Eternal Sai Consciousness

Book Description

The Eternal Sai Consciousness attempts to unravel the nature of Sai Consciousness in context of the spiritual doctrines in ancient Upanishads, Puranas and Shastras of the Vedic Sanatan Dharma, as well as the holy books of Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Sikhism. It analyses and brings home the unique confluence of universal truths of the major world religions and faiths through the splendid ideas of Sufism, Kabir and other great thinkers, and Shirdi Sai Babas teachings as well as His heritage. Shri Nanda shares the eternal nature of the Sai Consciousness and links it to earlier Prophets, Saints and Sadgurus and the unceasing flow of the consciousness in the mind, heart and intellect of ardent devotees in many ways. The root and flow of the Supreme Consciousness have been introduced through subtle concepts like profiles of Bhakti and Dhyana, as well as mystic-spiritual truths (tattwas) around Sadguru, creation process, the subject of death, etc. The book can serve as a useful document for Sai devotees, researchers and students of spiritual themes, who wish to explore the nature of Consciousness and Self-Realisation further.

The Eternal Sai Phenomenon

Book Description

"“The Eternal Sai Phenomenon” attempts to unravel the nature of Sai phenomenon primarily in the context of the timeless Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. Sai path has been analysed from the standpoint of various yogas, like Karma yoga, Gnana yoga, hyana yoga and Bhakti yoga. Anecdotes from Shirdi Sai Baba’s life have been narrated to bring home the unique confluence of universal truths of world religions in the teachings and conduct. Shri Nanda has brought in the eternal nature of the unique phenomenon of Sai linking it to the earlier prophets and Sadgurus. The appearance of Shirdi Sai, the events in His lifetime and after His Mahasamadhi in 1918 have been recorded in the chronological time period with due acknowledgement to the sources. The historical recording starts from 1854 and comes up to year 2009. Arrangement of selected events year-wise is expected to familiarise the readers to the unfolding of Sai phenonomenon in an orderly historical perspective. This book could serve as a reference document for Sai devotees, researchers and students of spiritual themes, who wish to explore further the nature of Sai Phenomenon and Sai Consciousness.

Your Unique Consciousness

Book Description

The story of consciousness describes the mystery we are; where we come from before birth and where we go after death; and the thinking both in our body mind and subconscious and beyond it. It is the dimensions of rational awareness of mind and heart we use for our ego and creative life on earth, and in other dimensions around us. Imagine that you have an all-pervading higher intelligence within in your many layered consciousness. How we employ it for this dynamic life with love, and the ways it works, make you the self you are. Consciousness is an energy which comes into the brain of the embryo to activate the mind for this life; it functions at many levels. The level we call the heart is an influence emotionally with love and loving. Consciousness radiates, and the way it relates in us and beyond is the story of our lives. We can use this to great effect with certain techniques. We are alive in several levels of consciousness.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2024)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. With love, reverence, and gratitude, Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the February 2024 issue of Sathya Sai – The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This issue features: A divine discourse given on July 28, 2007 at the World Youth Conference, in which Swami assures the ultimate experience of Self-realization or liberation if one contemplates on God for eleven seconds with a steady mind. An inspiring letter written by Bhagawan in July 1965 on the importance of earnestness in sadhana and steady faith for spiritual aspirants. An editorial based on Adi Shankaracharya’s Bhaja Govindam (Part 2) expounding that everything is Brahman. Two unique personal experiences of devotees with one reminiscing the golden days during the 1974 Summer Course and the other recollecting Swami's golden touch during challenging times. An article about a unique program in Australia, 1 Million Steps To Swami, to help devotees remain connected with Swami in a practical way by constant remembrance of His name and form. The publication also contains articles on service activities of the SSSIO in Australia, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, and the USA, the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, and Sathya Sai Education.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2024)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. With love, reverence, and gratitude, Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the July 2024 Guru Poornima issue of Sathya Sai – The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of our Guru, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This issue features: A divine discourse delivered in Kenya on July 4, 1968, in which Swami expounds on divine love for the redemption of humanity. He urges everyone to share prema, the royal road to the one and only God, adored by different faiths. An inspiring letter written by Bhagawan on July 16, 1969, to the devotees in London, beautifully outlining the qualities of divine love and urging them to practice love for love’s sake. An editorial, ‘God is the only true Guru,’ as explained by Swami, who urges everyone to practice His teachings faithfully to reach the ultimate goal of life, liberation, or Self-realization. Personal heart-warming experiences of three devotees. One devotee shares how Swami, the Eternal Companion, protected their family in India from the 1950s and guided them along the spiritual path. The article is replete with rare, beautiful, and historic photographs of Swami with the author’s family from the early years. Another devotee from the USA shares his miraculous and mind-boggling experiences with the divine father and mother, designed to help him on the spiritual path. Another spiritual aspirant writes about the significance of Swami’s teachings on nature, and how God can be experienced through nature by following His teachings and His advice. A touching account of a large medical camp in Africa recently held by SSSIO healthcare professionals and volunteers, bringing love, hope, and an opportunity for better health to more than 5,500 needy people of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. An uplifting story about a Sathya Sai School in Argentina, established and nurtured through Swami's blessings and personal guidance. Over the past two decades, the school has served thousands of students, bringing them values-based integral education. An illustrated pictorial on the divine legacy of the growth of the SSSIO in many countries since the 1960s, under the direction of Bhagawan Himself. The publication features snippets on selfless service rendered by the SSSIO in Australia, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and the USA. It also includes articles on the inspiring programs and activities of Sai Young Adults and beautiful compositions by children in the Sathya Sai Education program.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2023)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the June 2023 issue of Sathya Sai–The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba with love, reverence, and gratitude. This issue features a divine discourse delivered by Swami on June 19, 1996, where He extols the virtues of discipline as being essential in all phases of life and all aspects of society to bring unity. Swami emphasizes that it is the hallmark of human life; without it, there can be no well-being (Na shreyo niyamam vina). The editorial, Divine Vision, Divine Mission, Divine Assurance, delves into the nine proclamations made by Bhagawan in the epochal letter He wrote to His brother in 1947. These proclamations clearly explain Swami’s divine vision, mission, and, most importantly, His divine assurance for all devotees and spiritual seekers. This is a “must-read’ for every spiritual aspirant. The publication contains unique personal experiences of devotees with Baba, articles on services rendered by SSSIO members worldwide, the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, and Sathya Sai Education. The pictorial on the history of SSSIO of Colombia outlines the growth of the organization over decades.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2023)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. In commemoration of Guru Poornima, Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the July 2023 issue of Sathya Sai–The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of our Guru Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba with love, reverence, and gratitude. This issue features a divine discourse delivered by Swami on July 16, 2000, where Heexpounds on the power of love as the underlying force for peace, unity, and divinity. Swami urges us to realize that love is our true form and that everything is a manifestation of God. He also advises us to have faith in God and share love with all to redeem our lives and be happy. The editorial, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba: Jagadguru & Sadguru, delves into the qualities of a Guru and the eight types of Gurus defined by Swami. It explains the nature of obstacles that stand in our way to Self-realization and how the true Guru can help us overcome these obstacles. The publication contains unique personal experiences of devotees with Baba, articles on services rendered by SSSIO members worldwide, the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, and Sathya Sai Education. A brief overview of the 2008 Sri Sathya Sai Education Conference in His divine presence recaptures those precious moments and the beauty and glory of His teachings on education as a way of life.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2023)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. With love, reverence, and gratitude, the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the December 2023 issue of Sathya Sai – The Eternal Companion commemorating the sacred and joyous occasion of Christmas 2023 at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. PLEASE DOWNLOAD the December 2023 issue. PLEASE VISIT THE WEBPAGE to access past issues (available in several languages). PLEASE SUBMIT articles and pictures for consideration for publication in future issues. This issue features: A divine discourse by Swami on December 25, 1978, about Lord Jesus Christ and His mission An inspiring letter written by Bhagawan in September 1971 on how to enter the Abode of Bliss and enjoy peace forever An editorial highlighting how we can follow in the footsteps of Lord Jesus by studying the inspiring examples of saints of Christianity who lived in divine love The publication also contains unique personal experiences of devotees with Swami, articles on service activities of the SSSIO in Greece, Italy, Thailand, and Uganda, the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, and Sathya Sai Education. The SSSIO History section features a pictorial of New Zealand's journey in Sai's path beginning in 1980 and how their love for Sai blossomed over decades in the island nation.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2023)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. We wish you and your families a happy and holy New Year filled with love, peace, and happiness. We pray to Swami to shower His divine grace and choicest blessings on all of us. With love, reverence, and gratitude, the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) is pleased to offer Volume 2, Issue 1 (January 2023) of Sathya Sai – The Eternal Companion for the New Year 2023 at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This issue features a New Year’s divine discourse by Swami in 1994 on the power of forbearance. Swami says there is no power in the world greater than forbearance to cultivate love. It also contains a letter written by Bhagawan to Dr. John Hislop, encouraging him to focus on the positive in others and always be happy. The editorial describes the Way to liberation as revealed by Swami in a song with nine verses composed by Him. The publication contains unique personal experiences of devotees with Swami, articles on services rendered by SSSIO members worldwide, the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, and Sathya Sai Education. The pictorial on the history of the SSSIO Israel in Zone 6 shows the growth of the Organization over decades. We invite you to read and share this free publication with everyone.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2023)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. On the auspicious occasion of Maha Shivaratri, the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) is pleased to offer the February 2023 issue of Sathya Sai – The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba with love, reverence, and gratitude. This issue features a Maha Shivaratri discourse by Swami in 2002, encouraging us to see God in everyone and everywhere. It also contains a letter written by Bhagawan to Mr. Rajagopal, explaining that goodness is the way to true happiness. The editorial describes the inner significance of Maha Shivaratri based on the teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The publication contains unique personal experiences of devotees with Swami, articles on services rendered by SSSIO members worldwide, the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, and Sathya Sai Education. We invite you to read and share this free publication with everyone.