Automated Enforcement for Speeding and Red Light Running

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The goal of this research was to find out which automated enforcement programs have been successful and what contributed to their success, as well as which programs have been unsuccessful and to draw lessons from their experiences. This was accomplished through a comprehensive assessment of automated speed and red light running enforcement activity in the United States and Canada, which led to the development of guidelines to assist agencies in implementing and operating successful automated enforcement programs. Over 350 jurisdictions with current or past automated enforcement programs were contacted by survey and phone as part of the assessment. In addition to the survey, an extensive literature review was conducted to determine the effect of the programs, cost effectiveness, and resource requirements, and to get the perspective of the public.

Evaluation of the Automated Speed Enforcement Program of the City of Regina

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The Government of Saskatchewan launched the Automated Speed Enforcement Program in the province of Saskatchewan, aiming to reduce the driving speed at some of the highrisk locations, and, hence, to improve road safety. The program is focused on some high speeding violation and high collision locations on the Highway network, as well as some of the high-risk collision school zone locations in Regina, Saskatoon, and Moose Jaw. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of the Automated Speed Enforcement Program on the school zones-not only on collisions in the school zones, but also speed changes at the speed camera location and adjacent roadways. At the same time, this study evaluates the effectiveness of speed cameras under various conditions. Lastly, regression models were developed using traffic counts, so that traffic engineers and road authorities will be able to determine the benefits of installing the Automated Speed Camera Enforcement System at alternative locations. And, hence, to ensure that a speed camera installed at a particular school zone will achieve its objective. To achieve the objective of the thesis, a large amount and variety of data needed to be obtained, such as vehicle speed, volume, and type, physical road conditions, classification, configuration, and detailed collision data, etc. The program shows an incredibly positive result on lowering driving speed, especially at the camera location. At most of the locations, drivers will try to slow down more at the camera location and drive with a slightly higher speed at both upstream and downstream locations. The compliance rate during summertime is a little bit worse than when school is in session, but most drivers will slow down when passing the school zones during summer break. Unfortunately, the data also shows different results for different directions of traffic. The direction backing the speed camera will have a better result on speed reduction than the opposite direction. Furthermore, comparison of data before and after speed camera installation shows that the Automated Speed Enforcement Cameras significantly reduced the speed. Three equations were generated by doing regression modelling. One equation can predict the actual 85th percentile speed at a school zone location after a speed camera is installed. Another equation can estimate the 85th percentile speed when vehicles pass the automated enforcement camera, but are still within the school zone. The last equation can predict the 85th percentile speed when vehicles have entered the school zone but have not yet reached the speed camera location. The data also shows both the total number of collisions and the severity of collisions has decreased since the program started. Additionally, the program has also obtained public support.

Managing Speed

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TRB Special Report 254 - Managing Speed: Review of Current Practices for Setting and Enforcing Speed Limits reviews practices for setting and enforcing speed limits on all types of roads and provides guidance to state and local governments on appropriate methods of setting speed limits and related enforcement strategies. Following an executive summary, the report is presented in six chapters and five appendices.

Technical Evaluation of Photo Speed Enforcement for Freeways

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Extreme speeding on urban-area freeways contributes to increased crashes resulting in fatalities, property damage, and increased maintenance and public safety costs. Photo speed enforcement systems (speed cameras) that automatically sense a speeding vehicle and photograph it and its driver have proven effective at reducing speeding violations, primarily on city streets and arterials. The use of this technology on high-volume, high-speed, multi-lane freeways is technically much more challenging, and largely untested. This research investigates if the current offerings of vendors can provide a viable technical solution in this freeway environment. Twelve ideal characteristics were established that are needed for a speed camera system to operate on Phoenix, Arizona, metro-area freeways. Six vendors were interviewed. Thirteen agencies that use speed camera systems were interviewed, although none were found with sufficient freeway operating experience to provide definitive information to design a field trial. Therefore, only a conceptual field trial and accompanying test plan were developed to explore the technical aspects of potential systems. Public opinion and countermeasures on speed camera systems were researched and reported. No current vendor offering meets all of the twelve ideal characteristics that were established. Advancements in speed camera systems continue, and it is logical to predict that they can be met in the future. One new technology that shows promise is "point-to-point," which tracks average speed between two points on a roadway. This research did not address the violation processing and management activities, but noted that these must be addressed before a field trial can proceed.

Automated Enforcement

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