Palabra de Dios 2015

Book Description

The Self of the City

Book Description

"The Self of the City shows Macedonio's work to be a highly systematic effort to "save the city" from the ills of modernity. Responding directly to the context of early twentieth-century Buenos Aires, Macedonio rejects modern culture as inherently paradoxical and pernicious, hinging on the unsustainable fallacy of Descartes' autonomous self."

Poetry and the Realm of the Public Intellectual

Book Description

The volume explores how these three writers used poetry to oppose patriarchal discourse on topics ranging from marginalized peoples to issues on gender and sexuality. Poetry was a means for them to redefine their own feminized space, however difficult or odd it could turn out to be.


Book Description

Este escrito nace de un encuentro personal con Dios. Es la metamorfosis de una vida oscura, triste, sinsentido, mediocre y dolorosa... a una vida plena, llena de luz, alegría, esperanza, amor...y paz! Yehuda (Judea) palabra griega que significa; Agradezco a Dios, Reconozco a Dios... ha sido el preámbulo de mi caminar hacia la tierra prometida.Como en antiguo, el pueblo de Israel, ejemplificando mi vida misma en un peregrinaje. Pasando por el desierto del crisol, y el éxodo.Para agradecer a Dios los acontecimientos de mi vida que me han llevado a encontrarme con EL, y Reconocerlo como mi único Señor. Éxodo 12,37"Peregrinación en el desierto como camino de purificación y encuentro de Yahvé con el pueblo."1 (18) Relacionando mi vida con la salida de Egipto, la Alianza del Sinaí, y la caminata de 40 años. Y justo a los 40 años inicia mi salida de Egipto, y la certeza de una promesa de salvación; liberándome de mis temores y dándole sentido a todos los acontecimientos vividos desde el vientre de mi madre hasta mi juventud... Como un presagio de fe y amor; surgidos de la Providencia Divina. Asimismo la historia de Israel; toma vida en mi historia, llevándome de la Esclavitud a la Libertad! Entrelazando la palabra de Dios, los mensajes, homilías de Juan Pablo II, Benedicto XVI, iluminando mi vida maravillosamente. Regresándome la alegría de vivir y una vida espiritual abundante. Grabando en mi corazón estas palabras: "Escucha, Israel: Yavé, nuestro Dios, es Yavé-único." 2 Dt.6: 5,9 (8) 1 Santa Biblia de Jerusalén 2 Santa Biblia de Jerusalén El autor

Oraciones y devociones

Book Description

Todo católico debiera tener esta libro de oraciones entre otras: tiene el Orden de la Misa en español con el texto en latín en páginas opuestas, una guía para la Confesión, y numerosas devociones como la preparación y acción de gracias de la Comunión, el Santo Rosario, el Vía Crucis, etc. This Spanish edition of Handbook of Prayers is a popular, compact treasury of prayers that includes basic prayers from the Manual of Indulgences; the Order of Mass in Spanish and Latin; a guide to a good confession; and devotions to the Blessed Trinity, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Joseph.

Parallel Worlds

Book Description

Despite recent developments in epigraphy, ethnopoetics, and the literary investigation of colonial and modern materials, few studies have compared glyphic texts and historic Maya literatures. Parallel Worlds examines Maya writing and literary traditions from the Classic period until today, revealing remarkable continuities across time. In this volume, contributions from leading scholars in Maya literary studies examine Maya discourse from Classic period hieroglyphic inscriptions to contemporary spoken narratives, focusing on parallelism to unite the literature historically. Contributors take an ethnopoetic approach, examining literary and verbal arts from a historical perspective, acknowledging that poetic form is as important as narrative content in deciphering what these writings reveal about ancient and contemporary worldviews. Encompassing a variety of literary motifs, including humor, folklore, incantation, mythology, and more specific forms of parallelism such as couplets, chiasms, kennings, and hyperbatons, Parallel Worlds is a rich journey through Maya culture and pre-Columbian literature that will be of interest to students and scholars of anthropology, ethnography, Latin American history, epigraphy, comparative literature, language studies, indigenous studies, and mythology.

Figural Conquistadors

Book Description

He demonstrates how these novelists use major and marginal figures to reflect upon the ways that institutional powers invoke episodes from the discovery and conquest to legitimate the present, and also to critique the recent historical past, especially in the case of Uruguay and Argentina, which endured military dictatorships in the 1970s and 1980s."--Jacket.