De lo antisocial a asesinos en serie

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Instinto criminal

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Serial Murder and the Psychology of Violent Crimes

Book Description

This book brings together an international collection of research literature on the topics of criminal profiling and serial violent crime by integrating the respected insights of both scholars and practitioners from around the globe. It explains etiological factors and psychological mechanisms to reveal criminal motives.

Young, Violent, and Dangerous to Know

Book Description

While murder is a matter of serious concern to the community, serial killing is a matter of even greater concern. Serial killers have baffled the public and professionals for hundreds of years. This book attempts to increase our understanding of serial killers. Fitzgerald suggests that Autistic Psychopathy may underlie some of these serial killers. He suggests a new diagnostic Criminal Autistic Psychopathy, which he identifies as a subcategory of Asperger's syndrome. This has had a far greater explanatory power than previously realised. Persons with callous, unemotional traits - often called empathy deficits - are very much associated with Autistic Psychopathy. This book offers insight of the dynamics associated with this pathological personality and how the individual's criminality affects our society and its victims.

Serial Crime

Book Description

Serial Crime, Second Edition, examines serial predatory behavior and is divided into two main parts. Part one deals with behavioral profiling, and covers a variety of critical issues from the history of profiling and the theoretical schools of thought to its treatment in the mainstream media. This updated edition includes new sections on the problems of induction, metacognition in criminal profiling, and investigative relevance. Part two deals more specifically with a number of types of serial crime including stalking, rape, murder, and arson. Chapters on each of these crimes provide definitions and thresholds, and discussions of the offenders, the crime, and its dynamics. Considerations for behavioral profiling and investigations and the development of new paradigms in each area are interwoven throughout. Topics are conceptually and practically related since profiling has typically seen most application in serial crimes and similar investigations. The unique presentation of the book successfully connects the concepts and creates links to criminal behavior across crimes—murder, sexual assault, and arson—something no other title does. The connection of serial behavior to profiling, the most useful tool in discovering behavior patterns, is also new to the body of literature available and serves to examine the ideal manner in which profiling can be used in conjunction with behavioral science to positively affect criminal investigations. Provides a theoretical and practical foundation for understanding the motivation and dynamics in a range of serial offenses Illustrates the promise, purposes and pitfalls of behavioral profiling in the investigation of various serial crimes Numerous case examples show the real world uses of behavioral profiling in investigations, as well as highlighting a variety of issues in understanding and investigating serial crime

La Violencia Ecuménica desde una perspectiva de género

Book Description

A partir de un estudio de las diversas normas de los organismos regionales de control basadas en los estandares de derecho internacional humanitario se realiza un analisis mundial de las diversas formas que adquiere la violencia de genero en perjuicio, principalmente, de las mujeres y personas LGTB. El delito de violencia de genero puede incluir, entre otros, el aborto selectivo en funcion del sexo, infanticidio femenino, trafico de personas, violaciones sexuales durante periodo de guerra, homicidios a causa de la dote, matrimonios forzados, ataques homofobicos hacia personas o grupos LGTB, etc. Luego de analizar los muestreos de los casos en los diversos paises del mundo, posiblemente se generen interrogantes intelectuales acerca de la situacion real en occidente y oriente y de la necesidad de realizar un trabajo mancomunado mundial en aras de lograr que la igualdad de genero deje de ser una utopia y un precepto meramente declarativo.

Criminal Psychology and Forensic Technology

Book Description

Offender profiling has been developing slowly as a possible investigative tool since 1841 and the publication of Edgar Allen Poe's The Murder in the Rue Morgue. In this book, detective C. Auguste Dupin demonstrates the ability to follow the thought patterns of a companion while they stroll through Paris for 15 minutes without speaking a word. Today

Criminal Profiling

Book Description

In this book, renowned profiler Dr. Richard Kocsis presents a distinct approach to profiling called Crime Action Profiling or CAP. The volume explains the scope and methodology employed in the studies that the author has undertaken over the past decade and a half. CAP adopts the view that profiling essentially represents a psychological technique that has its foundations in the disciplinary knowledge of forensic psychology.

Odio a Todo el Mundo

Book Description

¿Cómo es la vida de una de una auténtica perdedora?...Eva no tiene nada: ni amigos, ni perro, ni estudios, ni trabajo,además odia a sus padres y el pueblo donde vive. Más bien, odia a todo el mundo. Su deseo mas profundo es ser abducida por los extraterrestres y dejar este planeta. Pero en su vida ocurre algo mejor: encuentra trabajo. No es el mejor trabajo del mundo, es de cajera en un supermercado. Pero algo es algo. Allí conocerá a unas personas tan frikis y losers como ella y también se enamorará por primera vez.Pero las cosas no siempre son como esperabas y la vida no es como una película romántica.Una historia llena de humor, tristeza, amistad, dolor...como la vida misma.Para mayores de 16 años.

Hanover House

Book Description

Welcome to Hanover House ... Psychiatrist Evelyn Talbot has dedicated her life to solving the mysteries of the antisocial mind. Why do psychopaths act as they do? How do they come to be? Why don't they feel any remorse for the suffering they cause? And are there better ways of spotting and stopping them? After having been kidnapped, tortured and left for dead when she was just a teenager--by her high school boyfriend--she's determined to understand how someone she trusted so much could turn on her. So she's established a revolutionary new medical health center in the remote town of Hilltop, Alaska, where she studies the worst of the worst. But not everyone in Hilltop is excited to have Hanover House and its many serial killers in the area. Alaskan State Trooper, Sergeant Amarok, is one of them. And yet he can't help feeling bad about what Evelyn has been through. He's even attracted to her. Which is partly why he worries. He knows what could happen if one little thing goes wrong ...