Special Education in America

Book Description

The text presents six chapters on the legal and governmental bases of special education. In the Introduction, F. Weintraub and J. Ballard cite the legislative and litigative history of P.L. 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, and briefly address information sources on such policy issues as procedural safeguards, underserved populations, and standards of practice. In chapter 2, "The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (P.L. 94-142): Its History, Origins, and Concepts," J. Zettel and J. Ballard review court cases and state and federal legislation, and list the rights of handicapped children, including the right to an appropriate education and the right to be educated in the least restrictive environment. J. Zettel in "Implementing the Right to a Free Public Education" analyzes five aspects of P.L. 94-142: zero reject, individualized education programs, least restrictive environment, nondiscriminatory testing and evaluation, and due process. In "Section 504: The Larger Umbrella," M. Gerry and J. Benton examine Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 in terms of its litigative background, statutory and regulatory setting, and enforcement. "The Education of Gifted and Talented Children from a Federal Perspective" by J. Zettel describes the cyclical nature of support and interest in education for gifted students. In the final chapter, "Interpreting the Rights of Exceptional Citizens through Judicial Action," B. Smith and J. Barresi summarize siginifcant cases concerning issues that have surfaced since passage of P.L. 94-142, including compensatory services, suspension and expulsion, and bilingual special education. Appendixes include a paper by J. Barresi and B. Ramirez, "The Federal Program Presence Accompanying P.L. 94-142," a list of federal laws for the handicapped from 1827 to 1981, and a list of resources. (CL)