Foreign Direct Investment in Central Europe and Differences in Transition between post- communist Central European Economies

Book Description

Inhaltsangabe:Introduction: The transition process from a centrally planned to a market economy followed a very different path in East Germany compared to all other former communist countries. The German Democratic Republic acceded the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990, while other former socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) had to start from square one after becoming independent from the USSR. In contrast to other post-soviet countries, East Germany subsequently received massive transfers from the Western part of the country. A significant part of these transfers was invested into infrastructure improvement, while a larger share was spent for consumption, raising the purchasing power in the East of Germany, allowing it to sustain a higher wage level and living standard than would have been economically possible without aid from the West. Twenty years after the breakdown of the iron curtain and the reunification of Germany, the infrastructure in the Eastern part of the country is en par with the West. The East German wage level remains only slightly lower than the Western level (as does productivity), but is significantly higher than in neighbouring post-communist CEE-countries. Because of these differences in economic transition, it can be expected that East Germany attracts a different kind of foreign direct investment compared to other CEE-countries. The objective of this dissertation is to empirically identify the factors affecting foreign direct investment into the region and to discuss the implications of the empirical findings for regional and national economic policy. The region is represented in this paper by East Germany and three of its Central-European neighbour-countries, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. The present study is organised as follows: A brief historical overview of the four economies transition processes will be given in chapter 2. The theoretical background, the methodology and the dataset used are being discussed in section 3. Hypotheses derived from the region s history, economic theory and previous literature on foreign direct investment will be presented in section 4. In section 5 they will be tested and the econometric results identifying the factors affecting foreign investors investment decisions in Central Europe will be discussed. Finally, the main empirical findings and their political implications will be summarised in the concluding chapter [...]

Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe

Book Description

This title was first published in 2003. Covering a diverse range of countries such as Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Russia, as well as referring to the characteristics of the region as a whole, this book examines the inflow and outflow of foreign direct investment from both home and host company and country perspectives. By analyzing foreign direct investment in terms of process, content and context, the book provides a holist approach towards direct foreign investment in the transitional context of Central and Eastern Europe, embracing both macro- and micro-economic perspectives of the process.

Integration Through Foreign Direct Investment

Book Description

'This book. . . represents a very valuable contribution to the literature on the role of FDI in development in Central and Eastern Europe. It is therefore a must for both scholars and practitioners who are involved in foreign investment in economies in transition.' - Marjan Svetlicic, Transnational Corporations 'The book goes a long way toward understanding a host of key issues related to the emerging pattern of MNC-cum-host collaborative growth in Central and Eastern Europe.' - from the foreword by Terutomo Ozawa, Colorado State University, US This book explores whether foreign direct investment (FDI) can contribute to the competitiveness of industries in Central Europe and to narrowing the gap between these transition economies and countries within the European Union.

Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe

Book Description

This book examines how foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows to Central and Eastern Europe have changed after the Great Recession. It argues that beyond their cyclical effects, the economic crisis and the changing competitiveness of Central and Eastern European countries have had structural impacts on FDI in the region. FDI has traditionally been viewed as the key driver of national development, but the apparent structural shift means that focusing on cheap labour as a competitive advantage is no longer a viable strategy for the countries in the region. The authors argue that these countries need to move beyond the narrative of upgrading (attracting FDI inflows with increasingly higher value added), and focus on ensuring greater value capture instead. A potential way for doing this is by developing the conditions in which innovative national companies can emerge, thrive and eventually develop into lead firms of global value chains. The book provides readers with a highly informative account of the reasons why this shift is necessary, as well as diverse perspectives and extensive discussions on the dynamics and structural impacts of FDI in post-crisis Central and Eastern Europe.

Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe

Book Description

How is the behaviour and impact of western multinational enterprises affected when investing in transition economies? what are the particular costs and benefits of such investment for the host countries? This comprehensive book provides an up-to-date analysis of the scope and pattern of foreign direct investment flows into the transition economies of central and eastern Europe.

Transition in Asia and Eastern and Central Europe

Book Description

Main chapter headings: The Role of Inward-FDI in the Transition Countries of Europe : An Analytical Framework; FDI in Central Europe: Short-Run Effects in Manufacturing; Risk in Economies: The Impact of Host Country Characteristics on FDI Determinants; Experimentation in Export Promotion Policies in Transition and Developing Economies; Outward-Processing Trade and Foreign Direct Investment From France into Eastern European Countries; Developing Credit Markets in Eastern Europe: Lessons From Banking History; Labour Markets and Migration: A Polish Perspective; International Business Strategies Towards Economies in Transition: The Case of Japanese Multinationals in China and eastern Europe; FDI and the Environment: Is China a Polluter Heaven?; The Foreign-Invested Sector and the Reforms in Vietnam; Index.

Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Development in East Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union

Book Description

With the achievement of further EU and NATO enlargement, a critical political and economic lens is now focused on East Central Europe and, to a lesser extent, the other former communist states. Economic growth in each transition state - and more broadly the region - pivots around the prospects for foreign direct investment (FDI), with decisions on where foreign investors will locate their projects now vitally important. This book - the first one devoted to a geographical survey concentrating specifically on FDI in the region - brings together a wide range of prominent authors from the US and Europe, including the late Frank Carter, to provide a timely and critical examination of the importance of foreign investment. It presents a detailed analysis of location patterns and their significance for regional development, with particular emphasis given to the important socioeconomic and political consequences of uneven distribution of FDI across the region and its constituent countries. Divided into two parts, the book first deals with general overarching themes and issues before applying these to more specific country case studies. The second part deals with regional studies, focusing broadly on the Western Balkans and Bulgaria, before looking at specific economic sectors in individual countries.

Foreign Direct Investment in Central Eastern Europe

Book Description

This work contains 12 case studies of foreign direct investment, four each in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovenia. Included are major firms such as Skoda and Danone, as well as smaller ventures.