Economics of Base Metals

Book Description

In this thesis I present three papers on the Economics of the base metals industry. The thesis studies production, trading, and investment in the base metals industry, and thus explains some phenomena of the industry in an international context. Using the features of the base metals industry such as the practices in production and trading, physical properties, geology of the deposits and so on, we build theoretical models to simulate the behavior of the industry. In Chapter One, we study the determinants and the trend of base metals prices over time by an equilibrium model of supply and demand. Because the different types of natural resources exhibit different patterns of price changes in history, we particularly simulate the long run equilibrium to study the impacts of the determinants for base metals prices. The Cobb-Douglass production function on the supply side allows substitution among production factors. The demand function for base metals from the economy is also derived. In the long run, equilibrium of aggregate supply and demand determines the systematic price trend. We show how trends of base metals prices depend on technological progress, resource scarcity, natural resource tax, and the interest rate. Assuming constant returns to scale in base metals production, the price elasticity of the supply of base metals is relatively small. Interestingly, a high natural resource tax leads to a high price but low rate of price change over time. On the supply side, the decline of base metals relative prices can thus be explained by the inverse supply functions. On the demand side, the relative price is also declining over time as we see the implications of the inverse demand functions and our numerical illustrations. By solving the equilibrium condition, we show that the economic rent of base metals minerals in reserve may decline over time, or even not be valuable in future. The price elasticities of supply and demand are calculated and decomposed into specific effects. These are systematic components of base metal price changes in the world market. Chapter Two deals with the fluctuations in the prices of base metals. We consider the price in the short run as an equilibrium of trade. If the long run equilibrium regulates the prices and sets them in a stabilization, then the fluctuations in price are caused by the trade and speculative activities. By simulating speculative activities and optimizing the utility of agents in international exchanges, we show that the price fluctuations are the response to risk preferences of agents and the scale of international exchanges. We find out the critical point of production investment, which depends on the market demand, profitability of the metal industry, and the distribution of base metal minerals in nature. In the specific case of the industry versus the market condition when the uncertain production is above the critical point, the price of base metal fluctuates more or less according to the number of producer offers in base metal exchanges, the speculative activities, and risk preferences of agents. In contrast, if the investment level of the base metals industry in uncertain production is below the critical point, the effects of base metal exchanges scale to the price are in the reverse direction. The comparative statics inequalities are derived to clarify the responses of the price to the risk preferences of agents and scale of the international exchanges. Hence, the non-systematic changes of base metals prices in international exchanges are explained. Chapter Three studies the impact of the industrial and commercial processes on investment decisions in the base metals industry. The investment decisions of investors in the primary capital market and the stock price in the secondary capital market reflect properties of the base metals industry in capital markets. We present a model of investments, which is a two stage game that incorporates Hall-Jorgenson neoclassical investment analysis and properties of the base metals industry. The paper presents a set of explanatory parameters for the properties of base metal stocks and analyzes the investment decisions. We define the industry factor and explain the empirical observations on the beta coefficient of base metal stocks. The relationships between stock prices and base metals prices are clarified using the geology of base metals deposits. The results show that there is a strong impact of the industry factor on the volatility of base metal stock prices. Economies of scale in the mining industry lead to different effects of tax policy and output prices on investment decisions. We support conclusions of the model by evidence in the base metals industry. There are policy implications that are derived from the equations of the optimal investment. Key words : Base Metals, Price Fluctuations, Price Trends, Risk Aversion, Metals Industry, LME, International Exchange, Metal Stocks, Investment.

Mineral Exploration Economics

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Examines the premise that the economics of base metal exploration are similar in Canada and Australia. Explains, in the light of historical evidence, similarities and differences in base metal exploration between the two countries in a way that will be useful for corporate planning and the analysis of government policy. Main conclusion is that the economics of base metal exploration in Australia is markedly different from the Canadian experience.

The Markets for Canadian Base Metals, 1900-50

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Economic Potential of Base Metal and Gold Mining in Newfoundland

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The assessment of base metal and gold supply are based on the years 1946-85, subdivided into decades to examine time trends. Money values are expressed in constant 1987 Canadian dollars. Appraisals are made on a potential value, before-tax basis, including all direct costs and revenues associated with exploration and development, then on an after-tax basis considering the application of federal and Newfoundland income and mining taxation systems to the overall potential values. The level and components of mining taxation are compared to other provinces and territories and base metal and gold activities are compared to those in Canada and in the Appalachian Region. The capability developed to assess the economic potential in Newfoundland is applied to evaluate and compare the impact of regional development policy options, including geologic data base development, direct assistance for mineral exploration, support for new mine development, production stage incentives, and assistance for mines faced with temporary or permanent closure.

The Economics of Deep-Sea Mining

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Manganese nodules lying on the ocean floor beyond national jurisdiction and containing such strategic minerals as cobalt, copper, manganese and nickel are currently considered to constitute the highest-valued deep ocean mineral resource and regarded by many as the "common heritage of mankind". Not surprisingly, the exploitation of minerals from the sea bed was one of the most controversial issues discussed at the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea from 1973 to 1982, which led to the adoption of a new Convention on the Law of the Sea in Jamaica in December of 1982. However, the still ongoing international debate on the Convention I s regime to govern deep-sea mining reveals that the central economic problems involved are far from being defi nitely settled. In view of the importance of this issue, the Kiel Institute of World Economics launched in 1980 a major research project on allocational and distributional aspects of the use of ocean resources. A comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the new Law of the Sea Convention has al ready been published (see Wilfried Prewo et al., Die Neuordnung der Meere - Eine okonomische Kritik des neuen Seerechts. Kieler Studien No. 173. Tlibingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1982).

Economics for Investors

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Dr.V.Thangamayan, Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Economics, Kamaraj College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India. Dr.O.Nethaji, Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of Mathematics, Kamaraj College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India.