Controlling the Money Supply (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

Intended as a successor to Monetary Policy and Credit Control (Croom Helm, 1978; Routledge Revivals, 2013), this book, first published in 1982 with a revised edition in 1984, traces the changes in approach to monetary control in the U.K. throughout the 1970s, and the consequences for policy and the British economy. The book considers the widely-publicised proposals for ‘reserve base’ or ‘monetary base’ control of the financial system, including a critique of the 1980 Bank of England Green Paper. David Gowland concludes with an analysis of the 1979 Conservative Government’s monetary policy. This is a very interesting title, of great relevance to students and academics researching recent British economic history and varying governmental approaches to monetary policy.

Monetary Policy and Credit Control (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

This book, first published in 1978, provides an analysis of British monetary policy and considers what techniques of monetary control were most appropriate to the context of the U.K. during the 1970s and 1980s. David Gowland answers crucial questions surrounding economic management in the period between 1971 and 1976, in particular whether rapid monetary expansion was the cause of the acceleration of U.K. inflation. With an analysis of the government’s experimentation with policy at its core, this is a unique study which will be of interest to students of monetary policy and recent British economic history.

Money, Credit and the Economy (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

The Theory of Money and Finance, by the same author, provided an introduction to the basic theory and concluded by introducing the idea of monetary disequilibrium, with the money supply process operating through bank credit creation. First published in 1981, this book develops that theme and provides empirical evidence in support of such an approach.

Money, Credit and the Economy (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

The Theory of Money and Finance, by the same author, provided an introduction to the basic theory and concluded by introducing the idea of monetary disequilibrium, with the money supply process operating through bank credit creation. First published in 1981, this book develops that theme and provides empirical evidence in support of such an approach.

Economic Calculations and Policy Formation (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

These essays develop a Marxist response to and approach to aspects of the recent economic past in the United Kingdom. They reflect issues and controversies that have arisen within economic policy debate and the economic theory associated with the debate, highlighting the problematic nature of economic policy in the period since the mid-1970s. The book, first published in 1986, develops a line of argument organized around issues of ‘calculation’, thus challenging the orthodox Marxist framework and presenting a neo-Marxist analysis.

The Conservatives' Economic Policy (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

What happened to economic policy during the first five years of Mrs Thatcher’s government? Most commentators have emphasised the radical changes wrought in economic theory and policy over the period from 1979. The left saw this as heralding the introduction of the social market economy and authoritarian populism, the right saw it as evangelical monetarism and a new beginning. This book, first published in 1986, challenges the notion that there was a revolution in economic policy making. It emphasises the constraints on economic policy formation and the ironies that these have thrown up with respect to the Conservatives’ attempts at changing the course of the economy. The book argues that the Thatcher government had not been able to implement a great deal of its rhetoric. This book is ideal for students of economics and politics.

Free Market Conservatism (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

First published in 1984, this book carefully dissects and convincingly demonstrates that conservative economics is incoherent in theory and disastrous in practice. The three main schools of thought supporting "free-market" policies – supply side economics, monetarism and rational expectations – are examined in turn and each is found defective. Three case studies of conservative policy in action follow: Reagan’s U.S., Thatcher’s U.K. and Pinochet’s Chile and their courses are charted in depth. In addition, Robert Heilbroner and Edward Nell analyse economic conservatism’s ideology and social policy, and the book concludes with an assessment of the political reasons for the continuing appeal of free-market conservatism despite its theoretical incoherence and practical failure. This is a careful and comprehensive look at this subject which tackles both the theory and the practice head-on. It will make useful and stimulating reading for students of economics and political economy on courses of economic policy and macro-economics and in addition will be of keen interest to all those involved in the debate about one of the major policy issues of our time.

The Controlled Economy (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

First published in 1971 this volume applies the tools of static and of dynamic analysis (outlined in The Stationary Economy and The Growing Economy) to the control of a dynamic economy. This involves a discussion of subjects such as the theory of indicative planning, and the planning by the government of its monetary, fiscal, and incomes policies for the purposes of the short-run stabilization of the economy and of ensuring the best long-run use of the community’s resources. Special emphasis is laid on the planning of such policies in conditions in which many future events remain inevitably uncertain. This book considers these issues in relation to a competitive, free-enterprise economy; and little or no reference is made to problems of monopoly or of distinctions between social and private costs and benefits, due to indivisibilities and externalities in economic life.