radial to linear flow. The dynamic conductivity test was used for this research to evaluate the effect of closure stress, temperature, proppant concentration, and flow back rates on fracture conductivity. The objective of performing a dynamic conductivity test is to be able to mimic actual field conditions by pumping fracturing fluid/proppant slurry fluid into a conductivity cell, and applying closure stress afterwards. In addition, a factorial design was implemented in order to determine the main effect of each of the investigated factors and to minimize the number of experimental runs. Due to the stochastic nature of the dynamic conductivity test, each experiment was repeated several times to evaluate the consistency of the results. Experimental results indicate that the increase in closure stress has a detrimental effect on fracture conductivity. This effect can be attributed to the reduction in fracture width as closure stress was increased. Moreover, the formation of channels at low proppant concentration plays a significant role in determining the final conductivity of a fracture. The presence of these channels created an additional flow path for nitrogen, resulting in a significant increase in the conductivity of the fracture. In addition, experiments performed at high temperatures and stresses exhibited a reduction in fracture conductivity. The formation of a polymer cake due to unbroken gel dried up at high temperatures further impeded the propped conductivity. The effect of nitrogen rate was observed to be inversely proportional to fracture conductivity. The significant reduction in fracture conductivity could possibly be due to the effect of polymer dehydration at higher flow rates and temperatures. However, there is no certainty from experimental results that this conductivity reduction is an effect that occurs in real fractures or whether it is an effect that is only significant in laboratory conditions. The electronic version of this dissertation is accessible from

Experimental Study of the Effect of Stress and Fluid Sensitivity on Propped and Un-propped Fracture Conductivity in Preserved Reservoir Shale

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A good amount of work has been done on analyzing the effect of stress and fluid sensitivity on fracture conductivity in sandstones. This thesis tries to answer similar questions with regard to shale formations. Shales are very sensitive to aqueous fluids and their mechanical properties change when exposed to it. This mechanical property change in shale is mainly caused due to clay swelling. Some of the previous researchers working on shale fluid sensitivity failed to use preserved reservoir cores for their experiments and allowed them to dry out. This study has been conducted on preserved Utica and Eagle Ford core samples. Experiments were conducted to study the effect of effective stress on propped and un-propped fracture conductivity. These experiments were conducted at reservoir temperature and pressure conditions to mimic field conditions. Different fluids were flowed through the fracture to compare the effect of different fluids on fracture conductivity. To prevent clay swelling various clay stabilizers are used in the field during drilling and fracturing operations. Experiments were conducted to test the effectiveness of different clay stabilizers in preventing fracture conductivity reduction. Some of the clay stabilizers were more effective than others but all of them were unable to prevent fracture conductivity reduction when fracture was flowed with a high pH fluid.

A Study of the Effect of Stress and Fluid Sensitivity on Propped Fracture Conductivity in Preserved Reservoir Shales

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A sizable amount of literature exists analyzing the effect of confining stress on fracture conductivity in sandstones. This thesis attempts to answer similar questions with regard to shale formations. The low Young's Moduli and Brinell hardness values characteristic of many prospective shale formations may lead to a great deal of embedment and fines production which can drastically reduce fracture conductivity. Furthermore, shales exhibit sensitivity to aqueous fluids which may cause them to be weakened in the presence of certain fracturing fluids. Previous work analyzing shale fluid sensitivity has failed to preserve the shales' formation properties by allowing the shale to dry out. This paper presents a study of propped fracture conductivity experiments at reservoir temperature and pressure using various North American shale reservoir cores. Exposure to the atmosphere can alter the mechanical properties of the shale by either drying or hydrating the samples, so care was taken to preserve these shales in their native state by maintaining constant water activity (relative humidity). Variations in applied closure stress and aqueous fluid exposure were analyzed and in certain cases altered the propped fracture conductivity by crushing proppant, embedding the proppant into the fracture face, and producing fines. The damage to fracture conductivity is correlated to mineralogy for the various shale samples. These findings show that a one-size-fits-all frac design will not work in every shale formation, rather a tailored approach to each shale is necessary. In the future, the results of this work will be analyzed alongside easier to perform Brinell hardness tests, swelling tests, and other characterization techniques incorporated into the UT Shale Characterization Protocol. Correlations were developed to relate the simpler tests to the fracture conductivity experiments which yield a straight forward method to determine the role embedment and fluid sensitivity have on post treatment fracture conductivity in shales. The UT Shale characterization Protocol can then be used to optimize the design and execution of fracing treatments.

The Effect of Proppant Size and Concentration on Hydraulic Fracture Conductivity in Shale Reservoirs

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Hydraulic fracture conductivity in ultra-low permeability shale reservoirs is directly related to well productivity. The main goal of hydraulic fracturing in shale formations is to create a network of conductive pathways in the rock which increase the surface area of the formation that is connected to the wellbore. These highly conductive fractures significantly increase the production rates of petroleum fluids. During the process of hydraulic fracturing proppant is pumped and distributed in the fractures to keep them open after closure. Economic considerations have driven the industry to find ways to determine the optimal type, size and concentration of proppant that would enhance fracture conductivity and improve well performance. Therefore, direct laboratory conductivity measurements using real shale samples under realistic experimental conditions are needed for reliable hydraulic fracturing design optimization. A series of laboratory experiments was conducted to measure the conductivity of propped and unpropped fractures of Barnett shale using a modified API conductivity cell at room temperature for both natural fractures and induced fractures. The induced fractures were artificially created along the bedding plane to account for the effect of fracture face roughness on conductivity. The cementing material present on the surface of the natural fractures was preserved only for the initial unpropped conductivity tests. Natural proppants of difference sizes were manually placed and evenly distributed along the fracture face. The effect of proppant monolayer was also studied. The electronic version of this dissertation is accessible from

The Effects of Fracture Orientation and Anisotropy on Hydraulic Fracture Conductivity in the Marcellus Shale

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Production of hydrocarbons from low-permeability shale reservoirs has become economically feasible thanks in part to advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing. Together, these two techniques help to create a network of highly-permeable fractures, which act as fluid conduits from the reservoir to the wellbore. The efficacy of a fracturing treatment can best be determined through fracture conductivity analysis. Fracture conductivity is defined as the product of fracture permeability and fracture width, and describes both how much and how easily fluid can flow through fractures. It is therefore directly related to well performance. The goal of this work is to explore fracture conductivity of Marcellus shale samples fractured in both horizontal and vertical orientations. The Marcellus shale, located primarily in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, New York, and Maryland, is the largest gas-bearing shale formation in North America, and its development has significant implications on regional economies, the northeast United States' energy infrastructure, and the availability of petrochemical plant feedstock. In this work, a series of experiments was conducted to determine the propped fracture conductivity of 23 different samples from Elimsport and Allenwood, Pennsylvania. Before conductivity measurements were taken, the pedigree of samples was verified through XRD analysis, elastic rock properties were measured and compared against literature values, and fracture surface contours were mapped and measured. Fracture conductivity of both horizontally and vertically-fracture samples was determined by measuring the pressure drop of nitrogen gas through a modified API conductivity cell. Results show that fracture conductivity varies as a function of fracture orientation only when anisotropy of the rock's mechanical properties is pronounced. It is hypothesized that the anisotropy of Young's Modulus and Poisson's Ratio play a significant role in fracture mechanics, and therefore in the width of hydraulically-induced fractures. Ultimately, the experiments conducted as part of this work show that fracture conductivity trends are strongly tied to both proppant concentration and the rock's mechanical properties. The electronic version of this dissertation is accessible from

The Influence of Vertical Location on Hydraulic Fracture Conductivity in the Fayetteville Shale

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Hydraulic fracturing is the primary stimulation method within low permeability reservoirs, in particular shale reservoirs. Hydraulic fracturing provides a means for making shale reservoirs commercially viable by inducing and propping fracture networks allowing gas flow to the wellbore. Without a propping agent, the created fracture channels would close due to the in-situ stress and defeat the purpose of creating induced fractures. The fracture network conductivity is directly related to the well productivity; therefore, the oil and gas industry is currently trying to better understand what impacts fracture conductivity. Shale is a broad term for a fine-grained, detrital rock, composed of silts and clays, which often suggest laminar, fissile structure. This work investigates the difference between two vertical zones in the Fayetteville shale, the FL2 and FL3, by measuring laboratory fracture conductivity along an artificially induced, rough, aligned fracture. Unpropped and low concentration 30/70 mesh proppant experiments were run on samples from both zones. Parameters that were controllable, such as proppant size, concentration and type, were kept consistent between the two zones. In addition to comparing experimental fracture conductivity results, mineral composition, thin sections, and surface roughness scans were evaluated to distinguish differences between the two zones rock properties. To further identify differences between the two zones, 90-day production data was analyzed. The FL2 consistently recorded higher conductivity values than the FL3 at closure stress up to 3,000 psi. The mineral composition analysis of the FL2 and FL3 samples concluded that although the zones had similar clay content, the FL2 contained more quartz and the FL3 contained more carbonate. Additionally, the FL2 samples were less fissile and had larger surface fragments created along the fracture surface; whereas the FL3 samples had flaky, brittle surface fragments. The FL2 had higher conductivity values at closure stresses up to 3,000 psi due to the rearrangement of bulky surface fragments and larger void spaces created when fragments were removed from the fracture surface. The conductivity difference between the zones decreases by 25% when low concentration, 0.03 lb/ft2, 30/70 mesh proppant is placed evenly on the fracture surface. The conductivity difference decrease is less drastic, changing only 7%, when increase the proppant concentration to 0.1 lb/ft2 30/70 mesh proppant. In conclusion, size and brittleness of surface fracture particles significantly impacts the unpropped and low concentration fracture conductivity. The electronic version of this dissertation is accessible from

Measuring Frac-pack Conductivity at Reservoir Temperature and High Closure Stress

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Ultra-deepwater reservoirs are important non-conventional reservoirs that hold the potential to produce billions of barrels of hydrocarbons but present major challenges. Hydraulic fracturing or frac-packing high permeability reservoirs is different from the conventional hydraulic fracturing technology used in low permeability formations. While the main purpose of the conventional technique is to create a long, highly conductive path, frac-packing on the other hand is used predominantly to get past near wellbore formation damage, control sand production and reduce near wellbore pressure drop. Ultra-deepwater reservoirs are usually high temperature and high pressure with high permeabilities. Frac-packing these types of wells requires short fractures packed with high proppant concentrations. Understanding the behavior of the fracture fluid and proppant is critical to pump such a job successfully and to ensure long term productivity from the fracture. A series of laboratory experiments have been conducted to research the different problems resulting from high temperature and pressure which negatively affect conductivity. Unlike conventional long-term conductivity measurements, we placed the proppant into the fracture and pumped fracture fluid through it and then measured conductivity by pumping oil to represent true reservoir conditions. Proppant performance and fracture fluids clean-up during production were examined. High strength proppant is ideal for deep fracture stimulations and in this study different proppant loadings at different stresses were tested to measure the impact of crushing and embedment on conductivity. The preliminary test results indicated that oil at reservoir conditions does improve clean-up of fracture fluid left back in the proppant pack. Increasing the proppant concentration in the fracture showed higher conductivity values even at high closure stress. The increase in effective closure stress with high temperature yielded significant loss in conductivity values as compared to those obtained from industry tests.

Evaluation and Effect of Fracturing Fluids on Fracture Conductivity in Tight Gas Reservoirs Using Dynamic Fracture Conductivity Test

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Unconventional gas has become an important resource to help meet our future energy demands. Although plentiful, it is difficult to produce this resource, when locked in a massive sedimentary formation. Among all unconventional gas resources, tight gas sands represent a big fraction and are often characterized by very low porosity and permeability associated with their producing formations, resulting in extremely low production rate. The low flow properties and the recovery factors of these sands make necessary continuous efforts to reduce costs and improve efficiency in all aspects of drilling, completion and production techniques. Many of the recent improvements have been in well completions and hydraulic fracturing. Thus, the main goal of a hydraulic fracture is to create a long, highly conductive fracture to facilitate the gas flow from the reservoir to the wellbore to obtain commercial production rates. Fracture conductivity depends on several factors, such as like the damage created by the gel during the treatment and the gel clean-up after the treatment. This research is focused on predicting more accurately the fracture conductivity, the gel damage created in fractures, and the fracture cleanup after a hydraulic fracture treatment under certain pressure and temperature conditions. Parameters that alter fracture conductivity, such as polymer concentration, breaker concentration and gas flow rate, are also examined in this study. A series of experiments, using a procedure of "dynamical fracture conductivity test," were carried out. This procedure simulates the proppant/frac fluid slurries flow into the fractures in a low-permeability rock, as it occurs in the field, using different combinations of polymer and breaker concentrations under reservoirs conditions. The result of this study provides the basis to optimize the fracturing fluids and the polymer loading at different reservoir conditions, which may result in a clean and conductive fracture. Success in improving this process will help to decrease capital expenditures and increase the production in unconventional tight gas reservoirs.