Developing the Regulatory Environment for Competitive Agricultural Markets

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World Bank Technical Paper No. 266. Critiques both beneficial and detrimental government regulations that affect commodity markets in developing countries. Commodity markets require a regulatory environment that encourages private enterprise

Law and Markets

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Book Description

The current state of development of the domestic economy is characterized by its crisis nature caused by the influence of external and internal environment factors. In the context of the economic crisis, the degree of market uncertainty is sharply increasing, which negatively affects the activities of individual enterprises, the industry and the economy of Ukraine as a whole. These problems are particularly acute for agricultural enterprises, since they must take into account both the peculiarities of the competitive (market) environment and the specifics of the industry. That is why there is a need to analyze the theoretical and analytical foundations of marketing activities of agricultural enterprises with a view to identifying the main ways to increase the efficiency of marketing measures to improve their economic activities. In the period of formation of market relations, Ukrainian enterprises faced a number of serious problems both at the macro and micro level. Nowadays, the marketing activities of an agricultural enterprise must develop harmoniously and, in the face of instability, have a developed strategy for survival in a situation that will ensure stable functioning in the market. At present, there are many types of enterprise strategies that have historically been formed during the period of marketing formation of enterprise activities, but in order to develop an enterprise's own strategy, it is necessary to take into account a large number of factors that are dynamic in space and time, including the regulatory and methodological regulation of the process of forming a marketing strategy. The result of the study is the development of proposals for improving the regulatory framework, which directly affects the formation of the marketing strategy of agricultural enterprises. In the course of the study, the author improves the technology of forming an enterprise's marketing strategy as a set of interdependent mechanisms, tools and processes, which, unlike the existing ones, provides for achieving the strategic goals of marketing activities by an economic entity on the basis of selection and choice of alternative options for its implementation. The article proposes to consider the main factors influencing the implementation of the marketing strategy at enterprises of Khmelnytskyi region, as well as the regulatory and methodological directions for improving marketing activities at the macro and micro levels. It is also proposed to use the methodology for determining the impact of macroand micro-environment factors on the marketing activities of agricultural enterprises The implementation of strategic development of agricultural enterprises on a market basis, strengthening of competition, and integration into the global economic space give priority to the effective functioning of agricultural producers. In a market environment, the economic efficiency of agricultural market participants largely depends on the development of effective marketing strategies for agricultural enterprises, the implementation of a flexible pricing policy, the organization of optimal sales channels for agricultural products, the ability to navigate the environment and anticipate major development trends. In the market environment, demand plays a decisive role, and supply of agricultural products is organized in relation to it. Prioritizing supply involves elements of risk and uncertainty. Therefore, the formation and development of the marketing strategy of agricultural enterprises is particularly relevant. It is also worth noting that in Ukraine there are practically no scientifically based approaches to the development of the marketing strategy of agricultural enterprises, its formation and practical use in the market environment. At the beginning of a full-scale war, during a period of chaos and uncertainty, the vast majority of businesses, companies, and brands became virtually helpless, as traditional approaches to marketing lost their meaning. In the first days of the war, social media were filled with pre-war information against the backdrop of military realities, which looked rather incorrect. At that time, most companies refused to interact with customers and chose a wait-and-see strategy, but once they recovered, they began to return to work. Our society was in crisis even before the Russian invasion, and having barely overcome the powerful waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were gradually adapting to the new realities of life. Even before the full-scale war, Ukrainians had been learning to adapt to stressful conditions, resulting in new consumption trends (living now, even in the face of instability; not putting anything off for later; getting your life together and forcing changes in traditional habits). During any shocks, both during the COVID-19 pandemic and in wartime, it is worth remembering the need to apply a meaningful, aggressive and effective corporate marketing policy in your practice. Traditionally, marketing demand has been driven by overproduction and oversupply in a highly competitive market. However, it is necessary to understand that any fundamental change in the market environment (crisis, pandemic, war) will lead to the main problem that a business owner will face - the limitation of the solvency of market demand in the quantitative and value categories. Accordingly, on the one hand, companies will face problems with product sales, sales and profit margins, and on the other hand, aggressive behavior of competitors with a limited market size. In this case, the consumer has many options at the best price and, therefore, he has absolute power over the seller's firm. Therefore, in order to eliminate or overcome such problems, it is necessary to skillfully build marketing plans for the strategic perspective, taking into account possible risks. Today, there is a need for a thorough study of strategic marketing in wartime and the postwar period The results of the research presented in the monograph are determined within the framework of the initiative topic of the Department of Marketing and International Trade of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine "Development of Marketing at Agricultural and Processing Enterprises", state registration number 0120U100630.

Improving the Legal Environment for Agricultural Marketing

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Good law is essential for the effective functioning of marketing systems. Inappropriate law can distort and reduce the efficiency of the market, increase the costs of doing business and retard the development of a competitive private sector. By exploring a topic which has been much neglected in the past, this publication aims to provide policy-makers and law-makers with the necessary tools to evaluate the impact of existing law on marketing systems and to identify the changes needed to achieve the desired policy goals. Although it is primarily aimed at those interested in agricultural marketing, the approach adopted and the methodology outlined for analysing the various effects of laws should also make it very relevant to specialists in other fields of agriculture who are concerned with the impact of the regulatory framework on their work.

Privatization and Deregulation

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The contributions in this publication are an outcome of growing concerns around the world about the prevailing inefficiencies in agriculture and agribusiness and the need to improve productivity, profitability, and financial sustainability of agriculture and agribusiness by privatizing state- owned enterprises and eliminating unnecessary government regulations. It is in this context that an international symposium was organized on April 19-30, 1993, to address these policy concerns and thereby to improve the long-term prospects for productive and financially sustainable agriculture and agribusiness development. The policy issues addressed herein were identified in a series of discussions at IFDC and with the authors. The main objectives were to focus on analytical policy issues that accelerate the process of privatization and market deregulation of publicly owned and operated enterprises and to provide necessary operational guidelines for policy reforms. This publication is structured around four main topics: (1) the role of agribusiness in economic development; (2) possible approaches and guidelines for privatization and deregulation of agribusiness; (3)the necessary enabling policy environment for privatization and deregulation; and (4) selected case studies. The views expressed in this publication belong solely to the respective authors and should not be attributed to IFDC, World Bank, or other organizations represented. Readers should keep in mind that when authors refer to `current' or `present' situations, they generally mean 1992/93 unless otherwise specified.

Innovative markets for sustainable agriculture

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Between 2013 and 2015, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) undertook a survey of innovative approaches that enable markets to act as incentives in the transition towards sustainable agriculture in developing countries. Through a competitive selection process, 15 cases from around the world provide insights into how small-scale initiatives that use sustainable production practices are supported by market demand, and create innovations in the institutions that govern sustainable practices and market exchanges. These cases respond to both local and distant consumers’ concerns about the quality of the food that they eat. The book evidences that the initiatives rely upon social values (e.g. trustworthiness, health [nutrition and food safety], food sovereignty, promotion of youth and rural development, farmer and community livelihoods) to adapt sustainable practices to local contexts, while creating new market outlets for food products. Specifically, private sector and civil society actors are leading partnerships with the public sector to build market infrastructure, integrate sustainable agriculture into private and public education and extension programmes, and ensure the exchange of transparent information about market opportunities. The results are: (i) system innovations that allow new rules for marketing and assuring the sustainable qualities of products; (ii) new forms of organization that permit actors to play multiple roles in the food system (e.g. farmer and auditor, farmer and researcher, consumer and auditor, consumer and intermediary); (iii) new forms of market exchange, such as box schemes, university kiosks, public procurement or systems of seed exchanges; and (iv) new technologies for sustainable agriculture (e.g. effective micro-organisms, biopesticides and soil analysis techniques). The public sector plays a key role in providing legitimate political and physical spaces for multiple actors to jointly create and share sustainable agricultural knowledge, practices and products.

Imperfect Competition And Political Economy

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This book presents International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium commissioned papers. The papers systematically explore the conceptual and empirical dimensions of the new trade theory and try to determine the potential application to agricultural trade and trade policy analysis.

Economic Studies on Food, Agriculture, and the Environment

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This text contains a selection of the papers presented at the Joint Conference on Food, Agriculture, and the Environment, organized by the University of Minnesota and several universities in Italy, and held in Bologna, Italy, on June 12-14, 2001. The papers are grouped into four sections: food, nutrition, and quality; land and resource assessment; agriculture and rural development; and environment and markets. Readers should gain insights concerning alternative approaches to dealing with important policy issues.

Developing Sustainable Food Value Chains

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Using sustainable food value chain development (SFVCD) approaches to reduce poverty presents both great opportunities and daunting challenges. SFVCD requires a systems approach to identifying root problems, innovative thinking to find effective solutions and broad-based partnerships to implement programmes that have an impact at scale. In practice, however, a misunderstanding of its fundamental nature can easily result in value-chain projects having limited or non-sustainable impact. Furthermore, development practitioners around the world are learning valuable lessons from both failures and successes, but many of these are not well disseminated. This new set of handbooks aims to address these gaps by providing practical guidance on SFVCD to a target audience of policy-makers, project designers and field practitioners. This first handbook provides a solid conceptual foundation on which to build the subsequent handbooks. It (1) clearly defines the concept of a sustainable food value chain; (2) presents and discusses a development paradigm that integrates the multidimensional concepts of sustainability and value added; (3) presents, discusses and illustrates ten principles that underlie SFVCD; and (4) discusses the potential and limitations of using the value-chain concept in food-systems development. By doing so, the handbook makes a strong case for placing SFVCD at the heart of any strategy aimed at reducing poverty and hunger in the long run.