Direct Numerical Simulation of Axisymmetric Jets

Book Description

We present results from numerical simulations of the evolution of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability for an unforced, subsonic, compressible axisymmetric, spatially-evolving shear layer. In addition, we study the effect of small, random pressure fluctuations at the nozzle orifice on the growth of the mixing layers. These fluctuations model inflow perturbations in experimental flows arising from turbulence and boundary layers in the nozzle. The finite-difference numerical model used to perform the simulations solves the two-dimensional time-dependent conservation equations for an ideal fluid using the Flux-Corrected Transport algorithm and timestep-splitting techniques. No subgrid turbulence model has been included. In the absence of perturbations, the calculations indicate that the large scale development of the unforced jet shear layer has an underlying degree of organization. This is the result of a feedback mechanism in which the shear layer ahead of nozzle edge is modulated by the far field induced gy the mergings on downstream, near the end of the potential core of the jet. The studies with random high frequency perturbations on the inflow velocity show that they effectively tend to break the temporal correlations between the structures. Keywords: Coherent structures; Free Shear flows.

Numerical Simulation of Jet Aerodynamics Using the Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Code Pab3d

Book Description

This report presents a unified method for subsonic and supersonic jet analysis using the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes code PAB3D. The Navier-Stokes code was used to obtain solutions for axisymmetric jets with on-design operating conditions at Mach numbers ranging from 0.6 to 3.0, supersonic jets containing weak shocks and Mach disks, and supersonic jets with nonaxisymmetric nozzle exit geometries. This report discusses computational methods, code implementation, computed results, and comparisons with available experimental data. Very good agreement is shown between the numerical solutions and available experimental data over a wide range of operating conditions. The Navier-Stokes method using the standard Jones-Launder two-equation kappa-epsilon turbulence model can accurately predict jet flow, and such predictions are made without any modification to the published constants for the turbulence model. Pao, S. Paul and Abdol-Hamid, Khaled S. Langley Research Center RTOP 505-59-70-04...