Flow Control Techniques and Applications

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Master the theory, applications and control mechanisms of flow control techniques.

Dielectric Barrier Discharge Microplasma Actuator for Flow Control

Book Description

Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma actuators are a technology which could replace conventional actuators due to their simple construction, lack of moving parts, and fast response. This type of actuator modifies the airflow due to electrohydrodynamic (EHD) force. The EHD phenomenon occurs due to the momentum transfer from charged species accelerated by an electric field to neutral molecules by collision. This chapter presents a study carried out to investigate experimentally and by numerical simulations a micro-scale plasma actuator. A microplasma requires a low discharge voltage to generate about 1 kV at atmospheric pressure. A multi-electrode microplasma actuator was used which allowed the electrodes to be energized at different potentials or waveforms, thus changing the direction of the flow. The modification of the flow at various time intervals was tracked by a high-speed camera. The numerical simulation was carried out using the Suzen-Huang model and the Navier-Stokes equations.

Modeling of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators for Flow Control Simulations

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Single-dielectric-barrier-discharge (SDBD) plasma actuators have shown much promise as an actuator for active flow control. Proper design and optimization of plasma actuators requires a model capable of accurately predicting the induced flow for a range of geometrical and excitation parameters. A number of models have been proposed in the literature, but have primarily been developed in isolation on independent geometries, frequencies and voltages. This study presents a comparison of four popular plasma actuator models over a range of actuation parameters for three different actuator geometries typical of actuators used in the literature. The results show that the hybrid model of Lemire & Vo (2011) is the only model capable of predicting the appropriate trends of the induced velocity for different geometries. Additionally, several modifications of this model have been integrated into a new proposed model for the plasma actuator, introducing a number of improvements.

Case Study

Book Description

Boundary Labs, LLC is an early-stage company composed of three students at Case Western Reserve University which aimed to evaluate the feasibility of commercialization of a novel dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma actuator as an active flow control (AFC) method in wind turbines. The hypothesized benefits of DBD plasma actuators for AFC include improved energy capture from wind, low cost, and ease of implementation. This thesis is a two-part case study. The first part emulates a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Proposal for the technology and includes discussions arguing that a strong commercial potential for the proposed technology exists in the United States and that technical development is feasible. The second part includes miscellaneous sections outside the scope of an SBIR proposal, leading to a discussion of the Boundary Labs team decision to discontinue development of this technology.

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power – Contemporary Research

Book Description

This volume comprises the proceedings of the 42nd National and 5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power held at IIT Kanpur in December, 2014.The conference proceedings encapsulate the best deliberations held during the conference. The diversity of participation in the conference, from academia, industry and research laboratories reflects in the articles appearing in the volume. This contributed volume has articles from authors who have participated in the conference on thematic areas such as Fundamental Issues and Perspectives in Fluid Mechanics; Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Instability, Transition and Turbulence; Turbomachinery; Multiphase Flows; Fluid‐Structure Interaction and Flow‐Induced Noise; Microfluidics; Bio‐inspired Fluid Mechanics; Internal Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines; and Specialized Topics. The contents of this volume will prove useful to researchers from industry and academia alike.