Fertility Transition in the Developing World

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This open access book provides an overview and analysis of the causes and consequences of the massive and highly consequential transition in reproductive behaviour that occurred in Asia, Latin America, and Africa since the mid-20th century. In the 1950s contraceptive use was rare and women typically spend most of their reproductive years bearing and rearing children. By 2020 fertility and contraceptive use in Asia and Latin America reached levels commonly observed in the developed world. Africa’s fertility is still high, but transitions have started in all countries. This monograph is the first to provide a comprehensive analysis of these trends and their determinants, covering changes in reproductive behaviour (e.g., use of contraception and abortion), preferences (e.g., desire to limit and space births) and the role of socioeconomic development (e.g., education). The role of government policies and in particular family planning programs is discussed in depth. Particular attention is given to provide a balanced assessment of several political and scientific controversies that have beset the field. As such this book provides an interesting read for a wide audience of undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and public health policy makers.

The Role of Diffusion Processes in Fertility Change in Developing Countries

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This report summarizes presentations and discussions at the Workshop on the Social Processes Underlying Fertility Change in Developing Countries, organized by the Committee on Population of the National Research Council (NRC) in Washington, D.C., January 29-30, 1998. Fourteen papers were presented at the workshop; they represented both theoretical and empirical perspectives and shed new light on the role that diffusion processes may play in fertility transition. These papers served as the basis for the discussion that is summarized in this report.

Diffusion Processes and Fertility Transition

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This volume is part of an effort to review what is known about the determinants of fertility transition in developing countries and to identify lessons that might lead to policies aimed at lowering fertility. It addresses the roles of diffusion processes, ideational change, social networks, and mass communications in changing behavior and values, especially as related to childbearing. A new body of empirical research is currently emerging from studies of social networks in Asia (Thailand, Taiwan, Korea), Latin America (Costa Rica), and Sub-Saharan Africa (Kenya, Malawi, Ghana). Given the potential significance of social interactions to the design of effective family planning programs in high-fertility settings, efforts to synthesize this emerging body of literature are clearly important.

Recent Fertility Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Fertility rates and population growth influence economic development. The marked declines in fertility seen in some developing nations have been accompanied by slowing population growth, which in turn provided a window of opportunity for rapid economic growth. For many sub-Saharan African nations, this window has not yet opened because fertility rates have not declined as rapidly there as elsewhere. Fertility rates in many sub-Saharan African countries are high: the total rate for the region is estimated to be 5.1 births per woman, and rates that had begun to decline in many countries in the region have stalled. High rates of fertility in these countries are likely to contribute to continued rapid population growth: the United Nations projects that the region's population will increase by 1.2 billion by 2050, the highest growth among the regions for which there are projections. In June 2015, the Committee on Population organized a workshop to explore fertility trends and the factors that have influenced them. The workshop committee was asked to explore history and trends related to fertility, proximate determinants and other influences, the status and impact of family planning programs, and prospects for further reducing fertility rates. This study will help donors, researchers, and policy makers better understand the factors that may explain the slow pace of fertility decline in this region, and develop methods to improve family planning in sub-Saharan Africa.

Population Growth and Socioeconomic Progress in Less Developed Countries

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This timely study examines fertility rates and their trends and determinants in less-developed countries by testing an empirical, interdisciplinary model of the fertility transition. In light of the current official position of the United States on population and development, the policy implications of the study are timely. According to some experts, interrupting the spiral of rapid growth and attendant economic and ecological deterioration now rivals nuclear disarmament in importance on the international agenda. Among the questions investigated include: Are there identifiable traits for developing nations that have reduced fertility? Has development become the best contraceptive? Have some development strategies been more conducive to lowering fertility? Do family planning programs have significant impacts on fertility?

Reducing Fertility in Developing Countries

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This paper reviews the determinants of fertility and attempts to extract conclusions that are relevant for fertility reduction policies in developing countries. In the first tier of fertility determinants, socioeconomic development has a decisive effect in lowering fertility in the long run. In the short run, however, and for specific households, the effects are much more tangled. Higher income, for instance, allows households to afford more children, but nevertheless often reduces fertility because of its links to other factors like education. Education, especially for women, fairly reliably reduces fertility, though its effect may take years to appear. Improved health and lower mortality also contribute to lower fertility, through both biological and behavioral channels. The effect of female employment, in contrast, is uncertain and undependable. Urban residence has a pervasive effect in reducing fertility, though much of this is attributable to education and better health. Particular improvements in welfare can therefore be expected to lead to lower fertility, but the effects are neither uniform nor immediate. Development is essential for fertility transition to run its full course.

Fertility Transitions, Family Structure, And Population Policy

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Focuses on fertility and family transitions in selected Third World countries, exploring critical aspects of the relationship between population and development. The essays examine population processes as they unfold and develop over time, highlighting the need to go beyond economic explanations and identifying the priorities among social structura

Critical Perspectives on Schooling and Fertility in the Developing World

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This volume assesses the evidence, and possible mechanisms, for the associations between women's education, fertility preferences, and fertility in developing countries, and how these associations vary across regions. It discusses the implications of these associations for policies in the population, health, and education sectors, including implications for research.