Between Rome and Babylon

Book Description

Between Rome and Babylon includes over thirty papers by Aharon Oppenheimer about Jewish life in Palestine and Babylonia in the period of the Mishnah and the Talmud (1st-4th centuries), dealing with leadership and society, political and military activity, relations with the authorities and historical geography. The collection is organized around three inter-connected themes: 1 Roman Palestine and its Environs; 2 The Bar Kokhba Revolt; 3 Babylonia Judaica. About two-thirds of the papers were originally published in Hebrew. They have been selected and edited for this collection, and translated for the first time into English or German. The rest of the papers originally appeared in various different languages and contexts, and they too have been selected and edited to fit the three themes. Cross-references have been added, as well as detailed indices.The aim of the papers is to cast light on Jewish history by extracting methodically historical meaning from Talmudic sources, taking into account when they were written, where they were edited, and how far they can be presumed authentic; and by looking at them in combination with Greek, Roman, Persian and Arabic written sources as well as relevant archaeological finds.

«Par deviers Rome m’en revenrai errant»

Book Description

Il volume raccoglie gli atti del XXème Congrès International de la Société Rencesvals pour l’étude des épopées romanes (Sapienza - Università di Roma, 20-24 luglio 2015) e presenta lo stato dell’arte e le ricerche in corso sull’epica romanza medievale propriamente detta, sulla sua posterità nell’età moderna e sulla produzione non romanza a essa correlata, offrendo un panorama ricco ‒ se non completo ‒ degli attuali orientamenti scientifici e dei risultati raggiunti. Per il congresso di Roma ‒ cui hanno preso parte studiosi provenienti dall’Europa, dal Nord e dal Sud America e dall’Africa ‒ sono stati proposti i seguenti temi: I. Rome et l’Italie dans les chansons de geste; II. Phénomènes de cyclisation: grandes et petites gestes; III. Le XVe siècle: proses et renouvellements; IV. L’histoire des recherches sur la matière de France; a questi si aggiungono gli interventi raccolti nella sezione Varia.

Walks in Rome

Book Description