Estimating Vehicle Miles Traveled on Local Roads

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This research presents a new method to estimate the local road vehicle miles traveled (VMT) with the concept of betweenness centrality. Betweenness centrality is a measure of a node's or link's centrality on a network that has been applied popularly in social science and we relate it to traffic volumes. We demonstrate that VMT on local roads exhibits a scale-free property: it follows two piecewise (double) power law distributions. In other words, the total local VMT can be obtained by properly connecting the two distributions at a breakpoint, each having a slope of the power law distribution. We show that the breakpoint can be predicted by using certain network topological measures, which indicates that the breakpoint may be an inherent property for a particular network. We also show that the highest betweenness centrality point can be estimated using network measures. Furthermore, we prove that the estimated VMT is not sensitive to the power of the power law distributions. This research highlights a potentially new direction of effort for local road VMT estimation. The electronic version of this dissertation is accessible from

Estimation and Prediction of Statewide Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) by Highway Category and Vehicle Classification

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Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) is a critical measure of highway system performance used extensively in highway transportation management not only for reporting to oversight agencies such as the FHWA but also as an input for financial analysis, resource allocation, and impact assessments. In the current era as highway revenue from fuel taxes continues to fall and direct user charging such as VMT fees become increasingly attractive, consistent and reliable VMT estimates have become critical for evaluating highway funding options. In the current practice at most highway agencies including the Indiana DOT, there exists several alternative methods for VMT estimation that typically yield a spectrum of estimates that are inconsistent and for certain methods, even inaccurate. This study was commissioned by the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) to develop a benchmark method for VMT estimation and to provide calibration factors for adjusting the VMT estimates derived from the other VMT estimation methods. The benchmark method used in this study was a segment-level framework that decomposes the entire road inventory into links and for each link, determining the product of the traffic volume and the inventory length. For the state highway system, the entire population was used; a comprehensive database was developed which facilitates extensive aggregations of VMT by geographical scope, route, functional class, and vehicle class. For the local roads, a sample of counties of different spatial locations and degrees of urbanization were used, and cluster analysis, geographic information systems (GIS), and spatial interpolation techniques were used to expand the VMT estimates from the local road samples to the population of all counties in the state. The results of this study indicate that there is significant variation, with respect to the benchmark method, of the VMT estimates of the other estimation methods. An implementation platform was developed in this study to produce outcomes that address the VMT data needs of the intended end users and stakeholders; this can be expanded to include new roads in future. It was determined that the current statewide VMT (2013) is 78 billion vehicle-miles, which is expected to grow to 95 billion vehicle miles in 2035.

A Methodology to Estimate Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Fractions as an Input to the Mobile Emission Model

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Air quality has been an issue of growing importance to the transportation sector since the enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century in 1998. According to these acts, states and local governments are required to attain and maintain National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The MOBILE model is the mobile emission factor model used in estimating air pollutants generated by mobile sources. In order to obtain accurate emission estimates, MOBILE must be provided with sound input data that accurately reflect local conditions. Among many input factors, vehicle miles traveled (VMT) fractions - the percentage of VMT for each vehicle type by roadway functional class - play a critical role. In this study a new methodology for estimating locally specific VMT fractions as an input to the MOBILE model was developed. Based on this methodology, VMT fractions were computed for the six non-attainment areas in Virginia: Frederick County, Fredericksburg, Hampton Roads, Northern Virginia, Richmond, and Roanoke. These estimates were compared with fractions estimated using existing methodologies. The comparison revealed significant differences. These differences, coupled with the fact that the proposed methodology uses significantly more local data and requires fewer assumptions than existing methods, illustrate the need for the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to reconsider its approach to applying the MOBILE model. Based on the results of this research effort, it is recommended that VDOT's Environmental Division use the proposed VMT fraction estimation methodology to generate input to the MOBILE model for mobile source emission estimates. This methodology will benefit VDOT by estimating mobile source emissions that better reflect local conditions. The cost of implementing the recommendation is minimal. Estimation of VMT fractions is a current activity, and the new methodology requires equivalent or less effort to the existing approach. In addition, required data for the proposed methodology can be obtained at no additional cost.

Evaluation of Methodology for Determining Truck Vehicle Miles Traveled in Illinois

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Nationwide surveys of departments of transportation, metropolitan planning organizations, and classification vendors/producers were conducted to determine the state of practice on equipment and methodologies used to determine truck vehicle miles traveled (VMT). The current Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) methodology was evaluated and it was found that it overestimated truck VMT for multi-unit trucks on all eight functional classes except on the minor urban arterials. The average overestimation was 11.5% and it varied from -10% to +44%. The current method overestimated truck VMT for single-unit trucks in five and underestimated in three functional classes. The under/over estimation ranged from -6% to +35%, but the average value was close to zero. To calculate truck VMT more accurately, this study proposed two different methods based on average truck percentage (ATP) and average section length (ASL). In the ATP method, truck VMT is calculated by multiplying the ATP for a group of roadway sections by the total VMT of that group. The ATP method should be used when the ATP and the total VMT by volume groups are available. In the ASL method, the total truck volume for the sampled sections is multiplied by the ASL. The ASL method should be used when the information required for ATP is not available or not reliable. Sample size influences the accuracy of truck VMT estimation and the decision on sample size must consider the error level that is acceptable. This study looked at the likely error for different sample sizes and recommended using 8% to 16% of the number of roadway sections. The sections should be distributed among the volume groups. Recently, IDOT collects vehicle classification data for three categories at about 10,000 sections, biennially. It is recommended to evaluate the truck VMT calculation using recent data.

Journal of Transportation and Statistics

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Provides a forum for the latest developments in transportation information and data, theory, concepts, and methods of analysis relevant to all aspects of the transportation system. Publishes original research on the use of information to improve public and private decisionmaking for transportation.

Public Roads

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