Doctrine Under Trial

Book Description

Artillery proved to be the greatest killer on the Western front in World War I, and the use and misuse of artillery was certainly a determining factor in the war^D's outcome. While many books explore the artillery forces and employment of the European powers, this is the first study to examine artillery employment in the American Expeditionary Force. Grotelueschen follows one AEF division through its entire World War I experience, from preliminary training to each of its battles in France. This approach allows for great investigative depth and an opportunity to explore the implementation of doctrinal changes throughout the war. While accounts of the AEF written in the immediate aftermath of the war praised it as a great fighting machine, most scholars have concluded that the AEF was a flawed combat force. This study demonstrates that despite significant flaws and weaknesses, especially in artillery doctrine and employment, at least some AEF divisions did attain effective fighting ability. American divisions were most successful when carrying out limited, set-piece attacks, efforts that ran counter to approved US Army and AEF doctrine at the time. Historians will find this unique approach to the study of division level strengths and weaknesses to be useful in making more accurate and complete comparisons among the great armies of the Western Front.

Jury Nullification

Book Description

The Founding Fathers guaranteed trial by jury three times in the Constitution—more than any other right—since juries can serve as the final check on government’s power to enforce unjust, immoral, or oppressive laws. But in America today, how independent c

The Origins of Reasonable Doubt

Book Description

To be convicted of a crime in the United States, a person must be proven guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt.” But what is reasonable doubt? Even sophisticated legal experts find this fundamental doctrine difficult to explain. In this accessible book, James Q. Whitman digs deep into the history of the law and discovers that we have lost sight of the original purpose of “reasonable doubt.” It was not originally a legal rule at all, he shows, but a theological one.The rule as we understand it today is intended to protect the accused. But Whitman traces its history back through centuries of Christian theology and common-law history to reveal that the original concern was to protect the souls of jurors. In Christian tradition, a person who experienced doubt yet convicted an innocent defendant was guilty of a mortal sin. Jurors fearful for their own souls were reassured that they were safe, as long as their doubts were not “reasonable.” Today, the old rule of reasonable doubt survives, but it has been turned to different purposes. The result is confusion for jurors, and a serious moral challenge for our system of justice.

25 Doctrines of Law You Should Know

Book Description

"I'll sue you!" In America's litigious society, everyone needs €to know a few basics to avoid being snowed, cowed and generally abused. Even those who can afford to hire lawyers need to know what they are up to. This introduction to legal doctrines is a good first step if you want to file suit or help prepare your own legal defenses. When a conflict arises, what are the main doctrines of law that give one side an advantage? What do they mean, and how do they apply? When you can see through the legal jargon, the intimidation factor loses its power and you can concentrate on real issues and use these tools to take care of yourself. Some of America's doctrines go back to the 17th-century English Bench and have had a lasting impact on our legal system. Other doctrines are of more recent vintage but have had an equally profound influence. The author has researched 1,000 legal cases and identified 326 different doctrines of law; of those, he has selected 25 doctrines that average Americans are most likely to encounter in everyday €activities. In these pages he reviews actual cases to show how the doctrines apply in real-life scenarios and relates what happened in court. These non-jargon explanations of legal scenarios provide handy background reading for fans of court-room dramas and, since any one of us may end up in court these days, important general education for every adult in the United States. The 25 doctrines discussed are: 1. Res Ipsa Loquitur 2. Promissory Estoppel 3. Respondeat Superior 4. €Doctrine of Sudden Danger 5. Rescue Doctrine 6. Doctrine of Comparative Negligence 7. Doctrine of Unjust Enrichment 8. €Doctrine of Unclean Hands 9. Doctrine of Unconscionability 10. Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine 11. Attractive Nuisance Doctrine 12. €Doctrine of Mitigated Damages 13. Quantum Meruit Doctrine 14. €Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity 15. Doctrine of Absolute €Immunity 16. Doctrine of Qualified Immunity 17. Last Clear Chance Doctrine 18. €Open and Obvious Danger Doctrine 19. Assumption of Risk Doctrine 20. €Public Duty Doctrine 21. Statute of Limitations 22. Equitable Estoppel 23. Res Judicata 24. Collateral Estoppel 25. Stare Decisis As an accessible point of introduction for those interested in the U.S. legal system, this book is suitable as a popular reference work for public libraries, auxiliary reading for business-school courses, a starting place for anyone caught in a legal conflict, and handy background reading for fans of court-room drama novels and T.V.

The Origins of Reasonable Doubt

Book Description

To be convicted of a crime in the United States, a person must be proven guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt.” But what is reasonable doubt? Even sophisticated legal experts find this fundamental doctrine difficult to explain. In this accessible book, James Q. Whitman digs deep into the history of the law and discovers that we have lost sight of the original purpose of “reasonable doubt.” It was not originally a legal rule at all, he shows, but a theological one. The rule as we understand it today is intended to protect the accused. But Whitman traces its history back through centuries of Christian theology and common-law history to reveal that the original concern was to protect the souls of jurors. In Christian tradition, a person who experienced doubt yet convicted an innocent defendant was guilty of a mortal sin. Jurors fearful for their own souls were reassured that they were safe, as long as their doubts were not “reasonable.” Today, the old rule of reasonable doubt survives, but it has been turned to different purposes. The result is confusion for jurors, and a serious moral challenge for our system of justice.

An Approach to Christian Doctrine

Book Description

The purpose of this book is to help Methodist Local Preachers on Trial as they pursue their prescribed studies in Christian Doctrine. It is hoped, however, that it will prove of value to the students of other denominations who are seeking a simple and positive statement of the Christian Faith which takes into account the modern approach to theology and the present world situation. An Approach to Christian Doctrine has been written by a group of ten theologians, all of whom entered the Methodist Ministry between 1922 and 1937. Four of the contributors are tutors in Ministerial Training Colleges, one is the Connexional Secretary of the Christian Citizenship Department, and the others are Circuit Ministers who are members of the Studies Board of the Local Preachers Department. The editor hopes that the obvious disadvantages of a theological symposium will be more than balanced by the freshness which is given to the book by the varied styles and viewpoints of the writers.

Adjudicative Criminal Procedure

Book Description

Adjudicative Criminal Procedure: Doctrine, Application, and Practice, Second Edition, is designed to respond to the changing nature of teaching law by offering a flexible approach with an emphasis on application. Each chapter focuses on Supreme Court cases that articulate the constitutional requirements, while call-out boxes outline statutes or state constitutional law provisions that impose more stringent rules. Short problem cases, also in boxes, ask students to apply these principles to new fact patterns. Each chapter ends with a Practice and Policy section that delves deeper into the conceptual and practical obstacles to the realization of procedural rights in the daily practice of criminal law. The result is a modular format, presented in a lively visual style, which recognizes and supports the diverse pedagogical approaches of today’s leading criminal procedure professors. New to the Second Edition: Coverage of Ramos v. Louisiana (2020) and simplified discussion of the constitutional requirement of jury unanimity, replacing the chaotic situation from Apodaca and its confusing array of overlapping plurality opinions. Supreme Court’s decision in Edwards v. Vannoy (2021) that Ramos does not apply retroactively on federal habeas review. Materials on retroactivity and habeas, often perplexing for students, are presented in clear and simple terms. Benefits for instructors and students: A mixture of classic and new Supreme Court cases on criminal procedure. Call-out boxes that outline statutory requirements. Call-out boxes that focus on more demanding state law rules. Problem cases that require students to apply the law to new facts. A Practice and Policy section which allows a deeper investigation of doctrinal and policy controversies, but whose placement at the end of each chapter maximizes instructors’ freedom to focus on the materials that most interest them. Modest number of notes and questions, inviting closer examination of doctrine and generating class discussion, without overwhelming or distracting students. Innovative pedagogy, emphasizing application of law to facts (while still retaining enough flexibility to be useful for a variety of professors with different teaching styles) Logical organization and manageable length. Open, two-color design with appealing visual elements (including carefully selected photographs).

Hell on Trial

Book Description

Hell is the most misunderstood doctrine by Christians throughout the world. This book deals with issues that I believe the Bible teaches and that are lamentably dismissed by many churches as heresy. These include:?Humans were created with the potential to become mortal or immortal beings. As a result of the Fall humans acquired a mortal nature. ?Immortality is God?s gift to the righteous. The wicked lack immortality and will be annihilated. Death and not hell is the final destiny of the wicked. ?When people die their whole being ceases to exist. Their souls do not continue to live in an intermediate state as is believed by many Christians and non-Christians. At death God withdraws his power of life resulting in cessation of being. This is why a resurrection is needed. ?The dead has no concept of time?there is no time between death and resurrection. ?At the resurrection, people will be restored back to the earthly nature. The Saints will be transformed and clothed with immortality while the wicked will be annihilated. Rev. Dr. John Muhia Karanja the author of this book is a Presbyterian Church Minister. He is married to Ann and has three children.

Criminal Procedure

Book Description

Criminal Procedure: Doctrine, Application, and Practice, Second Edition, is designed to respond to the changing nature of teaching law by offering a flexible approach with an emphasis on application. Each chapter focuses on Supreme Court cases that articulate the constitutional requirements, while call-out boxes outline statutes or state constitutional law provisions that impose more stringent rules. Short problem cases, also in boxes, ask students to apply these principles to new fact patterns. Each chapter ends with a Practice and Policy section that delves deeper into the conceptual and practical obstacles to the realization of procedural rights in the daily practice of criminal law. The result is a modular format, presented in a lively visual style, which recognizes and supports the diverse pedagogical approaches of today’s leading criminal procedure professors. New to the Second Edition: Torres v. Madrid (2021) and its central question for criminal procedure: Does a shooting by a police officer that fails to incapacitate a suspect, who temporarily eludes capture, constitute a seizure? Simplified but enhanced materials regarding automobile searches. Simplified materials regarding protective sweeps. Enhanced materials on Terry stops, exploring both doctrinal developments and policy implications. Ramos v. Louisiana (2020) and simplified discussion of the constitutional requirement of jury unanimity, replacing Apodaca and its confusing array of overlapping plurality opinions. Edwards v. Vannoy (2021) and its holding that Ramos does not apply retroactively on federal habeas review. Materials on retroactivity and habeas, often perplexing for students, are presented in clear and simple terms. Discovery reform in New York State. Benefits for instructors and students: A mixture of classic and new Supreme Court cases on criminal procedure. Call-out boxes that outline statutory requirements. Call-out boxes that focus on more demanding state law rules. Problem cases that require students to apply the law to new facts. A Practice and Policy section which allows a deeper investigation of doctrinal and policy controversies, but whose placement at the end of each chapter maximizes instructors’ freedom to focus on the materials that most interest them. Modest number of notes and questions, inviting closer examination of doctrine and generating class discussion, without overwhelming or distracting students. Innovative pedagogy, emphasizing application of law to facts (while still retaining enough flexibility so as to be useful for a variety of professors with different teaching styles). Logical organization and manageable length. Open, two-color design with appealing visual elements (including carefully selected photographs).