Seafood Inspection Legislation

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Abstract: This hearing discusses establishing a federal seafood inspection program to promote better health for Americans and to examine how to design an inspection program, how to finance it, who should run it, and how to coordinate it with state programs. Such a program could increase public confidence in seafood safety and this could mean increased public consumption of seafood which in turn means greater income for fishermen, etc. testimony is received from several members of Congress, food industry representatives, and various government officials.

Fish Inspection

Book Description

Abstract: This hearing discusses the need for a mandatory seafood inspection program. The testimony reveals several occurrences of foodborne illnesses. Witnesses include representatives from FDA (Food and Drug Admonistration and the USDA (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture), several senators, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the National Fisheries Institute.

Fish Inspection Legislation

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Fish Inspection

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Seafood Inspection

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Fish Inspection Legislation

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Seafood Inspection Legislation

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Seafood Inspection System

Book Description

Abstract: This hearing presents testimony on two pieces of legislation concerning the inspection of seafood. The first bill (H.R.1387) would provide for the inspection of all commerical seafood destined for human consumption in the U.S. and the second (H.R. 2511) would direct the President to develop a comprehensive safety program to ensure the quality and wholesomeness of all fish products intended for human consumption in the U.S. testimony was received from several federal government officials, a consumer adovcate, and a fishing industry representative.