Secrets of the Holy Bible

Book Description

This book thoroughly documents traditions and beliefs, using concrete biblical references, that every religious denomination is wrong about, and it proves how all biblical references must work together without contradiction to tell us the whole truth. This book also reveals secrets of the entire Holy Bible and the book of Revelation in detail, and solves the mystery of the Trinity which has been debated by the churches for decades. This book also contains crucial information concerning apocalyptic events that have been kept secret from the general public for centuries. There are secrets disclosed in detail in this book that no mortal man or religious scholar has ever figured out prior to it being written in this book. The biblical secrets in this book have been researched, studied, and thoroughly documented. This book is not only biblically accurate. It is predominantly indisputable, philosophically profound, prophetically insightful, and extremely overwhelming.

Hidden Truths of the Bible

Book Description

Do you desire to know the truth? There are a lot of misconceptions about the Bible. Lies are often passed down from generation to generation, manipulating the word of God. The only way to really and truly gain a full understanding of the Bible is by intensely studying it with great aspiration. Some may be fine with not knowing the complete truth, or pretending to be a sold out Christian, and not honestly knowing what Gods word says about many issues faced on a daily basis. Individuals may be fine displaying that tag that reads, Jesus is my co-pilot on the front of their car. In all reality, Jesus is the pilot; he operates the vehicle that drives us though life. Most of us are driving underage and need some parental guidance. God is our father and wants to keep us on the right path by nurturing us with his unique and supernatural word, The Bible. Jesus gives us the freedom to run to him or away from him. Hidden Truths challenges you to consider the truth and what it entails. Leighton directly approaches the truth in a daring way that reveals Jesus love for you and causes you to re-evaluate your relationship with Jesus. Leighton urges you to redevelop principles that you have been practicing the wrong way. The only right way to do things is by following Gods holy word.

Hidden Truths in the Bible. Volume 3.

Book Description

Doctrines and teachings obscure at first reading. Between the lines, under the lines and inside of them, doctrines of charm and importance should not be overlooked: investigate the scriptures! In this series: questions that you never asked and answers that may surprise you. The Bible is a huge jewelry safe: there are diamonds and gold. We need to know its combination. After much work and sacrifice we can open it. These are some of the question answered in the book. Who is the Branch mentioned from Isaiah and Zechariah? According to them He will be the servanto of the Lord in the last days to restore his Kingdom and to built His temple. To what is referring to Daniel's vision of the 2300 evenings and mornings? Why the truth will come out from the ground? Resurrection in spirit or with the body? The stone cut out without hand. and more.

The Secret in the Bible

Book Description

Provides insight into the lost history of the Giza Plateau and how Temple priests of the Great Pyramid preserved the evidence of life beyond death.

Hidden Truths in the Bible. Volume 5.

Book Description

Between the lines, under the lines and inside of them, doctrines of charm and importance should not be overlooked: investigate the scriptures! In this series: questions that you never asked and answers that may surprise you. The Bible is the basic scriptural text for Christianity. For centuries, it has been an inexhaustible source for sermons and lessons. What makes this divine text so remarkable is that there are many levels that they can be understood. On a superficial level everybody is able understand it. Yet there are many deeper levels that only a more in depth study can reveal. This is because God has given mankind the ability to gain knowledge by studying and by revelation. Initially, the believer will easily be able to discover the simple, essential truths as they are easy to find, but to understand the deeper things of God takes more than mere studying. It takes that, plus humility. It seems that the scriptures are like a divine prism. If a ray of light goes through them, it will radiate in all directions and all places, thereby giving light and knowledge to the reader. This has a double purpose. First and most important is that we can go from a simple, superficial reading of the scriptures, to exploring the wide field of divine revelation that the Creator has given us. This is what Paul was referring to when he talked moving on from milk to meat. Second, this proves to men without faith how perfect God's work is and how challenging and complex the scriptures can be to study. From these two facts we can come to several conclusions that should not be underestimated. First is that only those who are meek and humble of heart have access to and can understand these deeper truths. We know that those who lack these qualities will miss even the simplest truths that can be understood. Christ taught that those who will humble themselves will be exalted. Only the people who become child-like and are obedient to the Father's will find the truth -- the real truth. Jesus taught this principle many times. And, in saying that the Kingdom of God was for little children, He revealed another great truth, because only those who are guided by revelation can find the truth and will discover the pearls of great price which are hidden in the scriptures. In this volume you will find comments and answers to many biblical questions regarding the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Hidden Truths Hebraic Scrolls (Torah)

Book Description

Paperback: Very Large font 14 point Arial font: Feb 5, 2015 Release (Yod); The many questions that you have had and now they can be answered. What happened in the Garden of Eden, where was it, who was in it? Where was the Garden? What was Noah's curse? Who was Noah and where did he live? How many wives did Abraham have? What about Keturah, Hagar and many other questions answered? What was the serpent in the Garden? How did the Y'sra'elite journey begins where are they in exile today and how will be the restoration take place. What and who were Abraham's family, his sons his wives, his sons wives and lots more. This is a journey that will be unforgettable.


Book Description

A COVER-UP OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS... Centuries ago, English translators perpetrated a fraud in the New Testament, and it’s been purposely hidden and covered up ever since. Your own Bible is probably included in the cover-up! In this book, which includes a study guide for personal or group use, John MacArthur unveils the essential and clarifying revelation that may be keeping you from a fulfilling—and correct—relationship with God. It’s powerful. It’s controversial. And with new eyes you’ll see the riches of your salvation in a radically new way. What does it mean to be a Christian the way Jesus defined it? MacArthur says it all boils down to one word: SLAVE “We have been bought with a price. We belong to Christ. We are His own possession.” Endorsements: "Dr. John MacArthur is never afraid to tell the truth and in this book he does just that. The Christian's great privilege is to be the slave of Christ. Dr. MacArthur makes it clear that this is one of the Bible's most succinct ways of describing our discipleship. This is a powerful exposition of Scripture, a convincing corrective to shallow Christianity, a masterful work of pastoral encouragement...a devotional classic." - Dr. R. Albert Mohler, President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary "John MacArthur expertly and lucidly explains that Jesus frees us from bondage into a royal slavery that we might be His possession. Those who would be His children must, paradoxically, be willing to be His slaves." - Dr. R.C. Sproul "Dr. John MacArthur's teaching on 'slavery' resonates in the deepest recesses of my 'inner-man.' As an African-American pastor, I have been there. That is why the thought of someone writing about slavery as being a 'God-send' was the most ludicrous, unconscionable thing that I could have ever imagined...until I read this book. Now I see that becoming a slave is a biblical command, completely redefining the idea of freedom in Christ. I don't want to simply be a 'follower' or even just a 'servant'...but a 'slave'." - The Rev. Dr. Dallas H. Wilson, Jr., Vicar, St. John's Episcopal Chapel, Charleston, SC

Knowledge Revealed

Book Description

Triunity: How to KnowThat the Three Are OneGENESIS 1:1 SAYS, "In the beginning God."God is three in one. For many years, I lacked thedepth of understanding of how this could be. I accepted by faithwhat I could not understand with my finite mind.Ephesians 4:23 says, "And be renewed in the spirit of yourmind."Further study gave me a revealed knowledge of another truththat I will tie into the trinity of God. Many a time women andchildren are not mentioned in the Bible accounts. For example,Matthew 15:38 says, "And they that had eaten were five thousand,beside the women and children."As the husband is the head of the wife and children, hishousehold is a trinity. So Christ is the head of the church andGod the Father is the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is in operationfor and through the church. God the Father, Jesus the Christ,KNOWLEDGE REVEALED 23and the Holy Spirit work as one unit, as the family unit is oneworking together.To emphasize the above fact, wives and children belong tothe husband and are one in him.Genesis 2:24 says, "Therefore shall a man leave his father andmother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh."Even so, we who believe in Christ as our Savior are one in bodywith Him.God the Father, Jesus Christ the son, and the Holy Spirit, areone in the Godhead.Regarding Triunity and further revealed knowledge: A studyof Through the Bible Study with Roper Press booklets. ** Aquestion I asked myself of which I was not sure of the answerwas "should I write "Jesus" or Triunity?" I simply wrote, "JesusTri-umphant." Just then, the Holy Spirit of God revealed to methat Tri-umphant means the whole Godhead. Triunity, three inone, triumphant, Glory to God!** Harlin J Roper, Through The Bible Study, 1978 Dallas,TX: Roper Press (Used with permission).

Shocked by the Bible

Book Description

Shocked by the Bible sets the record straight with well-researched, controversial, myth-breaking assertions about what the Bible really does—and doesn’t—say. And guess on which day the Bible says Jesus died. Believe it or not, the Good Book doesn't mention Friday, and even more surprisingly, while the Bible says Jesus rose from the grave, it does not say it occurred Sunday morning. Remember, Jesus' followers found an empty tomb then. But don't feel bad if you've always assumed otherwise. Like countless millions of people, you've just been misinformed, misled or even (dare we say) lied to about what the Bible actually says. In a stunning investigation, news veteran Joe Kovacs goes on a mission to help both Christians and non-Christians alike find out what the Bible really contains, and what it doesn't. "Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told" is an educational juggernaut that relies solely on the Holy Bible to reveal hundreds of Scriptural facts that many people of all persuasions simply don't know. The book instantly skyrocketed to the No. 1 position in three Bible-related categories on "I'm among the biggest fans of the Bible of all time," says Kovacs. "My goal is to educate people about the solid truth of Scripture and to stop the spread of erroneous information. I want people to crack open their Bibles and see with their own eyes what's actually printed on the pages, and what's not. It's shocking!" According to Scripture, you won't find "Three Wise Men" mentioned anywhere in the story of Jesus' birth. For that matter, none are said to have shown up at the manger in Bethlehem. The truth straight from your own Bible is that an unspecified number of wise men first met Jesus as a "young child" in a "house," not a babe in a manger, and it might have been more than a year after He was born. Go ahead, look it up for yourself. Also, according to Scripture, you won't find a single mention of Easter eggs, but you will find God warning His people not to have anything to do with a pagan fertility goddess, whose name is synonymous with "Easter." "Yes, I'm a Bible-believing Christian," says Kovacs. "But I'm not here to convert anyone. People are free to believe whatever they wish and can come to their own conclusions. I just want to show them the biblical record is often very different from what many assume. Not only will Christians love this book, but I think Jews, Muslims and even agnostics and atheists will get a kick out of it as well."

The Lost Books of the Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden

Book Description

Presented here are two volumes of apocryphal writings reflecting the life and time of the Old and New Testaments. Stories told by contemporary fiction writers of historical Bible times in fascinating and beautiful style.