Aquatic Plant Control Program

Book Description

Detailed studies are reported on the practical use of 2,4-D for control of water hyacinth; criteria for registration; toxicology, persistence, and mobility of phenoxy herbicides; herbicide residue; dissipation of 2,4-D in potable water resources; and integrated control of water hyacinth and alligator weed.


Book Description

Weed Control Methods For Recreation Facilities Management

Book Description

It is the purpose of this volume to survey and assess the management problems of recreation waters and to present case problems from the field in which the technical data, published literature, and the operations mechanics are given in sufficient detail to provide a format for practical analysis and application. Special emphasis has been given to measures of control of Eurasian watermilfoil.The primary and secondary uses of a body of water determine the need, frequency, and kind of aquatic plant control required to meet the needs of a specific situation. That is to say, a given body of water may be used primarily, or even exclusively for such activities as fishing, boating, or swimming, and the water itself may be used for domestic (potable water), industrial production, and/or agriculture. These uses may seem to be incompatible in themselves, but it is incumbent upon management to supply the optimum conditions for total water use.