El Fin de la Globalizacion

Book Description

De la sociedad de las naciones a la globalización: Visiones desde América y Europa

Book Description

El contenido de este texto dice relación directa con las investigaciones que presentaron diferentes académicos nacionales y extranjeros en el V Congreso Chile España, que se desarrolló en la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción durante el año 2018. Las temáticas que se consideraron en dicha actividad, tuvieron directa relación con la Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales y se iniciaron con el origen y rol de la Sociedad de Naciones el año 1919, culminando con la iniciativa americana en este campo, representada por UNASUR y su actual condición.

The End of Globalization

Book Description

Globalisation is here. This text provides an historical perspective, exploring the circumstances in which the globally integrated world of an earlier era broke down under the pressure of unexpected events.

El mundo hispanohablante contemporáneo

Book Description

El mundo hispanohablante contemporáneo: historia, política, sociedades y culturas is a comprehensive and innovative book for advanced students of Spanish. Offering a constructivist approach to the study of the civilizations, cultures and histories of the contemporary Spanish-speaking world, the book focuses on learning as an active process that enables learners to develop high-level critical thinking skills through the exposure, research, examination and discussion of a variety of authentic films, songs and literary texts. Divided into twelve chapters, each chapter begins with an introduction to the general topic followed by various activities that lead students to critically analyse a range of authentic materials. Learners are able to practice higher level critical-thinking and linguistic skills through a wealth of tasks and exercises which culminate in a capstone section that requires the application of the concepts learned and sources utilized throughout the lesson. El mundo hispanohablante contemporáneo: historia, política, sociedades y culturas offers great flexibility and adaptability to suit advanced courses in Hispanic culture and civilization. Each chapter is methodologically designed with a balanced mix of activities for individual and teamwork. Additional resources are available online for both instructors and students. These include an instructor’s guide with answer key, a grammar supplement and links to the authentic materials referenced within the book.

Post-Global Aesthetics

Book Description

Phenomena such as the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, or the surge of political populism show that the current phase of accelerated globalization is over. New concepts are needed in order to respond to this exhaustion of the global project: the volume scrutinizes these responses in the aesthetic realm and under a "post-global" banner, while incorporating alternative, non-Western epistemologies and literatures of the post-colonial Global South.

The Jossey-Bass Reader on Contemporary Issues in Adult Education

Book Description

THE JOSSEY-BASS READER ON Contemporary Issues in Adult Education With contributions from leading experts in the field, The Jossey-Bass Reader on Contemporary Issues in Adult Education collects in one volume the best previously published literature on the issues and trends affecting adult education today. The volume includes influential pieces from foundational authors in the profession such as Eduard C. Lindeman, Alain Locke, and Paulo Freire, as well as current work from authors around the world, including Laura L. Bierema, John M. Dirkx, Cecilia Amaluisa Fiallos, Peter Jarvis, Michael Newman, and Shirley Walters. In five sections, the book's thirty chapters delve into a wide range of compelling topics including: social justice, democracy, and activism diversity and marginalization human resource development lifelong learning ethical issues the meaning and role of emotions globalization and non-Western perspectives the role of mass media, popular culture, and "social learning" technology health, welfare, and environment Each piece is framed within its larger context by the editors, and each section is accompanied by helpful reflection and discussion questions.

Extractive Economies and Conflicts in the Global South

Book Description

The majority of developing countries in the Global South are evidently rich in natural resources, but paradoxically blighted by excruciating poverty and conflicts. This paradox of deprivation and war in the midst of plenteous resources has been the subject of great debate in international political economy in contemporary history. This book contributes to the debate by examining the underlying structures, actors and contexts of rentier politics and how they often produce and aggravate conflicts in the various extractive economies and regions of the Global South. The book critically explores the theories of rentier economies and natural resource conflicts, as well as the practical ramifications of rentier politics in the Global South with all their resonance for political economy and security in the Global North.

Ecuador y Globalización contra Hegemónica: Ética Cívica para la Construcción Social

Book Description

El libro presenta la emergencia y urgencia de un modelo de «ética cívica» aplicado a la construcción social en tiempos de globalización (Capítulo primero). A la luz de este modelo analiza la dimensión normativa presente tanto en los procesos contemporáneos de globalización hegemónica y contrahegemónica (Capítulo segundo), cuanto en las nociones de «derechos humanos», «democracia» y «participación ciudadana» consagradas en la Constitución del Ecuador, un país que, buscando el «buen vivir» de su población, quiere garantizar su realización implementando un régimen de desarrollo orientado a dicho propósito, e impulsando prioritariamente la integración latinoamericana como alternativa «multipolar» (Capítulo tercero).


Book Description

La globalización representa nuestro mundo actual. Gracias, en gran medida a las nuevas tecnologías, nuestro planeta se está reduciendo a la mínima expresión: las herramientas de comunicación, como internet, nos permiten con tan solo un click conocer lo que está pasando al otro lado del mundo en décimas de segundo. No obstante, y como veremos, la globalización no solo atiende a factores comunicativos sino que también afecta a las propias personas en su día a día: las marcas comerciales, los comportamientos sociales, la forma de vestir o el ocio son muchos de los otros componentes que también forman parte de este mundo globalizado.

Past and Power: Public Policies on Memory. Debates, from Global to Local

Book Description

The public authorities have not successfully resolved the management of the traumatic memory of the wars, dictatorships and massacres to which the European project was always intended to be a counterpoint. The conflict of memories and the public discourses about the past are latent on ideological, political and cultural levels. However, if in the past the conflict concerning memories tended to develop inside the borders of countries, it has now leapt into the European arena. This has also led to the confrontation and questioning of the great narratives established in the common memory, especially with countries of the East joining the European Union. Each community, group or nation maintains common memories that do not always fit in or converge with a general overall account. The origins of the UB Solidarity Foundation’s European Observatory on Memories lie in these debates, and through this book — which includes the contributions of specialists in multiple disciplines and the speeches that were given at the first international symposium, “Memory and Power: A Transnational Perspective” — it hopes to present some of the key challenges that this conflict of memories has in store for us in the present and in the future.