Earth's Sacred Calendar

Book Description

The Real Age of the Earth is Revealed in the Old Testament "E""arth's Sacred Calendar: The Dated Events of the Old Testament" catalogs more than 1,200 Old Testament events in chronological order with Scripture references and commentary. This unique Biblical research uses over 100 pages of charts to show how the 364-Day calendar, consistent with the Bible, generates the currently used Gregorian solar calendar. This book is the only Old Testament chronological commentary that gives the exact number of solar years from Creation Week in 4101 BC to the Birth of Jesus in 5 BC that matches the Biblical text.Using only the dated years in the Bible, this research concludes that the real age of the earth is exactly 6,113 Gregorian solar years plus 14 days as of Sunday, November 3 in 2013 AD.Easily follow the events of the Old Testament with the only book that gives exact and estimated dates for Israel's Patriarchs, Noah's Flood, Joseph in Egypt, the Exodus, Joshua's conquest of Canaan, and the period of the Judges. The dated reigns of Israel's Kings and their Prophets are now accurately in sync with the Biblical text.The destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in 526 BC and the 70 "completed" years of the Babylonian Exile, ending in 455 BC, are tied to the specific start date of Daniel's 70-Weeks Prophecy. Daniel's 483-years plus 285 days ends with the Crucifixion of Jesus on Nisan 14-Passover in 30 AD. This date in 30 AD is Friday April 5 on the Gregorian calendar. This 626-page picture-illustrated commentary clarifies many Biblical texts that have previously been confusing. If you have ever wanted to know the real age of the earth, "Earth's Sacred Calendar" is for you.

Earth's Sacred Calendar: the Dated Events of the Old Testament

Book Description

EARTH'S SACRED CALENDAR: The Dated Events of the Old Testament details the dates of over 1,200 Old Testament events in chronological order. If you want to know the age of the earth according to the Bible this book is for you. This book uses the text from the KJ3 Literal Translation by Jay Green Sr. All timeline of the Bible dates with Old Testament commentary are calculated from the start date of the Exodus in 1445 BC using only the Biblical text. This one-of-a-kind Hebrew calendar Bible chronology shows how the 364-Day 'sacred' Bible calendar digitally generates the solar calendars in use today. This is the only Bible Commentary that shows the inerrancy of the dated text of Scripture. The reader of Scripture will see clear evidence that the source of the Biblical text cannot be solely of human origin. This Hebrew 364-Day calendar is neither a solar calendar nor a solar-lunar calendar. This book contains new information about our understanding of the precise nature of the Biblical text in some of the following ways:1). This Old Testament commentary is the only Bible chronology that gives the exact number of years from the Creation Week to the Birth of Jesus in 5 BC that matches dates in the Biblical text. 2).This is currently the only book that gives detailed information about the 364-Day calendar consistent with the Old Testament Masoretic text. It is very clear from this research that the 364-Day calendar of the Old Testament digitally generates the solar calendars in use today. 3). The brief and extensive commentary on many events gives the reader a more detailed and comprehensive picture of the chronological order of the Bible. This Biblical commentary provides clear evidence that the source of the precise dated years and events in the Biblical text cannot be solely of human origin. 4). This book clarifies much of the confusion that exists in the current study of Bible Chronology. This is the first book that shows how the exact dates of the 70 Weeks of Daniel Prophecy can be understood from the numbered dated text of Scripture. 5). This book contains over 100 pages of Bible timeline charts, solar calendars, and dates of over 1,200 Old Testament events in chronological order. This book and the website The Sacred Calendar are the only source of this new information about the chronological aspect of the inerrancy of Scripture.

The Geomantic Year

Book Description

The spiritual world blesses the Earth at least 58 times a year-here's how you can join the party. Do you think folklore customs about solstices and equinoxes and other regular celebration days are quaint holdovers from the past? Not so. Do you sometimes wish there were a way to include the entire planet in a meditation practice? There is, and it's called the geomantic year. At least 58 times a year the spiritual world-angels, archangels, Ascended Masters, Star-Angels, even the Supreme Being-tunes in to the Earth, blesses, and even heals it in real-time day-long events. Our planet is constantly receiving input from the cosmos and heavenly realms. It's all part of a rhythmic maintenance calendar in which the Earth is enlivened, and all of humanity is invited to participate. This book shows you how. What kinds of events? On Epiphany, January 6, the Christ focuses on the planet to birth his Light. On Bifrost Paints the Planet, April 10, the Great Bear constellation envelopes the Earth in 14 rays of light. On Michaelmas, September 29, the Archangel Michael cleanses the Earth's sacred sites and all their "plumbing." Other events in the geomantic year involve stars, Nature Spirits, holy mountains, River-gods, Pleiadians, Hollow Earth dwellers, Grail Kings, volcano spirits, the Great Mother, and much more. The Geomantic Year documents 58 festival dates that focus on the Earth through its sacred sites, and it provides 58 simple meditations to help you participate. And it offers 12 informative essays linking Earth energies with hot topics such as the Illuminati and world control, parallel universes, the world's gold supply, the Ghost Dance, the Fall of Man, Earth and climate changes, and the apocalyptic year 2012. Why not get out your appointment book and pencil in a few dates: the Earth's expecting you!

The Sacred Calendar

Book Description

Within the Holy Bible are many secrets which have been hidden for thousands of years. Now finally "The Sacred Calendar" is here to begin to reveal them. Using a logical step-by-step process Gabriel Etienne guides his readers towards perfect understanding of the true Calendar of the Law of Moses. Are you a Sabbath day keeper? Are you sure that you are holding your Sabbath on the correct day? Are you interested in what year you are in within the 7-year Sabbatical year cycle, within the Jubilee cycle or from Creation? "The Sacred Calendar" answers these questions and many more!

Creator's Sacred Calendar

Book Description

The Biblical Feast Days have been celebrated for millenniums; however, over the past few centuries there has been much speculation and diverse sincere beliefs as to exactly when these annual Holy Days actually occur each year, in relation to scheduling on our modern calendars. In this book author Russell Smith takes an in depth scholastic journey into the holy Scriptures and the most credible relative history, to discover and restore globally our Creator's Sacred Calendar, specifically in regard to His holy appointed times (His moedim).

The Liturgy of Creation

Book Description

How were holidays chosen and taught in biblical Israel, and what did they have to do with the creation narrative? Michael LeFebvre considers the calendars of the Pentateuch, arguing that dates were added to Old Testament narratives not as journalistic details but to teach sacred rhythms of labor and worship. LeFebvre then applies this insight to the creation week, finding that the days of creation also serve a liturgical purpose.

The Sacred Earth

Book Description

The Torah begins by setting forth the heavens and the Earth as God's creation, impelling humanity to steward our planet for its own sake and for its ability to nurture our lives. Yet the human-Divine-environment relationship seems to be in perpetual crisis. The Sacred Earth is a contemporary Jewish response to the looming threat of climate change, the widespread desire for experiential spirituality rooted in nature, and the continually changing relationship between humanity, nature, technology, and the Divine. The leading thinkers in this collection reflect on human vulnerability in the face of forces of nature, examine conceptions of our place in cosmology, and grapple with environmental destruction. Ultimately, with hope, they creatively explore ways to redeem this sacred Earth. It was for such a time as this that The Sacred Earth was published. As we face the very real possibility of an impending climate catastrophe and certainly the reality of widespread suffering because of ecological devastation, this volume gives us the spiritual resilience we will need to rise up and collectively confront the challenge. This book is a deep and urgent call to action as Jews in the broader social movement to save the planet. --Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Director, Religious Action Center In this invaluable collection, Jewish thought leaders from a diversity of backgrounds and positions delve deep into text, theology, and history to bring new perspectives to the fight to save our planet. For anyone interested in what millennia of Jewish wisdom can teach us about today's climate challenges, this book is required reading. --Rabbi Jill Jacobs, CEO, T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights The Sacred Earth---a wide-ranging collection of Jewish teachings on ecology---offers profound insights and inspiring challenges to all of us, who must immediately rise up and protect our planet and all life upon it from utter devastation. --Susannah Heschel, PhD, Eli M. Black Distinguished Professor, Dartmouth College This impressive collection is a reminder that, in the words of contributor Karenna Gore (executive director of the Center for Earth Ethics at Union Theological Seminary and daughter of former Vice President Al Gore), "it is not the earth that needs fixing; it is us." A well-researched and diverse collection of Jewish writings on our collective responsibilities to the planet. -- Kirkus Reviews

The Complete Idiot's Guide to 2012

Book Description

The final countdown! On December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar will complete its thirteenth cycle. According to the Mayan belief system, the world will end. And if you don't believe the Mayans, you can check in with The Bible Code, The Nostradamus Code, or The Orion Prophecy, all of which predict planet-wide doom. Then again, maybe the year 2012 is just a new opportunity. Could 2012 bring us good things instead of bad? This book gives readers a look at what the Mayan prophecy is all about, what it means to them, and much more. - Addresses Mayan predictions about global warming and climate change - Includes a glossary of terms and symbols, resources for a changing world, and exercises to assist the reader in their journey - The existence of almost 600,000 websites on 2012 indicates a huge fascination with this subject Download a sample chapter.