SADC Gender Protocol 2015 Barometer

Book Description

In August 2008, Heads of State of the Southern African Development Community adopted the ground-breaking SADC Protocol on Gender and Development. This followed a concerted campaign by NGOs under the umbrella of the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance. The SADC Gender Protocol is the only sub-regional instrument that brings together existing global and continental commitments to gender equality and enhances these through time bound targets. Aligned to Millennium Development Goal Three, the original 28 targets of the Protocol targets expire in 2015. Now that 2015 is here, we need to step back, assess and reposition. In June 2014, SADC Gender Ministers agreed to review the targets of the Gender Protocol in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In May this year, ministers added that they want the Protocol to be accompanied by a Monitoring, Evaluation and Results Framework. The 2015 Barometer shows that implementation is now the biggest missing gap in the quest for gender equality. Now is the time to strengthen resolve, reconsider, reposition, and re-strategise for 2030. SADC GENDER PROTOCOL BAROMETER • 2015 2015 is here! In August 2008, Heads of State of the Southern African Development Community adopted the ground-breaking SADC Protocol on Gender and Development. This followed a concerted campaign by NGOs under the umbrella of the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance. The SADC Gender Protocol is the only sub-regional instrument that brings together existing global and continental commitments to gender equality and enhances these through time bound targets. Aligned to Millennium Development Goal Three, the original 28 targets of the Protocol targets expire in 2015. Now that 2015 is here, we need to step back, assess and reposition. In June 2014, SADC Gender Ministers agreed to review the targets of the Gender Protocol in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In May this year, ministers added that they want the Protocol to be accompanied by a Monitoring, Evaluation and Results Framework. The 2015 Barometer shows that implementation is now the biggest missing gap in the quest for gender equality. Now is the time to strengthen resolve, reconsider, reposition, and re-strategise for 2030.

SADC Gender Protocol 2014 Barometer

Book Description

In August 2008, Heads of State of the Southern African Development Community adopted the ground-breaking SADC Protocol on Gender and Development. This followed a concerted campaign by NGOs under the umbrella of the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance. By the 2013 Heads of State summit, 13 countries had signed and 12 countries had ratified the SADC Gender Protocol. The Protocol is now in force. With one year to go, time is ticking to 2015, when governments need to have achieved 28 targets for the attainment of gender equality. In keeping with the Alliance slogan: Yes we must! this 2014 Barometer provides a wealth of updated data against which progress will be measure by all those who cherish democracy in the region. The world, and SADC, is also looking to the future with the post 2015 agenda. Now is the time to strengthen resolve, reconsider, reposition, and re-strategise for 2030.

Preventing and Responding to Gender-based Violence in Middle and Low-income Countries

Book Description

Worldwide, patterns of violence against women differ markedly from violence against men. For example, women are more likely than men to be sexually assaulted or killed by someone they know. The United Nations has defined violence against women as "gender-based" violence, to acknowledge that such violence is rooted in gender inequality and is often tolerated and condoned by laws, institutions, and community norms. Violence against women is not only a profound violation of human rights, but also a costly impediment to a country's national development. While gender-based violence occurs in many forms throughout the life cycle, this review focuses on two of the most common types-physical intimate partner violence and sexual violence by any perpetrator. Unfortunately, the knowledge base about effective initiatives to prevent and respond to gender-based violence is relatively limited. Few approaches have been rigorously evaluated, even in high-income countries. And such evaluations involve numerous methodological challenges. Nonetheless, the authors review what is known about more and less effective-or at least promising-approaches to prevent and respond to gender-based violence. They present definitions, recent statistics, health consequences, costs, and risk factors of gender-based violence. The authors analyze good practice initiatives in the justice, health, and education sectors, as well as multisectoral approaches. For each of these sectors, they examine initiatives that have addressed laws and policies, institutional reforms, community mobilization, and individual behavior change strategies. Finally, the authors identify priorities for future research and action, including funding research on the health and socioeconomic costs of violence against women, encouraging science-based program evaluations, disseminating evaluation results across countries, promoting investment in effective prevention and treatment initiatives, and encouraging public-private partnerships.

SADC Gender Protocol 2013 Barometer

Book Description

In August 2008, Heads of State of the Southern African Development Community adopted the ground-breaking SADC Protocol on Gender and Development. This followed a concerted campaign by NGOs under the umbrella of the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance. By the 2013 Heads of State summit, 13 countries had signed and 12 countries had ratified the SADC Gender Protocol. The Protocol is now in force. With two years to go, time is ticking to 2015, when governments need to have achieved 28 targets for the attainment of gender equality. In keeping with the Alliance slogan: "Yes we must", this 2013 Barometer provides a wealth of updated data against which progress will be measured by all those who cherish democracy in the region. The SADC Gender and Development Index (SGDI), introduced in 2011, complements the Citizen Score Card (CSC) that has been running for five years to benchmark progress.

SADC Gender Protocol 2019 Barometer

Book Description

Scoring another goal for gender equality, the 2019 Southern African Development Community (SADC) Gender Protocol Barometer breaks with past tradition in focusing solely on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. Measuring 100 indicators across seven themes, the Barometer is the first civil society shadow report on SADC’s new SRHR Strategy Score Card, ranking countries based on their performance, while offering detailed analysis and insights into what is changing and still needs to change. The no-hold-barred #VoiceandChoice Barometer features the first stand-along chapters on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Safe Abortion, and Sexual Diversity. It provides the data that underpins 40 national campaigns led the focal networks of the Southern African Gender Protocol Alliance, and 174 local campaigns led by the Centres of Excellence for Gender in Local Government. A must read for all those committed to Action and Results for Agenda 2030 in the SADC region.

Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence in Middle and Low-Income Countries

Book Description

Worldwide, patterns of violence against women differ markedly from violence against men. For example, women are more likely than men to be sexually assaulted or killed by someone they know. The United Nations has defined violence against women as "gender-based" violence, to acknowledge that such violence is rooted in gender inequality and is often tolerated and condoned by laws, institutions, and community norms. Violence against women is not only a profound violation of human rights, but also a costly impediment to a country's national development. While gender-based violence occurs in many forms throughout the life cycle, this review focuses on two of the most common types-physical intimate partner violence and sexual violence by any perpetrator. Unfortunately, the knowledge base about effective initiatives to prevent and respond to gender-based violence is relatively limited. Few approaches have been rigorously evaluated, even in high-income countries. And such evaluations involve numerous methodological challenges. Nonetheless, the authors review what is known about more and less effective-or at least promising-approaches to prevent and respond to gender-based violence. They present definitions, recent statistics, health consequences, costs, and risk factors of gender-based violence. The authors analyze good practice initiatives in the justice, health, and education sectors, as well as multisectoral approaches. For each of these sectors, they examine initiatives that have addressed laws and policies, institutional reforms, community mobilization, and individual behavior change strategies. Finally, the authors identify priorities for future research and action, including funding research on the health and socioeconomic costs of violence against women, encouraging science-based program evaluations, disseminating evaluation results across countries, promoting investment in effective prevention and treatment initiatives, and encouraging public-private partnerships.

A Report to Guide the Implementation of a National Action Plan on Violence Against Women and Gender-Based Violence

Book Description

"Canada is at cross-roads when it comes to violence against women and gender-based violence (VAW/GBV): a perfect storm of colliding pandemics--COVID-19, and the pre-existing WHO declared pandemic of VAW/GBV--has created both the conditions for escalating harms of violence, and the aperture for real and lasting change. This report lays the groundwork for answering the question: What will real change require? Women's Shelters Canada (WSC) was funded by the federal department of Women and Gender Equality (WAGE) to develop a strategic engagement process with anti-violence leaders across Canada to inform the development of a National Action Plan to End Violence against Women and Gender-Based Violence (NAP)."--Executive summary, page 7.

Addressing Gender-Based Violence in the Latin American and Caribbean Region

Book Description

The authors present an overview of gender-based violence (GBV) in Latin America, with special emphasis on good practice interventions to prevent GBV or offer services to its survivors or perpetrators. Intimate partner violence and sexual coercion are the most common forms of GBV, and these are the types of GBV that they analyze. GBV has serious consequences for women's health and well-being, ranging from fatal outcomes, such as homicide, suicide, and AIDS-related deaths, to nonfatal outcomes, such as physical injuries, chronic pain syndrome, gastrointestinal disorders, complications during pregnancy, miscarriage, and low birth-weight of children. GBV also poses significant costs for the economies of developing countries, including lower worker productivity and incomes, and lower rates of accumulation of human and social capital. The authors examine good practice approaches in justice, health, education, and multisectoral approaches. In each sector, they identify good practices for: (1) law and policies; (2) institutional reforms; (3) community-level interventions; and (4) individual behavior change strategies.