Contextos educacionais do ensino básico ao superior leitura no ensino superior – tecnologias assistivas práticas pedagógicas – mundo do trabalho gestão escolar – inclusão

Book Description

A presente obra trata-se de uma coletânea de investigações científicas de professores-pesquisadores nas mais diversas áreas da educação e modalidades do ensino, como: Leitura no Ensino Superior, Tecnologias Assistivas, Práticas Pedagógicas, Mundo do Trabalho, Gestão Escolar e Inclusão.

Tecnologias digitais na educação presencial, híbrida e a distância abordagens teórico-práticas

Book Description

Prezados leitores, prezadas leitoras: Almejo que estejam bem e em paz. A vocês todos e todas, minhas saudações cordiais, singelas e respeitosas! E mais ainda: saudações tecnológicas digitais!!! Sim, isto mesmo. Afinal de contas, presencialidade, hibridismo e virtualidade são três diferentes dimensões existenciais que fazem parte da sociedade capitalista-globalizada contemporânea, abarcando (quase?) tudo e todas as pessoas; indistintamente. A tecnologia e o digital já chegaram. Estão aqui, aí, ali e acolá. Englobam: Ciência, seres humanos, equipamentos múltiplos, lugares, espaços e contextos, demarcando assim os seus territórios e domínios, de tal forma que parece não existirem barreiras nem fronteiras histórico-temporais. O local e o global estão em sinergia, engendrando, portanto, o denominado glocal. Trata-se, pois, de algo factual, inegável, verídico e inédito. Além de os setores econômico, político, religioso, cultural e social, a área educacional também é fortemente impactada pelos (contínuos) efeitos oriundos do advento da Informática, Telemática, Robótica, Cibernética, Telecomunicação, Inteligência Artificial, Indústria 4.0, Engenharia e de outros campos científicos similares. Diz-se isto, porque é exigido do mundo pós-moderno e, de modo particular, de docentes e discentes de todos os níveis e modalidades educacionais, cada vez mais inovação, participação, criatividade, compromisso, responsabilidade, engajamento e empreendedorismo; tendo em vista o alcance de elevado progresso e desenvolvimento científicos, bem como uma melhor qualidade de vida para cidadãos e cidadãs dos dias atuais e das gerações vindouras. E é imprescindível que todas as pessoas tenham ciência e consciência de tais exigências, cumprindo assim os seus deveres e fazendo jus aos seus direitos sociais fundamentais. Direta ou indiretamente, cada sujeito histórico-social encontra-se imerso numa grande “aldeia global” ou “rede de informações, conhecimentos e saberes”, a qual está repleta de aparatos tecnológicos dos mais variados tipos e constructos, apresentando diferentes objetivos, funcionalidades e aplicações teóricas e práticas. A partir destas (breves) palavras preliminares, é com imensa satisfação, como literato, docente-pesquisador em Ciências da Educação e organizador-autor desta primorosa coletânea, que apresento a presente obra científica intitulada Tecnologias digitais na educação presencial, híbrida e a distância: abordagens teórico-práticas; a qual passa a ser de domínio público (livre acesso por tempo indeterminado) a todas as pessoas e, principalmente, aos(às) profissionais da educação interessados(as) em ampliar ou aprofundar seus conhecimentos teórico-científicos acerca da temática abordada para, contudo, ressignificar e redimensionar suas práticas pedagógicas nas escolas de Educação Básica e/ou nas instituições universitárias onde atuam, seja de forma presencial, híbrida ou a distância on-line (remota). Este opúsculo literário, escrito a muitas mãos e sob distintos olhares educacionais de autores(as) e coautores(as) – autênticos(as) parceiros(as)/colaboradores(as) –, é composto por seis belíssimos e relevantes artigos científicos capitulares, cada qual trazendo a lume assuntos atinentes ao tema em pauta e didaticamente elencados, de maneira não hierárquica, na seguinte ordenação: No Capítulo I, o professor mestre Lucivaldo Costa Moreira trata com maestria acerca da “Inclusão digital em escolas públicas: tendências pedagógicas nas séries iniciais”. O Capítulo II, nominado de “Reflexos jurídicos na educação a distância”, é de autoria de Wiris Carlos Lopes, mestrando em Ciências Jurídicas. Por sua vez, no Capítulo III, Elizanjela Ferreira da Silva Oliveira, Luciana Pinto de Morais Silva e Maria Araújo Moura realizam importantes análises crítico-reflexivas sobre as “Ferramentas digitais na educação infantil”, que consiste na primeira etapa da escolarização básica no Brasil. Na sequência, engendrando o Capítulo IV intitulado “O uso do software livre como ferramenta pedagógica utilizando formações continuadas com educadores na cidade de Maceió-AL”, tem-se a preciosa colaboração textual autoral do pesquisador especialista Felipe Tiago Lima de Oliveira. Os pesquisadores Rivaldo Damacena Ramos, Daniel Medeiros de Oliveira, Jackson Miguel de Souza, Antônio Cavalcante da Costa Neto e Luciana Maria Moreira Souto de Oliveira buscam discutir reflexivamente “A utilização das altas tecnologias assistivas de baixo custo como mecanismo de afirmação do direito à educação das pessoas com deficiência da rede pública de ensino de Guarabira/PB”, no Capítulo V. Em última instância, no Capítulo VI, o professor-pesquisador Marcos Pereira dos Santos enriquece ainda mais a obra científica ao tecer considerações de relevância capital alusivas à “Educação a distância no Brasil do século XXI: aspectos conceituais, históricos e didático-pedagógicos”. Diante do exposto, a presente coletânea científica é constituída de valor incalculável, sendo recomendada a sua utilização como significativa fonte auxiliar de leituras e releituras, realização de estudos (individuais ou coletivos), elaboração de projetos educacionais interdisciplinares e desenvolvimento de futuras pesquisas acadêmico-científicas nas áreas de Educação Digital, Educação Tecnológica, Educação Midiática e outras congêneres. Por ora, é só. Desejo sinceramente a vocês todos e todas muitíssimos sucessos em seus empreendimentos educacionais mediados pelas novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Grande e forte abraço!

Cook & Hussey's Assistive Technologies

Book Description

It's here: the latest edition of the one text you need to master assistive strategies, make confident clinical decisions, and help improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. Based on the Human Activity Assistive Technology (HAAT) model, Assistive Technologies: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition provides detailed coverage of the broad range of devices, services, and practices that comprise assistive technology, and focuses on the relationship between the human user and the assisted activity within specific contexts. Updated and expanded, this new edition features coverage of new ethical issues, more explicit applications of the HAAT model, and a variety of global issues highlighting technology applications and service delivery in developing countries. Human Activity Assistive Technology (HAAT) framework demonstrates assistive technology within common, everyday contexts for more relevant application. Focus on clinical application guides you in applying concepts to real-world situations. Review questions and chapter summaries in each chapter help you assess your understanding and identify areas where more study is needed. Content on the impact of AT on children and the role of AT in play and education for children with disabilities demonstrates how AT can be used for early intervention and to enhance development. Coverage of changing AT needs throughout the lifespan emphasizes how AT fits into people's lives and contributes to their full participation in society. Principles and practice of assistive technology provides the foundation for effective decision-making. NEW! Global issues content broadens the focus of application beyond North America to include technology applications and service delivery in developing countries. NEW! Ethical issues and occupational justice content exposes you to vital information as you start interacting with clients. NEW! More case studies added throughout the text foster an understanding of how assistive technologies are used and how they function. NEW! Updated content reflects current technology and helps keep you current. NEW! Explicit applications of the HAAT model in each of the chapters on specific technologies and more emphasis on the interactions among the elements make content even easier to understand.

Designing for the Disabled: The New Paradigm

Book Description

Selwyn Goldsmith's Designing for the Disabled has, since it was first published in 1963, been a bible for practising architects around the world. Now, as a new book with a radical new vision, comes his Designing for the Disabled: The New Paradigm. Goldsmith's new paradigm is based on the concept of architectural disability. As a version of the social model of disability, it is not exclusively the property of physically disabled people. Others who are afflicted by it include women, since men customarily get proportionately four times as many amenities in public toilets as women - and women have to queue where men do not - and those with infants in pushchairs, because normal WC facilities are invariably too small to get a pushchair and infant into. To counter architectural disability, Goldsmith's line is that the axiom for legislation action has to be 'access for everyone' - it should not just be 'access for the disabled', as it presently is with the Part M building regulation and relevant provisions of the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act. In a 40-page annex to his book he sets out the terms that a new-style Part M regulation and its Approved Document might take, one that would cover alterations to existing buildings as well as new buildings. But architects and building control officers need not, he says, wait for new a legislation to apply new practical procedures to meet the requirements of the current Part M regulation; they can, as he advises, act positively now. This is a book which will oblige architects to rethink the methodology of designing for the disabled. It is a book that no practising architect, building control officer, local planning officer or access officer can afford to be without.

Multiliteracies in Motion

Book Description

Offers information on the evolution of multi literacies and the state of literacy theory in relation to it. This book discusses the aims of multi literacies movement in 1996.

Advances in Design and Digital Communication

Book Description

This book reports on research findings and practical lessons featuring advances in: digital and interaction design; graphic design and branding; design strategies and methodologies; design education; society and communication in design practice; and other related areas. Gathering the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Design and Communication, Digicom 2020, held virtually on November 5-6, 2020, the book describes cutting-edge perspectives on and analysis of and solutions to challenges digital communication is currently presenting to society, institutions and brands. It offers a timely guide and a source of inspiration for designers of all kinds, including graphic, digital and web designers, UI, UX and social media designers, and to researchers, advertisers, artists, and entrepreneurs, as well as brand or corporate communication managers.

Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms

Book Description

Alphabetical listing of psychological terms derived from psychological literature. Present edition contains 4534 postable terms. Frequency of occurrence, potential usefulness, and overlap with existing thesaurus terms are criteria for inclusion. Entries give narrower and broader terms, as well as cross-references. Each postable term fits into 16 major categories and 64 subcategories. Also contains related alphabetical terms section.

EBOOK: Diagnosis-Related Groups in Europe: Moving towards transparency, efficiency and quality in hospitals

Book Description

Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) systems were introduced in Europe to increase the transparency of services provided by hospitals and to incentivise greater efficiency in the use of resources invested in acute hospitals. In many countries, these systems were also designed to contribute to improving – or at least protecting – the quality of care. After more than a decade of experience with using DRGs in Europe, this book considers whether the extensive use of DRGs has contributed towards achieving these objectives. Written by authors with extensive experience of these systems, this book is a product of the EuroDRG project and constitutes an important resource for health policy-makers and researchers from Europe and beyond. The book is intended to contribute to the emergence of a ‘common language’ that will facilitate communication between researchers and policy-makers interested in improving the functioning and resourcing of the acute hospital sector. The book includes: A clearly structured introduction to the main ‘building blocks’ of DRG systems An overview of key issues related to DRGs including their impact on efficiency, quality, unintended effects and technological innovation in health care 12 country chapters - Austria, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Sweden Clearly structured and detailed information about the most important DRG system characteristics in each of these countries Useful insights for countries and regions in Europe and beyond interested in introducing, extending and/ or optimising DRG systems within the hospital sector

Learning, Education & Games, Volume 3: 100 Games to Use in the Classroom & Beyond

Book Description

Have you ever wanted to know which games to use in your classroom, library, or afterschool program, or even at home? Which games can help teach preschoolers, K-12, college students, or adults? What can you use for science, literature, or critical thinking skills? This book explores 100 different games and how educators have used the games to teach - what worked and didn't work and their tips and techniques. The list of 100 goes from A to Z Safari to Zoombinis, and includes popular games like Fortnite, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and Minecraft, as well as PC, mobile, VR, AR, card and board games.

Social Entrepreneurship and Social Business

Book Description

This compilation offers students a comprehensive overview of the field of social entrepreneurship. Leading European researchers and lecturers such as Ann-Kristin Achleitner, Markus Beckmann, Heather Cameron, Pascal Dey, Andreas Heinecke, Benjamin Huybrechts, Alex Nicholls, Johanna Mair, Susan Müller and Chris Steyaert have contributed to this textbook.