Escolhas profissionais e autoeficácia docente em educação física

Book Description

A autoeficácia é a crença nas capacidades individuais de organizar/executar cursos de ação, necessários à realização de tarefas ou feitos dirigidos a uma meta. Engloba processos autoperceptivos e avaliativos, que relacionam fatores ambientais, pessoais e comportamentais. Nesta obra revisada, a autoeficácia é aplicada na compreensão do controle interno das crenças e percepções que envolvem a prática docente em Educação Física (EF) e escolhas de atuação profissional entre as possíveis áreas e contextos da EF brasileira. O fato de a EF se configurar repleta de conteúdos e atividades práticas e corporais reforça a necessidade em se compreender o fenômeno da autoeficácia de maneira singular e sistematizada. Além disso, os critérios disciplinares e métodos avaliativos, o espaço das aulas e seus conteúdos práticos realçam a necessidade de atenção especial a detalhes diferenciais da EF. A problemática encontra-se na análise das possíveis contribuições da autoeficácia e suas associações com: satisfação docente, preferência de atuação entre as áreas de atuação profissional e disposição para continuidade docente em EF. Surgem associações na percepção de competências, segurança, engajamento e domínio de conteúdos para atuação docente no ambiente da EF. Os estudos em autoeficácia, apesar de ainda recentes, vêm ganhando espaço no ambiente educacional, sendo correlacionados à motivação, à persistência e à avaliação da prática docente e discente, além de estudos em autoeficácia coletiva nos sistemas de ensino. A literatura já evidencia associações do construto com a questão motivacional do professor, por meio de sua satisfação pessoal e disposição para continuar nessa carreira docente, bem como dos níveis de esforço e persistência diante das adversidades durante o processo. Em um segundo momento da obra, iremos abordar a especificidade de atuação em EF Adaptada (EFA) e o atendimento às pessoas com deficiência (PCD). A perspectiva social cognitiva e as propostas de ensino reflexivo configuraram-se excelentes referenciais, comuns para as discussões sobre crenças docentes, formação profissional e atuação em EF/EFA. Compreender a autoeficácia docente pode ser essencial à atuação do profissional em nossa área (em variados contextos, públicos e ambientes), trazendo discussões sobre a necessidade de estudos a respeito da motivação do professor e do aluno, a formação profissional e os fatores sociais e ambientais.

Autoeficácia docente e motivação para a realização de profissionais de educação física adaptada

Book Description

O Professor Rubens Venditti Júnior já exerceu a docência em todos os níveis de ensino (do ensino básico ao superior), portanto, quando falamos de sua experiência profissional, não é apenas do que ele fala, mas do que faz. A docência é para ele uma experiência (perdão pela dicotomia) racional e emotiva, pois ele consegue transmitir os conteúdos de aula com excelência e, ao mesmo tempo, alcançar o coração dos alunos, gravando não apenas procedimentos, conceitos e conteúdos, mas também experiências de vida, de forma rigorosa, lúdica, emocionante e com prazer. Seus trabalhos de mestrado e doutorado, ambos realizados na Faculdade de Educação Física da UNICAMP, abordaram a questão da autoeficácia docente, a atuação e formação profissional em Educação Física Adaptada e suas relações com a motivação. Estudar e produzir a respeito de autoeficácia, motivação e docência são para ele não só fruto de esforço e dedicação, mas também de vivenciar o que ama fazer. Tem proferido palestras, cursos, participado de eventos científicos por todo o país, partilhando e motivando alunos com diferentes níveis de formação a exercer a docência com alta qualidade, rigor e prazer. Algumas instituições de ensino superior tiveram o privilégio de tê-lo como docente (Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo, Metrocamp IBTA-VERIS, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas Gerais, Uninove SP, Faculdades Anhanguera, Centro Universitário Padre Anchieta), até que ele assumisse a docência na Universidade Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP- Campus Bauru) no Departamento de Educação Física, onde leciona atualmente. A carreira acadêmica do Prof. Rubens tem sido construída com sucesso, mas isso não é tudo, ele é, também, uma pessoa com muitos amigos, carismática e envolvente. Termino essa breve apresentação sobre o autor, com uma de suas frases preferidas e que pode ser aplicada a todos nós: Remember... may the Force be with you, always. (Obi Wan Kenobi). Professor Dr. Leonardo Tavares Martins é colega do autor, coordenador do curso de Educação Física da Unasp SP.

Handbook of Self-Concept

Book Description

Of related interest... SOCIAL ORIGINS OF MENTAL ABILITY —Gary Collier This volume is the first comprehensive, systematic survey of research into the non-hereditary influences on intelligence. Focusing on the cultural, environmental, and social influences on the development of mental abilities, Dr. Collier helps to advance the nurture side of the "nature vs. nurture" debate. He also offers a viable synthesis of supporting facts and ideas from the worlds of psychology, the psychology of personality, and cognitive psychology. This book will have a profound influence upon academe, the psychological community, educators, and policymakers. 1993 (0-471-30407-7) 320 pp. EGO DEFENSES: Theory and Measurement —Edited by Hope R. Conte and Robert Plutchik This book explores the nature and manifestations of defense mechanisms and traces ego defense theory and research from Freud's initial conceptualization through recent work in object-relations theory and other psychoanalytically oriented approaches. It provides clinical guidelines for diagnosing, assessing, and dealing with defenses, reviews empirical research techniques, and indicates their value in development and in psychotherapy. This volume should be of value to theoreticians, clinicians, and researchers interested in finding appropriate tools for measurement of defense mechanisms. 1994 (0-471-05233-7) 352 pp. A THEORY OF PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT —Luciano L'Abate with Charles H. Bryson Luciano L'Abate's theories are rooted in social interactions and life experiences, unlike the more traditional, somewhat metaphysical theories of personality development. In this groundbreaking work, he brings to light the heart of his theory, that the ability to love and to negotiate are the sine qua non of personal competence, with the family as the major determinant of both. This book is essential reading for personality researchers, students, and all psychologists in clinical, developmental, abnormal, and social psychology. 1993 (0-471-30303-8) 336 pp. Handbook of Self-Concept "If we could see ourselves as others see us, we would vanish on the spot." —E. M. Cioran It is one of the most intimate of realities and the slipperiest of abstractions. For Sartre it was a double negative and for B. F. Skinner, a set of learned responses. Among exponents of artificial intelligence it is the Oz at the end of the rainbow, while for Voltaire it was an unavoidable pathology. And, ever since William James first identified consciousness of self as a discrete psychological phenomenon, more than a century ago, it has been the source of intense speculation and debate among psychologists. In the past twenty years alone, over 11,000 studies have been conducted on various aspects of self-concept. Much progress has been made, and a general consensus has been reached about many of its aspects, yet, many fundamental questions remain unanswered, such as: What exactly do we mean when we say "self"? Is self-concept an aspect of a broader cognitive self-system, or is it best defined in behavioral terms? How valuable is self-concept to clinical practice? What roles do age, race, gender, and sociocultural variables play in self-concept? Bringing together contributions from leading researchers and clinicians from a broad range of psychological disciplines, this book provides answers to these and other important questions concerning self-concept. It explores all theoretical and applied aspects of self-concept, offering a balanced synthesis of the vast body of information on the subject that has accumulated since the 1970s. Chapters address each of the six primary self-concept domains (competence, social, affect, academic, family, and physical) with an emphasis on the clinical significance of each. In the chapter on clinical assessment, existing self-concept scales are subjected to in-depth quantitative and qualitative review, and readers are provided with standardized tables for organizing the principal characteristics reviewed and comparing individual test results. In the concluding chapter, Dr. Bracken describes the clinical applications of a multidimensional, context-dependent model that facilitates the synthesis of information across instruments (including more than 70 psychoeducational tests and scales provided in an appendix) and informants. Providing practical answers to many of the most important questions about self-concept, Handbook of Self-Concept is essential reading for personality psychologists as well as researchers and educators in developmental, clinical, and social psychology.

Handbook of Physical Education

Book Description

What is the condition of the field of Physical Education? How is it adapted to the rise of kinesiology, sport and exercise science and human movement studies over the last thirty years? This Handbook provides an authoritative critical overview of the field and identifies future challenges and directions. The Handbook is divided in to six sections: Perspectives and Paradigms in Physical Education Research; Cross-disciplinary Contributions to Research Philosophy; Learning in Physical Education; Teaching Styles and Inclusive Pedagogies; Physical Education Curriculum; and Difference and Diversity in Physical Education.

Stress Prevention at Work Checkpoints

Book Description

Work-related stress is one of the most important issues in many countries. The negative impacts of stress are multiform and can include circulatory and gastrointestinal diseases as well as physical, psychosomatic and psycho-social problems. These in turn can lead to poor work performance, high accident and injury rates, and low productivity. It is therefore of vital importance to optimise work conditions and organisation. This manual includes easy-to-apply checkpoints for identifying stressors in working life and mitigating their harmful effects. It also provides guidance on linking workplace risk assessment with the process of stress prevention. The checkpoints in this volume are good practice for enterprises and organisations in general, and they are especially useful for companies and organizations that wish to incorporate stress prevention into their overall occupational safety and health policy and management systems. Each of the checkpoints describes an action, indicates why it is necessary and how to carry it out, and provides further hints and points to remember.

Medicalized Masculinities

Book Description

The first book to examine the male body in relation to the sociology of health and gender.

Physical Literacy

Book Description

What is physical literacy? What are the benefits of being physically literate? The term ‘physical literacy’ describes the motivation, confidence, physical competence, understanding and knowledge that individuals develop in order to maintain physical activity at an appropriate level throughout their life. Physical literacy encompasses far more than physical education in schools or structured sporting activities, offering instead a broader conception of physical activity, unrelated to ability. Through the use of particular pedagogies and the adoption of new modes of thinking, physical literacy promises more realistic models of physical competence and physical activity for a wider population, offering opportunities for everyone to become active and motivated participants. This is the first book to fully explore the meaning and significance of this important and emerging concept, and also the first book to apply the concept to physical activity across the lifecourse, from infancy to old age. Physical Literacy – explaining the philosophical rationale behind the concept and also including contributions from leading thinkers, educationalists and practitioners – is essential reading for all students and professionals working in physical education, all areas of sport and exercise, and health.

Quality Physical Education (QPE)

Book Description

Sustainable development star ts with safe, healthy, well-educated children. Par ticipation in qualit y physical education (QPE), as par t of a rounded syllabus, enhances young peoples' civic engagement, decreases violence and negative pat terns of behaviour, and improves health awareness. Despite evidence highlighting the impor tance of QPE to child development, the world is witnessing a global decline in its delivery and a parallel rise in deaths associated with physical inactivit y.


Book Description

"This book is. . . clear and well-written. . . anyone with any interest in the basis of quantitative analysis simply must read this book. . . . well-written, with a wealth of explanation. . ." --Dougal Hutchison in Educational Research Using real data examples, this volume shows how to apply bootstrapping when the underlying sampling distribution of a statistic cannot be assumed normal, as well as when the sampling distribution has no analytic solution. In addition, it discusses the advantages and limitations of four bootstrap confidence interval methods--normal approximation, percentile, bias-corrected percentile, and percentile-t. The book concludes with a convenient summary of how to apply this computer-intensive methodology using various available software packages.

The Benefits of Learning

Book Description

How do education and learning really impact on people's lives? The Benefits of Learning is a detailed, systematic and vivid account of the impact of formal and informal education on people's lives. Based on extended interviews with adults of all ages, it shows how learning affects their health, family lives and participation in civic life, revealing the downsides of education as well as the benefits. At a time when education is in danger of being narrowly regarded as an instrument of economic growth, this study covers: * the interaction between learning and people's physical and psychological well-being * the way learning impacts on family life and communication between generations * the effect on people's ability and motivation to take part in civic and community life. Packed with detail from adults' own accounts of their lives, the book reveals how learning enables people to sustain themselves and their communities in the face of daily stresses and strains, as well as sometimes transforming their lives. The book opens up new avenues for debate. It is a valuable resource for education researchers and of particular interest to education policy makers, adult education practitioners, health educators and postgraduate students in education.