Earth's Sacred Calendar

Book Description

The Real Age of the Earth is Revealed in the Old Testament "E""arth's Sacred Calendar: The Dated Events of the Old Testament" catalogs more than 1,200 Old Testament events in chronological order with Scripture references and commentary. This unique Biblical research uses over 100 pages of charts to show how the 364-Day calendar, consistent with the Bible, generates the currently used Gregorian solar calendar. This book is the only Old Testament chronological commentary that gives the exact number of solar years from Creation Week in 4101 BC to the Birth of Jesus in 5 BC that matches the Biblical text.Using only the dated years in the Bible, this research concludes that the real age of the earth is exactly 6,113 Gregorian solar years plus 14 days as of Sunday, November 3 in 2013 AD.Easily follow the events of the Old Testament with the only book that gives exact and estimated dates for Israel's Patriarchs, Noah's Flood, Joseph in Egypt, the Exodus, Joshua's conquest of Canaan, and the period of the Judges. The dated reigns of Israel's Kings and their Prophets are now accurately in sync with the Biblical text.The destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in 526 BC and the 70 "completed" years of the Babylonian Exile, ending in 455 BC, are tied to the specific start date of Daniel's 70-Weeks Prophecy. Daniel's 483-years plus 285 days ends with the Crucifixion of Jesus on Nisan 14-Passover in 30 AD. This date in 30 AD is Friday April 5 on the Gregorian calendar. This 626-page picture-illustrated commentary clarifies many Biblical texts that have previously been confusing. If you have ever wanted to know the real age of the earth, "Earth's Sacred Calendar" is for you.

Earth's Sacred Calendar: the Dated Events of the Old Testament

Book Description

EARTH'S SACRED CALENDAR: The Dated Events of the Old Testament details the dates of over 1,200 Old Testament events in chronological order. If you want to know the age of the earth according to the Bible this book is for you. This book uses the text from the KJ3 Literal Translation by Jay Green Sr. All timeline of the Bible dates with Old Testament commentary are calculated from the start date of the Exodus in 1445 BC using only the Biblical text. This one-of-a-kind Hebrew calendar Bible chronology shows how the 364-Day 'sacred' Bible calendar digitally generates the solar calendars in use today. This is the only Bible Commentary that shows the inerrancy of the dated text of Scripture. The reader of Scripture will see clear evidence that the source of the Biblical text cannot be solely of human origin. This Hebrew 364-Day calendar is neither a solar calendar nor a solar-lunar calendar. This book contains new information about our understanding of the precise nature of the Biblical text in some of the following ways:1). This Old Testament commentary is the only Bible chronology that gives the exact number of years from the Creation Week to the Birth of Jesus in 5 BC that matches dates in the Biblical text. 2).This is currently the only book that gives detailed information about the 364-Day calendar consistent with the Old Testament Masoretic text. It is very clear from this research that the 364-Day calendar of the Old Testament digitally generates the solar calendars in use today. 3). The brief and extensive commentary on many events gives the reader a more detailed and comprehensive picture of the chronological order of the Bible. This Biblical commentary provides clear evidence that the source of the precise dated years and events in the Biblical text cannot be solely of human origin. 4). This book clarifies much of the confusion that exists in the current study of Bible Chronology. This is the first book that shows how the exact dates of the 70 Weeks of Daniel Prophecy can be understood from the numbered dated text of Scripture. 5). This book contains over 100 pages of Bible timeline charts, solar calendars, and dates of over 1,200 Old Testament events in chronological order. This book and the website The Sacred Calendar are the only source of this new information about the chronological aspect of the inerrancy of Scripture.

The Holy Bible “Chronicle” of Sequential Biblical Events

Book Description

Most of us have wondered, sometime during our lifetime, about when Adam and Eve were really “expelled from paradise” in the Garden of Eden. Can we find a verifiable and replicable answer to this question? Most of us have questioned, sometime during our lifetime, the “accepted” sequential biblical timeline of Archbishop James Ussher who claimed that 4004 BC was the actual date for that initial biblical event in our current holy scriptures. Was he right? Most of us have questioned, sometime in our lifetime, how the Hebrew’s “accepted” claim that 3761 BC could be the actual date for Adam’s “expulsion.” Were they right? Can we find a way to reconstruct the complete Hebrew Bible timeline, from Adam’s “expulsion” from paradise to our day? Is this possible? Who believes that it can be done? Well, it has been done! Here, is how it is done! To reconstruct the Hebrew Bible timeline, we need to know only the simple math formula that they used! The employment of this simple formula shall enable us to rebuild that same sequential biblical timeline, block by block, in the exact same fashion that the Jewish people “use from the beginning,” at Adam’s “expulsion” from paradise, in the Garden of Eden. The formula used in reconstructing an “actual count” of the Hebrew Bible is found below: 7 × 7 = 49 × 10 = 490 × 10 = 4,900 solar years 7 × 7 = 49 + 1 = 50 × 10 = 500 × 10 = 5,000 lunar years Since both of these 49 solar, and 50 lunar, periods of time contain 18,200 days (approx), we can then “post the number” of any given sequential biblical event in its designated year position on a side-by-side comparison chart. If we “post the number” in this fashion, it will show us exactly when and where, on the timeline chart, there is an error in the sequential computations of any sequential biblical event that is propounded by any biblical chronologist, past or present! In this present book, we find that the Ussher biblical timeline is 112 years “too early.” And the Hebrew biblical timeline of Codex Judaica is 131 years “too late.” Obviously, 3892 BC is the only “year number” that can work for a verifiable timeline! This book, The Holy Bible “Chronicle” of Sequential Biblical Events, by Robert P. Killian, is the fruit of over seventy-year search for that verifiable and replicable answer to the long-sought question: “Can the Ussher biblical timeline be trusted?”

The Liturgy of Creation

Book Description

How were holidays chosen and taught in biblical Israel, and what did they have to do with the creation narrative? Michael LeFebvre considers the calendars of the Pentateuch, arguing that dates were added to Old Testament narratives not as journalistic details but to teach sacred rhythms of labor and worship. LeFebvre then applies this insight to the creation week, finding that the days of creation also serve a liturgical purpose.

The TRUE Bible Timeline

Book Description

It is becoming increasingly popular among the intelligentsia to claim that treasured Bible history is nothing more than a myth. Proponents conclude that since the church is unsure of when these events transpired, perhaps they never happened in the first place. Unfortunately, this alarming trend appears to be gaining more acceptance in our seminaries and churches. The True Bible Timeline seeks to dispel such notions by providing an accurate resource to properly date the Old Testament. The result of a five-year long project, it accurately establishes and painstakingly documents the dates of key Bible figures and events, starting with the Creation of Adam and ending at the Cross of Christ. The complete chronology for 200 Bible events is included in the appendix. Guided by His Wisdom, author R. Craig Bridgforth built this timeline through a meticulous process that allowed him to produce a trustworthy and accurate resource that will enrich studies of the Old Testament with new understanding and insight. Developed almost entirely from Scripture, this reference guide provides a reliable chronology of events and figures from the Old Testament.

The Final Atonement, the Jubilee and the Sacred Calendar

Book Description

"The secret things," says Moses, "belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever;" and the Lord declares by the prophet Amos, that He "will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets." Deuteronomy 29:29; Amos 3:7. The students of God's word may then confidently expect to find each one of the crucial events in human history clearly pointed out in the scriptures of truth. And aside from the cross, the greatest event in human history is that foretold by Gabriel to Daniel and by all of the prophets - the final atonement of Christ on our behalf and the establishment of the New Covenant in the remnant church.Where in the sacred writings do we find these promises and the end-time road map? The books of Daniel and Revelation provide much of the essential information. But one source that is especially helpful in interpreting both books is the biblical calendar of the Old Testament containing the prophetic Hebrew feasts.Religion, prophecy and the calendar are closely linked. Most if not all religions, ancient and modern, observe a religious calendar. The most widely used calendar today, the Gregorian, named after Pope Gregory XIII, was and still is essentially a religious calendar. Even though most of us who use it, use it for secular purposes, historically our calendar's primary function was to mark the holy days of the Roman Catholic Church. That tradition continues today. Secular science provides the precision of measurement of the celestial cycles to within a split second but the Roman Catholic Church defines the calendar observed around the world and the observed holy days or holidays in the west. Easter, for example, in the Gregorian calendar is determined by a sub-set of ecclesiastical rules. Whereas Christmas is a fixed day of the month, Easter is always a Sunday requiring special rules to determine when it will fall. These rules are followed by western Christendom but the Orthodox churches of the east calculate Easter differently using the older Julian calendar of the Roman empire from which the Gregorian is derived.Below we'll examine the evidence, reconstructing the ancient calendar of the patriarchs, Jews and apostles from scripture and newly discovered, authenticated sources. More than an academic exercise, the re-emergence of the scriptural calendar is pregnant with meaning for all of us. The sacred calendar is the authority for 1) the Holy Days that God appointed for us for our corporate and individual atonement and for worship and 2) the same calendar tells us where we stand prophetically now and on into the future to the end of the age and beyond. Could the re-emergence of the calendar of scripture itself be one of the most important signs that God is speaking to us today, showing us that we're living at the end of time, drawing our attention to earth's final events and inviting us, urging us to prepare ourselves for what is about to transpire?


Book Description

This book divides TIME into three main units. The first unit will be time in general. The second unit will be time as we know it on clocks. The third unit will be dedicated to calendars. The purpose in writing this book is to make the reader THINK. Should we change our current clock and/or calendar to make them better? For example: why are there 60 minutes in an hour, or why do we have 28, 29, 30, or 31 days in a month? In the first unit, Rick gives us a brief introduction and some historical theories as to how and why man started keeping track of time. In one of the sections in this unit, Rick tries to show how the ages in the Bible’s genealogy from Adam to Noah are more realistic by using lunar years instead of solar. He concludes this unit with his version of time zones. The second unit is dedicated to clocks and other hour-measuring devices. Sundials, water clocks, candles, mechanical, and atomic clocks are some of the types mentioned. The reader is given information to explain why the day was divided into 24 hours and why the hour was divided into 60 minutes. Rick concludes this unit by proposing a solar day of 100 shorter hours. Finally, the third unit is devoted to the solar year, giving details of some of the early calendars like the Egyptian, Babylonian, Roman, Gregorian, etc. Here is where we see the mark that the early lunar or luni-solar calendars have left on our current calendar. In this unit, Rick gives us his calendar proposal featuring a ten-day week. But the most spectacular section is the section titled “The Dates and Times of Jesus’s Birth and Death.” He uses scientific data, historical information, and scriptural references to deduce the exact times and dates of Jesus’s birth and death.

Christ's Final Atonement of the Remnant

Book Description

"The secret things," says Moses, "belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever;" and the Lord declares by the prophet Amos, that He "will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets." Deuteronomy 29:29; Amos 3:7. The students of God's word may then confidently expect to find each one of the crucial events in human history clearly pointed out in the scriptures of truth. And aside from the cross, the greatest event in human history is that foretold by Gabriel to Daniel and by all of the prophets - the final atonement of Christ on our behalf and the establishment of the New Covenant in the remnant church.Where in the sacred writings do we find these promises and the end-time road map? The books of Daniel and Revelation provide much of the essential information. But one source that is especially helpful in interpreting both books is the biblical calendar of the Old Testament containing the prophetic Hebrew feasts.Religion, prophecy and the calendar are closely linked. Most if not all religions, ancient and modern, observe a religious calendar. The most widely used calendar today, the Gregorian, named after Pope Gregory XIII, was and still is essentially a religious calendar. Even though most of us who use it, use it for secular purposes, historically our calendar's primary function was to mark the holy days of the Roman Catholic Church. That tradition continues today. Secular science provides the precision of measurement of the celestial cycles to within a split second but the Roman Catholic Church defines the calendar observed around the world and the observed holy days or holidays in the west. Easter, for example, in the Gregorian calendar is determined by a sub-set of ecclesiastical rules. Whereas Christmas is a fixed day of the month, Easter is always a Sunday requiring special rules to determine when it will fall. These rules are followed by western Christendom but the Orthodox churches of the east calculate Easter differently using the older Julian calendar of the Roman empire from which the Gregorian is derived. In this book we'll examine the evidence, reconstructing the ancient calendar of the patriarchs, Jews and apostles from scripture and newly discovered, authenticated sources. More than an academic exercise, the re-emergence of the scriptural calendar is pregnant with meaning for all of us. The sacred calendar is the authority for 1) the Holy Days that God appointed for us for our corporate and individual atonement and for worship and 2) the same calendar tells us where we stand prophetically now and on into the future to the end of the age and beyond. Could the re-emergence of the calendar of scripture itself be one of the most important signs that God is speaking to us today, showing us that we're living at the end of time, drawing our attention to earth's final events and inviting us, urging us to prepare ourselves for what is about to transpire?

Jesus in Time

Book Description

The calendar dates, which are plainly documented in this book, are the exact dates that Jesus of Nazareth lived in the flesh, and performed his life and ministry upon the earth for the redemption of mankind. The dates are based on the dates of the Mosaic calendar of the Old Testament, the time prophecies of the Book of Daniel, and the narrative of the New Testament, which Jesus fulfilled during his life and ministry. This book, Jesus in Time, reveals the true and exact calendar dates of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ on our present-day Gregorian calendar. It reveals the true dates of his conception, birth, circumcision, presentation, baptism, transfiguration, last supper, gethsemane, crucifixion, entombment, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven on our Gregorian calendar. This book is composed of four parts, each of which are necessary and that complement each other. Part I deciphers the Mosaic calendar of the Old Testament. Part II reveals the hidden meaning of the time prophecies of the Book of Daniel. Part III presents the exact dates of Jesus life and ministry. Part IV bears witness to the restoration of the church of Jesus Christ in the latter-days. The knowledge of the exact dates of Jesus' life in the flesh simply serves to document his life in our human history. I sincerely hope that this knowledge will be a great blessing to all Christendom, and to all the world of mankind. May we finally know the true calendar dates of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, the scriptures on which they are based, and the truth to which they bear witness.