
Book Description

Bryce (named Hollywood by his fellow SEALS) was one of three original melds of the GES Project. Since another of the three went missing, hes been an outsider, believing the search was abandoned too easily. But now that the bonded males of the team face the kidnapping of their bonded mates, his brothers need him more than ever. And after his encounter with the sexy biker bar owner, Shay, could it be that Bryce would turn to his fellow SEALS for help?


Book Description

Encompass means to envelop. This book envelopes three stories in one book starting in Stillwater, Minnesota and takes the reader to Waterbury, Connecticut, on to Fort Myers, Florida and finally to Seattle, Washington. One-two characters link the next story. The descriptions of the neighborhoods and companies have been researched for accuracy. Everyone in the stories and the names of companies and businesses are all fictional.

Encompass Preschool Curriculum

Book Description

Encompass Preschool Curriculum is a 26-week curriculum intended to guide a preschooler through basic developmental and educational skills expected of a 3 or 4 year old including, but not limited to, fine and gross motor skills, music, art, math, Bible, recitation, literacy, and cooking skills. By the end of this curriculum a preschooler should be able to recognize all basic upper and lower case letters, numbers 1-20, basic shapes, basic colors, time to the half-hour, U.S. coins, his/her full name, and demonstrate basic reasoning skills. In addition, a preschooler will have the opportunity to memorize several well-known poems and nursery rhymes as well as Bible verses and character studies that will have a life-long impact on their behavioral development. This curriculum is intended to be used 4 days a week for approximately one hour each day. It's an open-and-go guide to preschool with little prep work necessary. Instead of worrying about planning and prepping, parents can now have fun learning together with their preschooler and enjoying the process of watching their little one grow.

Encompass – 5

Book Description

Encompass is a series that aims to make the study of the part and the present a joyous learning experience.