Feed Evaluation Science

Book Description

". The topics covered are nutrient analysis and characterisation, nutrient-bioavailability, post-absorptive nutrient utilisation, the principles of animal growth and the mathematical modelling of growth. Practical aspects of feed processing, anti-nutritional factors, the use of markers in nutrition studies, predicting bioavailable nutrients and the principles of feed formulation are highlighted in the context of pig, poultry and companion animal nutrition."--Publisher's website

Feeding Systems and Feed Evaluation Models

Book Description

Feed evaluation for animal production. Feed characterization. Intake, passage and digestibility. In vitro and in situ methods for estimating digestibility with reference to protein degradability. Measurement of energy metabolism. Feeding systems for dairy cows. Feeding systems for beef cattle. Feeding systems for sheep. Feding systems for pigs. Feeding systems for poultry. Feeding systems for horse. Feeding systems for pigs. Feeding systems for poultry. Feeding systems for horse. Prediction of response to nutrients by ruminants through mathematical modelling and improved feed characterizaion. Analyses of modelling whole-rumen function. Modelling the lactating dairy cow. Modelling growth and wool production in ruminats.Modelling growth and lactation in pigs. Modelling the utilization of dietary energy and amino acids by poultry. Modelling growth in fish. The nutrition of companion animals.

NorFor -

Book Description

NorFor is a semi-mechanistic feed evaluation system for cattle, which is used by advisors in Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. This book describes in detail the system and it covers five main sections. The first is concerned with information on feed characteristics, feed analysis and feed digestion methods. The second section describes the digestion and metabolism in the gastrointestinal tract and the supply and requirement of energy and metabolizable amino acids. The third section considers the prediction of feed intake and physical structure of the diet. The fourth section focuses on model evaluation and the final section provides information on the IT solutions and feed ration formulation by a non-linear economical optimization procedure. This book will be of significant interest to researchers, students and advisors of cattle nutrition and feed evaluation.

Feed Evaluation

Book Description

Feedstuff Evaluation

Book Description

Feedstuff Evaluation contains the proceedings of the 50th University of Nottingham Easter School in Agricultural Sciences, held at Sutton Bonington in July 1989. The book presents papers discussing a wide range of topics on the accurate evaluation of feedstuffs for livestock. Initially, systems of expressing the nutritive value of feeds are considered. Modifications to feeding value as influenced by animal factors including intake and palatability are discussed. Specific dietary ingredients, being plant polysaccharides, fats, minerals and vitamins are detailed. Prediction of the nutritive value of compound feeds and individual feeds through classical wet chemistry and the more recent NIR is assuming considerable importance in the rapid evaluation of diets. Associated with these developments is an appreciation of the relevance of both inter- and intra-laboratory variation in determinations. Finally, the need to collate information into an interactive data-base is being actively pursued. It is evident that safety of animal feeds is becoming an increasingly topical issue and the last session considered the relevance of naturally-occurring toxic factors, residues, mycotoxins and, finally, animal pathogens. Veterinarians, farmers, farm administrators, and those involved in every aspect of nutrient supply to animals will find the compendium very insightful and informative.

Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition

Book Description

Current pressures to maximise the use of forages in ruminant diets have renewed interest in fast, inexpensive methods for the estimation of their nutritional value. As a result, a wide variety of biological and physiochemical procedures have recently been investigated for this purpose.This book is the single definitive reference volume on the current status of research in this areaCovers all forages eaten by ruminant animals