Los jóvenes y el futuro

Book Description

¿Cuál será el futuro de los jóvenes de hoy en la Argentina y otros países de América Latina, de Asia, Australia y Norreamérica? ¿Serán ciudadanos que aporten al desarrollo del mundo en que les ha tocado vivir? ¿O serán parte de los sectores semi-marginales o marginados, condenados a abandonar su formación educacional tempranamente para ingresar a un mundo laboral caracterizado por la informalidad, la flexibilización, la desregulación y la falta de derechos? ¿O, en el peor de los casos, a insertarse en un contexto valórico anómico, marcado por la vulnerabilidad, la desorganización social y la delincuencia? Los autores del presente volumen estudian en qué medida, diferentes y contradictorias tendencias de modernización económica y social, determinan el desarrollo biográfico y la integración social de los jóvenes en diferentes regiones del mundo. Además de los factores estructurales, también analizan el papel que los jóvenes mismos pueden asumir en el futuro; ya sea como actores sociales constructivos, o como grupo problemático, incapaz de enfrentar los desafíos de un mundo en cambio y transformación permanente. René Bendit es Doctor por la Universidad de Kassel. Estudió Psicología y Sociología en la Universidad y en la FLASCO de Chile. Marina Hahn-Bleibtreu es investigadora de juventud en el Ministerio Federal de Salud, Familia y Juventud, Austria, Vienna. Ana Miranda es Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la FLASCO, sede Argentina, Licenciada en Sociología y Magister en Políticas Públicas (UBA). EDITORIAL PROMETEO ARGENTINA. Este libro contiene el desarrollo de los siguientes temas: * Introducción: Creciendo en un contexto de cambio y globalización, por René Bendit, Marina Hahn y Ana Miranda * Nuevos patrones de la transición de la juventud en la educación en Australia, por Johanna Wyn * Biografías de elección y linealidad transicional: nueva conceptualización de las transiciones de la juventud moderna, por Andy Biggart, Andy Furlong y Fred Cartmel * Educación, capacitación y empleo. Experiencias de Hungría, por Kílman Gíbor * La inserción laboral de los jóvenes en Argentina, por Ana Miranda * Recontextualizando el aprendizaje en la segunda modernidad, por Lynne Chisholm * El aprendizaje en actividades organizadas para la juventud en los Estados Unidos, por David M. Hansen * Voluntariado juvenil en Corea, por Young-Kyoon Park * Voluntariado, desarrollo juvenil y aprendizaje informal, por Dina Krauskopf * Entre la incertidumbre y el riesgo: ser y no ser, ésa es la cuestión... juvenil, por José Antonio Pérez Islas * Juventud y movilidad en Canadá migración interna, inmigración e implicaciones de políticas públicas, por Marc Molgat * Factores subculturales subyacentes de la juventud marginal china. Participación en pandillas: estudio comparativo, por Ngan Pun Ngai y Chau-Kiu Cheng * Participación política y social de los jóvenes en Alemania, por Wolfgang Gaiser y Johann De Rijke * Jóvenes, ciudadanía y ocio, por José Machado Pais * Jóvenes, cultura y nuevas tecnologías, por Manfred Zentner * Síntesis, conclusiones y perspectivas, por René Bendit Con este libro usted podrá conocer a fondo en qué medida, diferentes y contradictorias tendencias de modernización económica y social, determinan el desarrollo biográfico y la integración social de los jóvenes en diferentes regiones del mundo. ¡Compre ya este libro y comience a conocer en profundidad en qué medida, diferentes y contradictorias tendencias de modernización económica y social, determinan el desarrollo biográfico y la integración social de los jóvenes en diferentes regiones del mundo! Tags: sociología, jóvenes, marginalización, flexibilización laboral, desregulación laboral, globalización, movilidad juvenil.

Qualitative Studies in Quality of Life

Book Description

This volume explores the use and relevance of qualitative methods for the study of quality of life. It analyzes the role of qualitative researcher and the role of the context and the culture in quality of life studies. It presents the use of qualitative methods in real projects carried out in specific fields: geography, health, community studies, labor life and yoga. Finally, the book proposes the use of mixed methods that are considered as the third methodological approach in social research. The main purpose of using qualitative methods is to understand what it means for participants to be involved in certain events, situations and actions. Such methods help understand the context in which participants act and the influence of that context on their actions. The decision to use a particular methodology implies a philosophic, theoretical and political decision. Qualitative methodology constitutes an approach that is essential for understanding people’s experiences of well-being and discovering new issues related to quality of life.

Pobreza, exclusión y desigualdad

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Perspectivas Sociales

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E-Learning and Social Media

Book Description

International Advances in Education: Global Initiatives for Equity and Social Justice is an international research monograph series of scholarly works that focuses primarily on empowering children, adolescents, and young adults from diverse educational, socio-cultural, linguistic, religious, racial, ethnic, and socio-economic settings to become non-exploited/non-exploitive contributing members of the global community. The series draws on the international community of investigators, academics, and community organizers that have contributed to the evidence base for developing sound educational policies, practices, and innovative programs to optimize the potential of all students. Each themed volume includes multi-disciplinary theory, research, and practice that provides an enriched understanding of the drivers of human potential via education to assist readers in exploring, adapting, and replicating innovative strategies that enable ALL students to realize their full potential. Among these strategies are the integration of digital technologies (DT) and information and communication technologies (ICT) into contemporary education platforms. However, technology must be more than just a tool to deliver content and stimulate engagement; it must become a means to broaden access to learning, advance equity, promote social justice, and encourage social inclusion. Especially reaching out to address the academic and social needs of rural, impoverished, marginalized, and displaced populations. Though the digital divide continues to hinder educational attainment for underprivileged populations, ICTs are providing significant opportunities to deliver literacy and basic skills instruction to disadvantaged segments of the global population as well as engage, motivate, and customize learning to address local needs. Nonetheless, the availability of ICT is not a deterministic process. Other societal, cultural, political and contextual factors are of fundamental importance to acceptance and integration that enables people to benefit from technology. The relationship between educational access, instructional delivery, and ICT should be considered in more complex terms. In particular, digital technologies should be viewed as instructional tools that improve access to educational opportunities, strengthen cultural resources, promote social and economic equity, and provide students with the knowledge and competencies to prepare them for a future that cannot be predicted. Therefore, developing ICT and media capabilities that instill citizenship and stewardship in today’s students is crucial to gleaning the social and cultural advantages of a contemporary global society that encourages full and equal citizenship. Citizenship education refers to two understandings of citizenship: as belonging and as engagement. The first is focused on national identity and valorizes the values of justice and democracy, as well as language and culture as the roots bridging the personality of children to the community of solidarity and shared norms. The second understanding of citizenship complements the ‘roots’ with ‘roads’, with the choices made by the individual, with the capacity to form and develop the child’s personality into the actor and author of his/her educational, professional, and life projects. The adolescent prepares to become an active, committed, and engaged citizen with the intellectual capacity for critical thinking that leads to responsible actions. Digital citizenship expresses the transformations of both belonging to and engaging in the information society and contributes to the development of generation “Y” with the aspiration to innovate and experiment, to explore the possibilities of the new digital world, to question authorities and instances of knowledge and power. Education addresses digital citizenship by opening more avenues for the intersection of Internet, imagination, and exploration. Volume 10, E-learning & Social Media: Education and Citizenship for the Digital 21st Century, addresses the use of technology in: developing and expanding educational delivery systems to reach rural populations, providing access to equitable education opportunities for disadvantaged and marginalized populations, and encouraging student civic engagement. The volume evaluates e-learning programs (distributed through the Internet, via satellite and hosted on social media) that promote equitable education for disadvantaged populations; examines the challenges and benefits of social media on student self-identity, collaboration, and academic engagement; shares promising practices associated with technology in education and e-citizenship in the 21st century, and advances the discussion on blending global citizenship education and social media that raises student awareness, accountability and social justice involvement.