Special Issue

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Diffuse Pollution

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Diffuse (non-point source) pollution is increasingly being recognised as a major source of water quality problems in both surface and ground water. Indeed, as pollution resulting from point sources is reduced by the efforts of regulators, diffuse sources frequently remain as the dominant source of pollution. The book is an introductory text covering the nature, causes and the significance of diffuse pollution of both urban and rural origin. Best management practices to tackle the problems are examined as are the ways in which the adoption of such practices may be brought about. Use is made of case studies from several countries to examine the strengths and weaknesses of various approaches. Diffuse Pollution covers both urban and rural sources. Urban sources include run-off from impermeable surfaces of roads, industrial areas and housing which may be contaminated by hydrocarbons, heavy metals, organic chemicals and other undesirable substances. Rural sources include water containing pollutants arising from agriculture and forestry such as plant nutrients, pesticides, microbes and soil itself. This concise book will prove useful to practitioners in the field of pollution control both in an urban and a rural environment, to regulators, to researchers new to the field, and to academics and students. An extensive reference section aids the reader in exploring the subject further. Contents Diffuse pollution A Best Practice Approach An Introduction to BMPs for built environments Managing diffuse pollution from urban sources - a survey of best practice experience Rural BMPs Rural best practice experience Regulation, Economic instruments, and Education for controlling diffuse pollution Sustainability Full Contents List (439KB)

Diffuse Pollution, Degraded Waters: emerging policy solutions

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After decades of regulation and investment to reduce point source water pollution, OECD countries still face water quality challenges (e.g. eutrophication) from diffuse agricultural and urban sources of pollution, that is disperse pollution from surface runoff, soil filtration and atmospheric deposition. The relative lack of progress reflects the complexities of controlling multiple pollutants from multiple sources, their high spatial and temporal variability, associated transactions costs, and limited political acceptability of regulatory measures. This report outlines the water quality challenges facing OECD countries today, presents a range of policy instruments and innovative case studies of diffuse pollution control, and concludes with an integrated policy framework to tackle diffuse water pollution. An optimal approach will likely entail a mix of policy interventions reflecting the basic OECD principles of water quality management – pollution prevention, treatment at source, the polluter pays and beneficiary pays principles, equity, and policy coherence.

OECD Studies on Water Diffuse Pollution, Degraded Waters Emerging Policy Solutions

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After decades of regulation and investment to reduce point source water pollution, OECD countries still face water quality challenges (e.g. eutrophication) from diffuse agricultural and urban sources of pollution, that is disperse pollution from surface runoff, soil filtration....

Diffuse Pollution '98

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Diffuse Pollution of surface, coastal and ground waters is a major environmental and economic problem in the world today. Unlike point source pollution, which has to some extent been controlled by developments in technology and regulation, diffuse pollution is difficult to control, requiring the application of technological and socio-economical approaches and of education. The 46 papers in these proceedings have been selected from those presented at the 3rd International Conference on Diffuse Pollution, which addressed urban and rural diffuse pollution problems and solutions as experienced in several countries. The papers are divided into five themes: Identification of sources and loads Best Management Practices Receiving water impacts Modelling diffuse pollution Watershed management. The proceedings conclude with two papers, prepared by prominent specialists, that summarise the key findings at the conference. These proceedings will prove an essential resource for all concerned, whether as researchers, regulators or practioners, with diffuse pollution and its control.

Diffuse Pollution Impacts

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Diffuse Pollution

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Diffuse Pollution of Water Resources

Book Description

Diffuse pollution of water resources has a multi-disciplinary dimension and the measures to prevent and control it are closely inter-related to the development patterns and societal habits of the region. This book aims to bridge the gaps between different specialists working in the field and to present an integrated approach for the solution of diffuse pollution problems. It focuses on cases specific to developing countries and emphasizes the need to pursue environmentally-sustainable development patterns. Basic principles, definitions and approaches are presented, enabling a common language and understanding among professionals in the field. Numerous case studies from the region, mainly related to urban sources of diffuse pollution, are included. They could be regarded as typical for any developing country, suggesting tools and methods to assess and evaluate the extent of diffuse pollution problems. The book is valuable as a supplementary text for undergraduate and postgraduate students whose studies include a component of water resources and environmental engineering and management, including degree courses in Environmental, Civil and Chemical Engineering, Soil Science, Environmental Sciences and Public Health related sciences. It is also a valuable guide for professionals and managers working in the field of Water Resources and Environmental protection.