Proceedings of the Florence Symposium, Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement, 22-26 June 1981. (Actes Du Colloque de Florence, Mesure de L'Erosion Et Du Transport Des Sediments). Part 1. Field Excursion Guide

Book Description

Contents: Erosion and Sediment Transport in Virginio and Pesciola Experimental Basins; Rainfall Simulation for the Quantitative Evaluation of Erosion Effect on Different Soils; Soil Erosion Research in the Era Valley (PISA).

Proceedings of the Florence Symposium, Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement, 22-26 June 1981. (Actes Du Colloque de Florence, Mesure de L'Erosion Et Du Transport Des Sediments). Part 2. Late Papers, Poster Session

Book Description

Late Papers: The sediment discharge of rivers-a review; Some observations on the movement of cobbles on a streambed; Remote sensing data applied to the evaluation of soil erosion caused by land use: Ribeirao Anhumas basin area: a case study; Continuous measurement of suspended sediment transport by an optical-ultrasonic device. Poster Session Texts: Quantitative goemorphology in erosion process investigation; Two maps on the dynamics of a river bed; Carta della propensione al dissesto idrogeologico; A new portable Rainfall Simulator for erosion and runoff research; Techniques for modeling and monitoring the effects of vegetative strips on sediment yield from disturbed areas; Contribution to the study of the correlation between sediment transport and weathering of the formations in the Arno river basin; Sediment measurement in India; Problems with land erosion in Central Italy; Field measurement of sediment transport processes in a small stream of Northern Calabria (Italy): impact of results on experimental approach; Assessment of bed loan in river Narmada in India; Observed bed changes during floods in an ephemeral stream; Guide to the tours in Puglia and Basilicata.