Replacing GDP by 2030

Book Description

Proposes an new strategy for the beyond-GDP community which aims to replace the economic paradigm centred on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2030.

From GDP to Sustainable Wellbeing

Book Description

This book is about the function and use of official statistics. It welcomes the aspiration for official statistics to be an indispensable element in the information system of a democratic society, serving the government, the economy and the public with data about the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation. The book identifies the political role of official statisticians, who decided what gets measured as well as how it is measured. While thousands of official statistics are published every year, and some are quoted by politicians, used by policy-makers or reported in the media, the authors observe that, in the main, official statistics do not feature much in everyday lives of people and businesses. The book concludes with suggestions for more that should be done, especially in the context of improving wellbeing and helping meet the worldwide set of sustainable development goals set for 2030.

Beyond GDP

Book Description

In spite of recurrent criticism and an impressive production of alternative indicators by scholars and NGOs, GDP remains the central indicator of countries' success. This book revisits the foundations of indicators of social welfare, and critically examines the four main alternatives to GDP that have been proposed: composite indicators, subjective well-being indexes, capabilities (the underlying philosophy of the Human Development Index), and equivalent incomes. Its provocative thesis is that the problem with GDP is not that it uses a monetary metric but that it focuses on a narrow set of aspects of individual lives. It is actually possible to build an alternative, more comprehensive, monetary indicator that takes income as its first benchmark and adds or subtracts corrections that represent the benefit or cost of non-market aspects of individual lives. Such a measure can respect the values and preferences of the people and give as much weight as they do to the non-market dimensions. A further provocative idea is that, in contrast, most of the currently available alternative indicators, including subjective well-being indexes, are not as respectful of people's values because, like GDP, they are too narrow and give specific weights to the various dimensions of life in a more uniform way, without taking account of the diversity of views on life in the population. The popular attraction that such alternative indicators derive from being non-monetary is therefore based on equivocation. Moreover, it is argued in this book that "greening" GDP and relative indicators is not the proper way to incorporate sustainability concerns. Sustainability involves predicting possible future paths, therefore different indicators than those assessing the current situation. While various indicators have been popular (adjusted net savings, ecological footprint), none of them involves the necessary forecasting effort that a proper evaluation of possible futures requires.

For Good Measure

Book Description

Today's leading economists weigh in with a new "dashboard" of metrics for measuring our economic and social health "What we measure affects what we do. If we focus only on material well-being—on, say, the production of goods, rather than on health, education, and the environment—we become distorted in the same way that these measures are distorted." —Joseph E. Stiglitz A consensus has emerged among key experts that our conventional economic measures are out of sync with how most people live their lives. GDP, they argue, is a poor and outmoded measure of our well-being. The global movement to move beyond GDP has attracted some of the world's leading economists, statisticians, and social thinkers who have worked collectively to articulate new approaches to measuring economic well-being and social progress. In the decade since the 2008 economic crisis, these experts have come together to determine what indicators can actually tell us about people's lives. In the first book of its kind, leading economists from around the world, including Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, Elizabeth Beasely, Jacob Hacker, François Bourguignon, Nora Lustig, Alan B. Krueger, and Joseph E. Stiglitz, describe a range of fascinating metrics—from economic insecurity and environmental sustainability to inequality of opportunity and levels of trust and resilience—that can be used to supplement the simplistic measure of gross domestic product, providing a far more nuanced and accurate account of societal health and well-being. This groundbreaking volume is sure to provide a major source of ideas and inspiration for one of the most important intellectual movements of our time.

Economic and Social Well-Being

Book Description

Economic (GDP) growth is the major engine driving social progress. Starved of economic growth there would be lack of progress. It is a renowned fact that the growing economy provides a material basis for progress in social sphere, through increase in social production varying conditions of life both a separate person, and society all together. But economic achievements are not the aims of economic growth. The main idea is to increase the level of quality of human life. Life quality as an estimation of well-being and it depends both on economic forces, and subjective value of a person of his place and a role in an economic life. Life quality parameters become independent factors of economic development of society. The combination of initial endemic poverty, high inequality and low growth has been mortal to the achievement of poverty reduction - increasingly accepted as the primary objective of socio-economic development. Economic and Social Well-Being is intended to explore relation between wellbeing and sustainability in an attempt to establish theoretical concept for sustainable wellbeing. The book examines the relationship between economic development and social components of human well-being. Over the years, growing number of researches seek to understand and reason with factors that influence and constitute wellbeing and its potential synergy with sustainability. Covered studies have highlighted that factors constituting wellbeing do not necessarily indicate sustainability. Examining existing indicators, studies propose that new measures must assess more adequately the well-being of all segments of society-women, children, the elderly, and racial and other minorities. Providing the complex links between recent changes in national economies, welfare regimes, social inequalities, and population health, the content of this book will interest a wide audience of graduates, researchers, professional practitioners and policymakers involved with non-profit and government organizations, and interested community members.

Heat, Greed and Human Need

Book Description

This book builds an essential bridge between climate change and social policy. Combining ethics and human need theory with political economy and climate science, it offers a long-term, interdisciplinary analysis of the prospects for sustainable development and social justice. Beyond ‘green growth’ (which assumes an unprecedented rise in the emissions efficiency of production) it envisages two further policy stages vital for rich countries: a progressive ‘recomposition’ of consumption, and a post-growth ceiling on demand. An essential resource for scholars and policymakers.

New Challenges for Future Sustainability and Wellbeing

Book Description

New Challenges for Future Sustainability and Wellbeing is a collection of studies about sustainability and related challenges, such as income, wealth, the environment, education and regional equality that influence the pace of economic development and affects the well-being of people and organisations all over the world.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and GDP: What National Accounts Bring to the Table

Book Description

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015 represent a new global consensus to end poverty, promote prosperity, and protect the environment. Goal 8 seeks to improve global resource efficiency in consumption and production and to decouple economic growth (GDP) from environmental degradation while Goal 12 focuses on sustainable consumption and production. While GDP does not capture these broader goals, we suggest that the System of National Accounts which incorporates but goes well beyond GDP, can be used for the measurement of these SDGs and to support policy. We construct a conceptual “super balance sheet” with an expanded asset boundary to include durable consumer goods used to produce services, human capital, and access to resources such as clean water and air, education, health, and infrastructure, to produce an expanded household net worth.

Sustainable Wellbeing Futures

Book Description

Ecological economics can help create the future that most people want – a future that is prosperous, just, equitable and sustainable. This forward-thinking book lays out an alternative approach that places the sustainable wellbeing of humans and the rest of nature as the overarching goal. Each of the book’s chapters, written by a diverse collection of scholars and practitioners, outlines a research and action agenda for how this future can look and possible actions for its realisation.


Book Description

Investing in People is the world priority of the 21st century. The wellbeing of people is at the center of the agendas of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, UN, OECD, ILO and all major development organizations. But the concern for people is not new. The celebrated books of Economics Nobel Awardees Theodore Schultz’s Investing in People. The Economics of Population Quality and Gary Becker’s Human Capital were published decades ago and challenged the same human dilemma. Yet, with few exceptions, most countries are still struggling for effective formulas to put people at the center of development. The core issue is that investing in people means improving the quality of education for all. But the main problem is that countries continue to take education as an expense, not as an investment in people. National budgets consider education as a sunken cost, rather than as an investment expected to produce high returns to secure quality improvement as necessary condition for sustainability. Shortcomings are abundant but one thing is certain: unless the quality of education for all is placed front and center in development agendas, chances for progress in the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) environment are curtailed, human centered sustainability and wellbeing will be restrained and inequality will persist. The main problem it is not income inequality, it is education inequality. In the Knowledge Economy the human (as) resources formula is no longer working. Segmentation of the economy and education is probing increasingly counterproductive. The EDUCONOMY is a human centered structure for progress to optimize returns and minimize costs of investing in people. Gallup and Brandon Busteed coined the concept Educonomy to enhance the importance of quality in education backed up by extensive surveys and data bases. Lepeley’s EDUCONOMY. Unleashing Wellbeing and Human Centered Sustainable Development takes the discussion into new dimensions and addresses the complexity of the challenges. People are the DNA of Sustainable Development. Says Lepeley challenging old constructs and presenting innovative formulas pioneering human centered economics and economics of wellbeing that frame the Balanced Sustainable Development ESTE (economic, social, technology, environment) Model. ESTE is the product of the Educonomy built on three fundamental pillars: the Talent Economy, the Agility Economy and the Quality Economy convergent with demands of the Knowledge Economy. In the ESTE Model education is no longer a national expense, it is an investment that secures high rates of returns and social and economic inclusiveness anchored in quality standards for all.