Three Essays in Wage Differentials

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This dissertation consists of three essays focusing on wage inequality and education policy. Essay 1 considers growth in the variance of wages. Prior work has documented that the college premium plays a major role in explaining wage variance growth. This essay examines the extent to which this role can be attributed to an increase in the dispersion of occupation-specific returns to post-secondary education. Using the variance components approach and CPS data between 1979-1981 and 2003-2005, the essay shows that the variation in the college premium across occupations has increased over time, and this variation expansion explains about five percent of the growth in wage variance across the two periods. By dividing the sample workforce into professional and nonprofessional groups, the results suggest that the increased variation in the return to post-secondary education particularly caused the wage gap between the professional and non-professional workers to increase. Essay 2 applies quantile regression methodology to the study of the determinants of the wage distribution among natives and immigrants in the U.S., using PUMS from 1990 and 2000, and ACS from 2006. Among other findings, the immigrant/native wage gap is concentrated at the lower end to the median of the wage distribution, and the primary source of the wage gap is the relative lack of labor market skills among immigrants. A cross-time comparison shows that the recent immigrant/native wage gap after controlling for skill variables first decreased from 1990 to 2000 and then expanded from 2000 to 2006. The growth is concentrated at the two ends of the wage distribution, and the reason for growth is that the recent immigrants in 2006 are younger and thus have less market experience than their counterparts of 1990. Essay 3 is coauthored with Dr. Blankenau. We analyze the impact of changes in college admission standards on the skilled labor distribution, skilled firm distribution, and the match of skilled labor with skilled firms. We propose a model of schooling with heterogeneous labor and firms, in which firms' decisions in creating skilled jobs are conditioned on the supply of skilled labor. The model shows that lowering standards without providing incentives to acquire skills does not necessarily motivate accumulation of human capital or expansion of skilled industry. Lower standards tend to create a mismatch of educated labor with unskilled positions. In some specifications, lower standards can lower firms' willingness to create skilled positions, leaving more skilled workers underemployed.

Essays in Economic Development

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This thesis presents four self-contained essays that explore issues that are crucial in improving human well-being in a developing country: improving health, minimising child labour and reducing gender inequality. The analysis is focused on Bangladesh where the prevalence of child labour and gender differences in several domains is still widespread. The first essay aims to examine the gender wage gap along the entire wage distribution into an endowment effect and a discrimination effect, taking into account possible selection into full-time employment. Applying a new decomposition approach to the Bangladesh Labour Force Survey (LFS) datasets of 1999 and 2005, we find that women are paid less than men everywhere on the wage distribution and the gap is higher at the lower end of the distribution. Discrimination against women is the primary determinant of the wage gap. We also find that this gap has widened between 1999 and 2005. The second essay examines whether gender differences in tertiary enrolment rates can be explained by wage premiums in returns from secondary to tertiary education levels. Using LFS data, we find that wage premiums do not have any significant effect on the gender gap in tertiary enrolment rates. We also note that wage premiums in returns from secondary to tertiary education significantly influence tertiary enrolment rates for males but not for females, once additional variables are added. We offer evidence that part of the explanation for low female enrolment in tertiary education is attributable to demographic factors. The third essay investigates whether there is any trade-off between child labour hours and schooling. By drawing on the 2002 dataset of the Bangladesh National Child Labour Survey (NCLS), we find that working hours adversely affect child schooling from the very first hour of work. However, the marginal impact of child labour hours weakens when working hours increase; yet, working hours always negatively affect schooling when we use a non-parametric approach. We find that parents do not have identical preferences towards schooling decisions concerning boys and girls. Both mother and father show a significant preference for educating a female child. The same incentive effect is not found for a male child. These conclusions persist, even after allowing for sample selection in child labour. The fourth essay tests the effect of child labour on child health outcomes in Bangladesh. We use self-reported injury or illness due to work as a general measure of health status. Using NCLS data, we find that child labour is positively and significantly associated with the probability of being injured or becoming ill, once the endogenous relationship between these factors is accounted for. These findings remain robust when we consider child labour hours and restrict our analysis to rural areas. Moreover, the intensity of injury or illness is significantly higher in construction and manufacturing than in other sectors.

The Wage Gap

Book Description

This volume's collected essays present issues related to the wage gap, including problems with the wage gap between men and women, the wage gap as a rich and poor problem, and the wage gap among races. Essays also debate whether education is key to reducing the wage gap. Students are encouraged to see the validity of divergent opinions, so that they may understand issues inclusively. Fact boxes are included to summarize important information for researchers.

Poverty, Inequality and Development

Book Description

This collection of essays honors a remarkable man and his work. Erik Thorbecke has made significant contributions to the microeconomic and the macroeconomic analysis of poverty, inequality and development, ranging from theory to empirics and policy. The essays in this volume display the same range. As a collection they make the fundamental point that deep understanding of these phenomena requires both the micro and the macro perspectives together, utilizing the strengths of each but also the special insights that come when the two are linked together. After an overview section which contains the introductory chapter and a chapter examining the historical roots of Erik Thorbecke's motivations, the essays in this volume are grouped into four parts, each part identifying a major strand of Erik's work—Measurement of Poverty and Inequality, Micro Behavior and Market Failure, SAMs and CGEs, and Institutions and Development. The range of topics covered in the essays, written by leading authorities in their own areas, highlight the extraordinary depth and breadth of Erik Thorbecke's influence in research and policy on poverty, inequality and development. Acknowledgements These papers were presented at a conference in honor of Erik Thorbecke held at Cornell University on October 10-11, 2003. The conference was supported by the funds of the H. E. Babcock Chair in Food, Nutrition and Public Policy, and the T. H. Lee Chair in World Affairs at Cornell University.